With featured guest

Lacey Alexander

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Lacey Alexander | The Remarkable Coach | Boxer Media

Lacey Alexander doesn’t often talk publicly about her experiences in the military prior to her entering the coaching space.

In this episode of The Remarkable Coach Podcast, Micheal and Lacey go deep on her military experience and how that informs her coaching business, from living abroad to holding crucial conversations.

This was a fun episode to record so get your pen and paper ready, you’ll want to take notes.

A bit about Lacey:

Lacey Alexander draws on her 21 years of experience leading multicultural and multinational teams in locations across the US, Japan, South Korea, Germany, and Italy.

She blends her leadership acumen with her background in adult education and development to guide her clients to grow personally and professionally to achieve success.

Where to findLacey:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creative_solutions_a2z/

Book Links:
The Alchemist – Paolo Coelho
Trust and Inspire – Stephen Covey
Dare to Lead – Brené Brown
Designing Your Life – Bill Burnett

Where you can listen to this episode:

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Micheal Pacheco 0:02
Hey everybody. Thank you once again for joining us at the remarkable coach podcast as always, I’m your host, Michael Pacheco. Today with me I have Lacey. Alexander Lacey draws on her 21 years of experience leading multicultural and multinational teams and locations across the US, Japan, South Korea, Germany and Italy. She blends her leadership acumen with her background and Adult Education and Development to guide her clients to grow personally and professionally to achieve success. Lacey, welcome to the remarkable coach.

Lacey Alexander 0:34
Thanks for having me, Michael, how are you today?

Micheal Pacheco 0:36
I’m doing great. Thank you for making time to, to chat with me here. So I like to always open the podcast by inviting my guests to just tell us a little bit more about yourself and your own words, and what got you into coaching?

Lacey Alexander 0:51
Yeah, so a little bit about myself, I would say that my values align with being able to have freedom and flexibility to enjoy life. I value learning, lifelong learning and helping people. And so I got into coaching because I had a mentor, as I was transitioning out of my last career suggest I do a coaching program, because I’m very passionate about leadership. I studied leadership, I’ve taught leadership for years. And so I got into a coaching program, actually not really knowing what to expect. And to become a coach, you have to be coached. And so I firsthand felt the impact and the difference that coaching made in my life completely transforming my life, and then knew that that was an area I wanted to focus in to help create that experience for other people.

Micheal Pacheco 1:43
All righty, tell me, tell me about your clients. Who do you Who do you work with who is your ideal client?

Lacey Alexander 1:50
My ideal client, the majority of my clients either identify as women, or are a part of the bipoc LGBTQIA communities. And that’s because they face a different set of challenges. There’s a lot more societal pressures or expectations levied on them. And oftentimes, they find themselves feeling a bit of imposter syndrome comes up, wanting to work on confidence. But it’s not that they’re not capable. It’s that they don’t fit this standard mold. And so those are my ideal clients, to help them to find their voice to find their strengths and to walk confidently in their purpose.

Micheal Pacheco 2:29
Nice. I see among the companies you’ve partnered with on your website, we’ve got BMW Johnson and Johnson, Warby Parker, a number of branches of the US military. Tell us about I mean, it sounds like you’ve you’ve worked with some pretty big names there. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Lacey Alexander 2:49
Yeah, what I’ve done is tried to be able to support clients from any industry, right, because what I focus on is not necessarily industry specific, it’s it’s human aspect, it’s the human aspect. So whether it’s government, higher education, or corporate, and I’ve had people from all different industries, it’s, it’s being able to reach them to understand what their goals are, and help them to succeed. And what I like to think is the person that I am directly coaching and impacting, it’s not just about them, because then they are in turn going to impact other people’s lives. So for me the work that I do is like a force multiplier helping pay it forward.

