With featured guest

Christine Meyer – Focus On Personal Development

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Episode 27 - Christine Meyer - Thumbnail Square

Personal development is a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life, and set goals in order to realize and maximize their potential.

This episode contains pieces of information and advice that are designed to help you to think about your personal development and ways in which you can work towards goals and your full potential.

Christine uses practical ideas and her own experience as an entrepreneur to empower, uplift, and educate her clients. Her personal approach to being a life coach is to teach her clients how to take charge and own their thoughts, emotions, choices, beliefs, and outcomes. Ultimately leading you to the foremost expert on You – which is you!

Learn how to set yourself effective personal goals and find the motivation you need to achieve them. This is the essence of personal development, a set of skills designed to help you reach your full potential – at work and in your personal life.

A bit about Christine:

I’m Christine Meyer, and I help successful, influential, passionate thought-leaders fearlessly create their life through a masterful understanding of their own empowerment.

This coaching is about you hooking into your power. It’s about motion-forward and drawing you into a resonant place so you can be ready for what you want. It’s about achieving the mastery of energy alignment rather than banging around in struggle.  

It’s not about fixing things that are seemingly broken (including you because you’re not broken)—it’s about you tuning into your soul so you can lead the adventurous, fun, aligned, and inspired life you want to live. I’m a life coach, but in the 16+ years that I’ve been doing this, I’ve also been described as a thought coach, a transcendence coach, a chiropractor for the soul, and a chiropractor of reality. Call it what you want, what I do is “adjust” you through a skilled combination of teaching, deep listening, and guiding. I lead you to the expert of you – which is you. I present intricate information in simple and practical ways. The pace is based on you, your energy, and the balance of your desires to your beliefs. The results are life-changing as you implement a new approach to being and experiencing your world. I know there are lots of things that matter to you, and I know you can have what you want. Life is simple, there’s no reason to make it more complicated than it has to be.

Where you can find them:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinemeyercoaching/
Website: https://www.christinemeyercoaching.com/

Where you can listen to this episode:

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