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Building Trust and Overdelivering: Insights from Michael King

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Michael King | The Remarkable Coach | Boxer Media

Welcome to another episode of The Remarkable Coach! In this encore presentation, we have the highly sought-after executive and business leadership coach, Michael King, joining us once again. Michael is the founder and CEO of Teams.coach and is known for his proprietary Teams methodology that helps business leaders clarify and execute at high levels, resulting in measurable business growth and company-wide collaboration.

If you haven’t listened to Michael’s first episode yet, we highly recommend you do so as it sets a solid foundation for understanding his work. In this catch-up call, Michael shares insights into his coaching journey, his philosophy of being a resource player, and the exciting developments in his business, including the launch of the Level Up Leader podcast and upcoming books.

We also delve into his strategies for building trust with large clients and prospects. Get ready for an inspiring and informative conversation with the remarkable Michael King!

A bit about Michael:

Michael King, founder and CEO of TEAMS.COACH, LLC is a highly sought-after Executive and Business Leadership Coach. He helps business leaders clarify and execute at high levels through his proprietary T.E.A.M.S. Methodology to develop measurable business growth and company-wide collaboration.

Where you can find Michael :
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/michaelkingjr75
Website: https://www.teams.coach

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[00:00:00] Michael Pacheco: Hey, everybody. Welcome once again to another episode of the remarkable coach podcast. As always, I’m your host, Michael Pacheco. And today with me, we have an encore presentation of Michael King. Michael King is the founder and CEO of teams dot coach. He’s a highly sought after executive and business leadership coach.

He helps business leaders clarify and execute at high levels through the proprietary teams, T E A M S methodology. To develop measurable business growth and company wide collaboration. This is Michael’s second appearance on the remarkable coach. It was, his first episode was fantastic. If you have not heard that yet or watched it on YouTube, I highly recommend you go back and listen to that.

Cause that’s going to set a good foundation for you about what Michael does and how he does it and who he works with. And this is going to be just a catch up call. Michael, welcome back to The Remarkable

[00:00:51] Michael King: Coach. Thanks, man. It’s always great hanging with you. The great Michael

[00:00:57] Michael Pacheco: Pacheco.

You hear that? It’s the great Michael Pacheco, everybody.

[00:01:00] Michael King: You have such a powerful name. It’s I got stuck with Michael King, but then you get Michael Pacheco and you even get to spell your first name differently than me.

[00:01:08] Michael Pacheco: The vowel at the end is it gives it a little flair. But King is certainly a powerful name.

At any rate, for those of our listeners and viewers, Michael, who have not had a chance to listen to the first episode, why don’t you just tell us a little bit about yourself and your own words and why you do what you do and what exactly it is you do.

[00:01:26] Michael King: Yeah, I I have the, I stepped into this role of being a coach, not because I necessarily was chasing it down or anything like that.

I, in fact, I actually believe that the best coaches would agree that coaching kind of chooses you, you don’t necessarily choose it. I come from so my background comes from I was in the church world being an executive pastor for close to two decades of my life. And and just through that there’s something that happens when you become a resource player in whatever lane that you’re in.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re in the automotive industry. It doesn’t matter if you’re in dental, chiropractic, whatever. But if you end up becoming a resource player. In the space that you’re in there’s a platform that will be presented to you if you’re all about serving other people. And and that was my story, right?

So I was, my church helped I we helped grow it from, 500 to multiple thousands on multiple campuses over about a decade speaking on platforms. And the next thing, I was back in school, finishing up my masters and starting a doctoral program for, for executive coaching and I launched my business back in 2016 and I coach the world’s best leaders who lead the world’s best teams, plain and simple.

And I would have never thought that I would be able to get to do what I do today. And it’s a, it’s an awesome thing, but we’re making the world spin a little bit better day by

[00:02:45] Michael Pacheco: day. I love it, man. I love the I love the commitment and the.