Micheal Pacheco 3:30
Yeah, I love that. So we at at boxer, you know, we do, we do marketing for coaches, and with oftentimes with marketing, there’s, there’s only so much that you can, there’s only so much change that you can affect with your own two hands. So we’re always you know, with the reason we get up in the morning, we’re always thinking about the second and the third order effects of the work that we do, and how we’re able to get messages out for coaches, I think that’s, that’s super important to keep that in mind it, you know, as a coaching and considering, like, when you work, especially as a leadership coach, or an executive coach, as you work with these influencers, the the impact that you make in their lives professionally and personally, is going to have a massive trickle down effect in the way that they and the way that they show up as leaders at home, in the office, wherever. So I think I love that. Where do you where do you get your clients? How do you market yourself and your services?

Lacey Alexander 4:31
So traditionally, I partnered with a few different companies and some companies out of Manhattan, I’ve been partnering with some higher education, Rutgers University, and that’s where I had gotten my clients and then I like to go to a lot of women’s networking events to try to find those those people defining their leadership. Path really

Micheal Pacheco 4:55
nice. You You mentioned or I guess rather I mentioned it here. in your, in your bio that I read at the beginning of the of the podcast that you’ve you’ve worked, you know, globally really US, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Italy. Tell us a little bit about that. Are you get all those clients through through Rutgers? Do you usually work internationally like that? Are you primarily focused now on the North America? Or?

Lacey Alexander 5:21
Yeah, well, that was my previous career. And so previously, I worked abroad, but what I draw on is the experience of leading those multinational and multicultural teams, I’m a huge I’m passionate about culture and the nuances high context, low context, culture, how we how we view time, communication, space, all of those things, I’ve done a lot of research around that. And then how that translates to what I do now is, when I do coach people from different cultures, I’m able to understand some of the impact of, of the dynamics of how they were raised and the expectations put on them and how that that impacts them operating in certain environments. And then I’m able to teach for Johnson and Johnson, for example, I taught a inter cultural communication class, excuse me, an intercultural communication class for their Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia and Australia, we broke it up into two sessions, but to really draw out those conversations and

and, in those conversations, recognize the differences but also how we can support and uplift one another. And then recently, I’m still working on finishing up my certification, but I did an IC bi coaching course, where now I can go into multinational multicultural organizations, and do an assessment based on the our inter cultural behavioral indexes, and help people identify where they fall on those spectrums. So that they can learn to communicate in and support one another in a better manner.

Micheal Pacheco 7:04
And is coached by by CBI is international course behavior, international culture behavioral index. Is that right?

Lacey Alexander 7:13
Yeah. Sorry, I can look it up for you. The

it is the individual culture blueprint indicator.

Micheal Pacheco 7:33
Ah, okay.

Lacey Alexander 7:35
And in that assessment, it’s much like a Myers Briggs 16 personalities, instead of based on personalities, where because I’ve lived abroad for 10 years, in a lot of my areas, I identify more with the European view, how they view time, individual versus collectivist society. And then then it helps us to all understand our individual preferences, so that we can then operate better with those around us. Nice. Where

Micheal Pacheco 8:05
did you live abroad?

Lacey Alexander 8:07
I lived in Japan, Germany and Italy.

Micheal Pacheco 8:10
Awesome, awesome. So, to satisfy my own curiosity, I went to university at wasa in Tokyo. And I worked as a commercial translator in Fukuoka for some time down in Kyushu. What was your experience, like in Japan? Where were you? Where were you in Japan?

Lacey Alexander 8:26
Japan, I lived in Okinawa, but spent some time up into the PO but I would say Japan was, was a really amazing experience abroad just because of the very different culture and very welcoming culture. So I would say Japan was a really great experience. It was my first experience living abroad. So I really tried to immerse myself in the culture, learn the language. Do you know watch the the TV there try to experience their

Micheal Pacheco 8:57
excellent pristine television, don’t they? Yeah. So so. So I’m putting some things together here based on you’ve worked with a couple of branches of the US military and you lived in Okinawa. I’m guessing you were on a base? Yes. Okay. Cool. Where are you in the military.

Lacey Alexander 9:14
So in my previous career, I was in the military. Usually, when I when I recognize in some spaces, if I lead with that, I can almost visually see people put me in a box that they don’t really know what to do with really interesting, because you have these misconceptions about what the military does. So instead, what I like to say is that in my last role in Italy, I had 215, US and Italian and all civilian employees that ran 13 different small businesses on the installation. So the coffee shops, the bowling alleys, and I oversaw HR functions, marketing, budgets, appraisals, hiring, all of those things. So not very military, like Yeah, and And then in that experience, I also did teach our mid level managers in Germany, I taught our mid level managers, leadership skills for our nation and our partner nations places Turkey, Czech Republic, we partnered with some countries in Africa and helped to develop their capabilities as well.

Micheal Pacheco 10:20
Yeah. That’s interesting. That’s interesting that if you you’ve mentioned if you lead with with former military experience, sometimes people don’t know like, what to do with that, I think from probably from a male perspective, right? You’ve got former seals like like Jocko Willink, and Leif Babban, who created Echelon front, which is a an executive consulting firm, and they’re, you know, that’s almost, I want to say it’s almost in vogue for like, former, you know, military leaders to go into the civilian world and start doing that kind of thing. But perhaps it’s, perhaps it’s the frame of working primarily with women and bipoc. That leads to that confusion. What do you what are your thoughts on that?

Lacey Alexander 11:09
Yeah, I would say maybe in the spaces, because in the spaces that I operate in there, there are a lot of people that have military experience. And it’s, it’s almost, how does that translate. And what I see the translation is the leadership training, we get it, it’s so many stages of our career. And then it’s built on at each echelon. And, and even teaching in that class, I taught on change management for the military was verbatim what I did in my graduate degree program. And I would tell my students, I’m paying $1,300 For this class, and you’re getting it for free. So how that translates for people is what I found in, in many industries, if you’re good at sales, or you’re good at marketing, you’re promoted. And now you’re in charge of people, but there isn’t support or training or development to give you the skills to be effective. Unless you’re going out there and searching or reading books or listening to podcasts, you’re kind of left to figure it out. And that’s a really reactive way to take care of people in organizations.

Micheal Pacheco 12:09
Yeah. Interesting. Interesting. I like it. What is the typical engagement with you look like? Do you work with people for like on a on a monthly retainer? Do you have like a three month program, a six month program,

Lacey Alexander 12:22
I have both a three and a six month program, where we’re working on coaching, I like to focus a lot on our values strengths, and and helping individuals define what success looks like to them, so that they can overcome some of those those confidence issues. And then it by the end of the year, I’m actually rolling out a leadership development learning platform, because most of my clients want to want to grow as leaders. But that’s not my role as a coach. So after the three to six month engagement, then they can go and there’ll be the stages of team development and how you manage your team through each stage to help them progress and breakouts for any kind of topic that you may need. So that they have that support as well. They’ve gone through coaching, found their voices, a leader found their confidence to step into their power, and then they’re going to get the skill sets that support them in that process.

Micheal Pacheco 13:18
What sorts of things did you did you struggle with when you started coaching?

Lacey Alexander 13:26
That’s a good question. I think for me, it ties back to that that military experience I I retired from the military in 2020, in the middle of a pandemic, I was living in Italy, we got stuck there in a hotel room for 76 days and couldn’t leave. And then I came back and I very much was an outsider back in the US. I hadn’t been here for years and starting a business in that environment was a challenge. And I I purposely chose to not default straight away to the government work, because I knew I could be successful in that avenue. I wanted to see how well our skills translated how well the conversations would translate was with people from different industries and working with healthcare, pharmaceuticals or any of those industries. How can I connect with people in any environment? And so I challenged myself to be able to do that. But I mean, it was a slow process, trying to reach out and make those connections. In a pandemic, when I’m, you know, I’m brand new.

Micheal Pacheco 14:32
Yeah. That was a I remember June of 2020. There was a flood of coaches to the market from people who had been laid off or just otherwise, you know, fired basically, from from their job and wanting to take their skills and parlay those into you know, something that they could do from home behind a computer where they can be safe and not exposed. Was anything, you know, not not exposed to the mystery of Coronavirus that it was at the time, right? And it was an interesting period of transition with a lot of a lot of difficulties. How did you? How did you get through that? Did you? Did you mark it? Were you? Were you actively marketing at that time? And if so, how were you were you weren’t doing in person networking? Right?

Lacey Alexander 15:32
Right. And, and what’s interesting is, when you go to training to become a coach, there’s not a lot of conversation on how you then have a practice, the entrepreneurship piece of it is still very foggy. It’s a you kind of learn by failing. Exactly, it’s so it was, there were so many virtual networking events, and I would just do those every week. Women’s networking events, different ones. And then in my coaching training, I connected with this really amazing group of women who come from all different fields, HR, marketing, sales. And so we all supported each other on the journey as well, expanding our networks. And so it’s alignment, alignment definitely helped. Nice learning, I spent a good the good first year, any class I could on entrepreneurship, and the states offer a lot of small business development support. So anything I could do to try to learn and grow on the business side of the house, while becoming more proficient as a coach and supporting people, so it was a growing process. And it still is,

Micheal Pacheco 16:46
yeah, yeah, never. That’s a the blessing and the curse of the entrepreneurs, you never stop learning. There’s always There’s always more awesome. Tell us about some some big wins that you’ve had in your in your career.

Lacey Alexander 17:03
Yeah, big wins. I would say that, for me, a big win is when we do our final session, and I’m asking my clients, what their, what they’re going to take away or they reflected on some of the big wins that they want to celebrate is hearing how coaching, the coaching has already made an impact and how it’s already showing up in the way they lead people. And to hear the people that started out saying, you know, I have I have impostor syndrome, one of my goals is imposter syndrome, and to hear them speak so highly of themselves. It’s a just, that’s it to me, like that’s victory to me, is knowing they’re walking away just a better human being. Um, so that success for me.

Micheal Pacheco 17:49
Yeah, I love that. I love that, I think yeah, imposter syndrome is I, in my opinion, I think that’s universal. It doesn’t matter who you are. You’ve got some level of impostor syndrome. And I remember working. Well remember, writers say, remember, like, this was a long time ago. This is like, you know, this could have been yesterday for all, you know what I mean? I don’t think impostor syndrome ever totally goes away. It just you you reach a point where you’re just like, you just become comfortable doing what you’re doing and taking those risks. For me, at least, I mean, I guess I could, I can only speak for myself. But I remember when I started working with my first coach for four or five years ago, and it was, I’m a very different person now than I was then. And a lot of that is just overcoming this crippling fear and anxiety of, you know, do we do who am I? Who am I to do this? Like, why would anybody trust me? So I think that’s, that’s super, super important work. That, again, not only affects the way that a leader shows up professionally, but it also affects the way they look in the mirror. Right? That’s that’s huge. Because that that’s affecting. That’s that’s affecting generational change, right, that’s affecting the family at home that’s affecting the children, the grandchildren, even the way that that person is able to show up for them. So I think that’s, that’s just unbelievably important work. So good for you.

Lacey Alexander 19:33
Absolutely. Of course, a lot of that comes from my own experiences, especially climbing the leadership ranks in a male dominated industry, and trying to do that in an authentic manner. And so I’ve done a lot of research recently around the way that we give feedback, subjective feedback, and how that does create some of that impostor syndrome. And even myself, I remember in one instance, a supervisor said you know, Sometimes you can be emotional. But I would say if it had been two years before that, and I hadn’t been reading things like leaning or actually stepping into addressing some of those micro aggressions, I wouldn’t have had the words to say, Okay, well tell me what that means. And he said, Well, you know, you’re always advocating for your people, and you’re sticking up for them. And I’m like, being a leader, because that’s my job. That’s what I get paid for us to take care of the people underneath me. And I said, so how do you see emotion showing up? You know, my coming in here crying or yelling? And he was like, Well, no. And I said, so what would be a different word for that? He was like, I guess, passionate. So yeah, and let me ask, Have you ever told a man that he’s emotional? And he was like, Well, no, no, there’s, you know, I had I not had that already done the reading and have that support system to be able to call that out, I would have internalized that. And Am, Am I doing something wrong by taking care of my people, or making sure that they have the things that they need to be most effective at their job? And, and I, that’s where that starts to creep in and make a second guess ourselves authentically. If you ask me, my leadership brand, it is taking care of people. That’s exactly what I title it. And so I was being genuine and true to myself and genuine and true to my values and how I operate in life. And that’s, that’s where that discrepancy comes in. Because, you know, we think this is how I operate, instead of valuing how we all operate and supporting each other to be our most authentic selves, because that’s when we can be most effective. For sure. I think through coaching, what I found is when I can, when I can help my clients to define what success means to them. And even for me in that career, I knew what success meant to me was work life balance, taking care of people, I wasn’t necessarily driven by making that last promotion. I was, I wanted to just live life and do good work. And so it wasn’t me chasing some, some aspiration that wasn’t even mine, I walked confidently in, in the work that I did and how I showed up for people

Micheal Pacheco 22:12
love it. Let’s talk about work life balance. You’ve mentioned that a couple times. Now, that’s, that’s important to you. Tell us tell us more about that.

Lacey Alexander 22:21
Yeah, work life balance. So I am a mom of two kids. And and I was in an industry where I had to leave sometimes. So seven times, actually. And so I miss my oldest daughter’s first, third, fifth and 10th birthday by going to the Middle East. And for me, when I was there, I wanted to be present. I wanted to be at the school events. And so I did good work, but I also was able to prioritize being there. And that doesn’t mean I didn’t get the the the flak for it, or maybe even the concern, the concern. But again, it ties back to that defining success. I was able to go to the ballet practice and say, No, I know that I met my objectives, I know that the things that I need to are taken care of, I don’t need to just sit here to sit here. I can go be present in their life to I don’t need to take work home because I know that I’m it’s balanced. And so that comes up in a lot of conversations as well as is. A lot of my clients want to progress and they want to be more successful in their career, but they also want to be present parents, and that’s not gender specific. Every time I would leave, I would be asked How can you leave your kids but but my, the male counterparts were never asked that question. But they want to be fathers too. They want to be present in their kids life too. And so it’s, it’s sad to expect them to just not because they have somebody else to take care of them. They want to be a part of their lives. And so work life balance is important across the board.

Micheal Pacheco 24:04
100% 100% In fact, I’m going to show you something

I’ve got an eight month old, my wife works part time she works about 30 hours a week. And so in about one hour, it’s 11:30am here and about an hour she’s going to be heading off to work and Opal my little girl is going to be coming down here and bouncing right next to me while I’m working at the computer. So it’s it’s super important and yeah, dads definitely want to be a part of their lives too. There’s no There’s no question about that least the good ones right. Yeah, so Okay, cool. Tell us tell us about some some failures sometimes where you’ve been working with a client and something has not gone well and what how did you work around that and what was your takeaway? What did you learn from that?

Lacey Alexander 24:58
Yeah, I would Say one big lesson I learned when I did a lot of traveling the summer. When going to different I was in a different timezone every week teaching and managing your calendar when you’re making an appointment in one timezone, but the next week you’re going to be in a different timezone was a struggle. And so I had one client, and one client in particular, and we just, we kept missing each other. And he he was like, ah, you know, this isn’t gonna work for me. And so I, I completely apologize and own that, that I needed to be able to be better at that if I was going to try to do at all. Because their time is just as valuable. So ultimately, that was a big thing is just trying to make sure that, that I don’t fill my schedule too much, or I can’t be my best for my clients. That was big. And then, and let me think early on. As a coach, when I first started two years ago, that imposter syndrome even creeped up in my life. And, and I’m not solving anybody’s problems as a coach, I’m just supporting them. But you’re, you want to do your best that you feel like you’re second guessing yourself. And so I know that I was probably more timid early on. But I would just try to center myself beforehand, watch some videos, try to just get myself in the mind space each time before a client so that I could try to show up the best but it still crept in a little bit.

Micheal Pacheco 26:35
What kind of videos did you watch?

Lacey Alexander 26:37
I would watch different YouTube videos on on coaching or different things just to remind me that that I know what I’m doing. And I can do this.

Micheal Pacheco 26:47
Yeah, that was when I was when I was working with with my coach. That was my mantra was I got this. I got this. I got us at anytime there was you know that anytime I felt that little guy creeping up in the back saying who are you to do this, I go find a mirror and I got this. Nothing, nothing.

Lacey Alexander 27:13
So I love I love to be able to share that or for you to be able to share that as well. Because, you know, for so many of our clients to bring it up to then be able to say like, No, we all understand universally, many of us feel that way. And so it’s not that there’s a problem with you. It’s that we just have to figure out how we can best overcome that.

Micheal Pacheco 27:34
That’s the thing, man, I think you it’s so easy to not talk about it. And feel very alone, right? The whole it’s lonely at the top bullshit, which is doesn’t have to be the case, right? It doesn’t have to be true. But it’s so easy to not talk about it. Right. And you think you’re the only person in the galaxy that feels like a fraud. And then yeah, once you start talking about a little bit everyone, you know, this guy pops up and says, Oh, no, I get that. I get that. I get that. I get that. Yeah. And you realize that you’re is I don’t know there’s there’s something cathartic therapeutic, freeing, about knowing that you’re not insane. You’re not the only person who feels that way.

Lacey Alexander 28:30
Yeah, absolutely. I used to try to use my position to be very vulnerable. To make it okay for those I learned to be vulnerable, because it’s just a very rigid environment. And so even even if I could normalize simple things like oh, today, my therapist said this, just to say it’s okay to talk to somebody, it’s okay to get help. Or, you know, I struggled with this, just like you said, so that then they realize she’s a human being. And I’m saying you’re a human being. And if you if we can’t talk about the things we’re struggling, then how can we support each other? How can we genuinely connect if we’re only connecting with our representatives are not our true selves. And so for me, as a leader, it was very important to set that example and to show them that that I’m still a person and you’re still a person. And together, we can support one another and then be our best.

Micheal Pacheco 29:28
Yeah, nice. We see what what if you had if you had three books that you would recommend all your clients read? What would those books be?

Lacey Alexander 29:42
I’m always gonna start with the alchemist. That’s number one.

Micheal Pacheco 29:45
Love it. Love it. Love it, love it.

Lacey Alexander 29:49
So definitely the alchemist it’s life changing. I would say one of my favorites recently is trust and inspire by Stephen Covey. It’s so good. Leadership, it’s so good for connection. I say that leadership skills are life skills because they don’t just make you better in your workplace. They make you a better partner, a better parent. And there’s so many nuggets in that book. And then the the last one. Oh, it’s between two you have for Okay, thank you. You let me for the

Micheal Pacheco 30:29
I’ll be very surprised if you don’t say dare to lead.

Lacey Alexander 30:33
Okay, I do love their to lead and it is right here on my blog. And honestly, due to lead is really good. But I always suggest that an audiobook because Brene Brown narrates it herself, and you can actually feel her passion when she’s reading.

Micheal Pacheco 30:46
Yep, actually, I didn’t read it. I’ve got the physical book. But we my wife and I listened to the audiobook together. So it’s a great, it’s a great.

Lacey Alexander 30:55
So actually in there to lead the military commander that she’s talking about was my commander in Iraq. And so kidding. Oh, and she is phenomenal is. It’s cool to hear that. But I would say the, the last book, I would say is designing your life, which has been a new favorite one, because I think through COVID, so many people have taken back their power and realized that they don’t want to just live in the rat race, and they don’t want to just go through the motions. A lot of people are taking pay cuts to feel more valued and appreciated or to have the flexibility so they can have work life balance. Exactly. And I think

Micheal Pacheco 31:36
the most important thing in my life right now. No question.

Lacey Alexander 31:40
Why shouldn’t it be right? It should be why would an organization be the most important thing in your life? Living should be the most important thing. And I think that book is so good because it helps you to be intentional about how you want to live.

Micheal Pacheco 31:56
Nice, I like it. One thing I want to mention you mentioned the alchemist Paulo Coelho. One of my favorite books, of course, I’ve got. So my wife, my family and I we live on 30 acres in the Washington State Cascade Mountains, we’ve got the West Fork of the Washougal river that runs through our property. And I was down there. I was fly fishing earlier this summer. And I stumbled across two stones that were sitting right next to each other one was white and one was black. And I grabbed him and put them in my pocket.

Lacey Alexander 32:32
That’s definitely a sign right.

Micheal Pacheco 32:35
They were like, they were just like little beautiful river rocks sitting right next to each other and one was like very, very white, in perfectly white and perfectly black. So it was kind of it was it was interesting. If you don’t get that if you’re watching and listening, you don’t get that read the alchemist. It’s amazing.

Lacey Alexander 32:53
The Alchemist is the reason why I retired from the military. Okay, I picked that book up, I like to read on airplanes. And I was in Italy. So I was flying to Barcelona, which I found ironic since it starts in Spain. And and while I definitely enjoyed the experience and the people I met and the countries I got to visit and all the benefits that came with it. I was at this point where I was feeling like I don’t want to I don’t want to have to sacrifice anymore. For my kids. My oldest was starting high school, didn’t want to have to leave again. I wanted them to have some sort of normalcy. But I was still at this point where i i wasn’t sure. And I read that book on the plane. And then I read it again that weekend while I was there. Oh, and then I went back and I retired I pushed the button to retire. So nice.

Micheal Pacheco 33:47
Oh, good for you. And thank you for your service. Thank you. Lacey, you’ve got a your goal is to help introduce benefits of coaching to people who are not just in the C suite, you’ve got a special for introductory coaching for our viewers and listeners you want to tell them about that.

Lacey Alexander 34:09
Yes, I actually have a special for introductory coaching for people who who are not quite there, but know that they want to be the best that they can in their future roles and responsibilities and really want to do it early on so that they can work on defining how they want to show up and be intentional again, taking it back to that designing your life be intentional about where they need to grow. And so I’m offering a special right now for three months of coaching for just $2,000 and that comes with two sessions a month but it’s it’s for those people who aren’t there yet but want to be great when they are there and don’t want to be reactive and developing themselves and and I just find people often feel guilty about investing in themselves. You know you have to take care of everybody else. But to do that, you have to take care of yourself so that you can be the best for everybody else.

Micheal Pacheco 35:07
Awesome, awesome. Lacey, is there anything else that you would like to chat about that we have not had an opportunity to touch upon?

Lacey Alexander 35:19
I would really I guess the last thing would be more of a more a more of a personal thing. I’ve been doing a lot of work around, trying to focus on on living and enjoying life. And so just moreso a message on on being mindful and, and taking time to really spend time with yourself and figure out what enjoying life means to you, because there is so much more to life than working, going through the motions. And being able to just enjoy the richness, whatever that means, within your means within your areas. Even being able to just live is really important to

Micheal Pacheco 36:10
know, no one was ever on their deathbed and said I’ve had I wish I really wish I spent more time at the office. should have spent more time at the office. Lacey Alexander again, thank you for your service to our country. And thank you for making time to chat with me here on the remarkable coach podcast. I appreciate it.

Lacey Alexander 36:31
Thank you. Thanks for having me.

Micheal Pacheco 36:33
And thank you to our viewers and listeners for joining us again. We’ll see you guys next time. Cheers.

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