What’s the word that the grip that you have when you say I coached the world’s best leaders with the world’s best teams. That’s great. You mentioned the phrase resource player a couple times there. Tell us about that. What exactly is a resource player? I don’t think I’ve I don’t think I’ve heard you use that phrase before.

[00:03:07] Michael King: I, we, you and I don’t know if we’ve talked about like scarcity versus abundance mindset, but I know that there’s some things that that leaders struggle with when they’re in when they’re in their entrepreneurial mode or when they’re in their business practices and you have to make decisions based on what you have or what you don’t have.

And sometimes it’s really easy for you to flip into scarcity mindset, but leaders who operate in abundance mindset. And abundance practices, you end up being a resource player, whether, whether that was something that you intended for or not, but it really simply comes down to this is that you have a keen awareness that you’re not just creating things for yourself, but you’re making an impact and a contribution into the community that you serve.

And so we give a lot of things away. I’ve always given a lot of things away. And so when I find out that things are working. Man, I’m going to pull somebody into my circle that, or if I bump into somebody that’s doing kind of what I’m doing, they’re struggling with some of the same things I struggled with.

They don’t have solutions you’re going to give them, we give them away. And that was what it was like during that phase of when I was in being an executive pastor. Yeah. Was that we had I had actually been positioned in a place to where I had some credibility and authority and a certain level of expertise on a very specific thing.

It just turned out that there’s a lot of people that needed help in that space.

[00:04:20] Michael Pacheco: Nice. Nice. So we last spoke in, I think it was August 2022 on this podcast. What is what’s new since then? It’s been, no, not quite a year, but it’s been a minute.

[00:04:33] Michael King: Yeah. We’ve I think. August of 2022.

[00:04:38] Michael Pacheco: That was when our podcast was published. We may have actually recorded the podcast a few months prior to that.

[00:04:44] Michael King: Yeah, we launched the little up leader podcast. So that was something that had happened as a result of that. And and that’s going well, that’s it took a little bit for me to try to find my voice.

I would say how am I going to fit into this executive coaching space as a podcast? Yeah. Yeah. Post, but loving what we do. In fact, we just dropped an episode today that I’m pretty excited about as well. Our business is continually getting more locked into the model of what we’re supposed to do in the first place and that I’m a little bit different as an executive coach.

Some of our branding actually is changing too, by the way. So you’ll be seeing that becoming a little bit more Michael King centric. So I have three books that are in writing process right now. And so we know that for sure within the next six months on the first one, we’ll be dropping but going back to just our business model of, I I do one on one coaching with executives mostly large businesses, fortune 500 space a lot.

And then I do tier two is our executive team to where it’s. Yes. If I get to work with somebody one on one within the executive coaching space, we have an option to expand that out to executive team engagement, and then that level three is full enterprise engagement. And and we’re pumped and like we have, we’re building more and more trust with fast paced big impact organizations in which they’re inviting us into the opportunity to work with their full team at full scope engagement and, and it’s pretty awesome, man. Like it’s absolute, it’s a disruptor in the, in that space. And we’re really having a lot of fun

[00:06:09] Michael Pacheco: with it. I love it, man. I love it. Tell me about what you guys are doing to build trust with these with big game prospects and big game clients.

[00:06:19] Michael King: The first thing is over delivering and understanding that in executive coaching space for us, I think sometimes people struggle. First of all, you know this, right? I think we might’ve talked about this a little bit, but somewhere during COVID everybody became a coach.

[00:06:34] Michael Pacheco: It was June of 2020 when everybody got the pink slip, got laid off and they just were stuck at home and they decided they’re going to be a coach.

I remember it vividly.

[00:06:43] Michael King: Yeah, absolutely. I, so like I said, I, coaching chose me. I didn’t chase it. So I didn’t like, I didn’t get fired from a job or anything like that. This was actually, a strategic thing that I felt like the Lord had opened up in my life. But But yeah, within that though, so it’s okay, we’re coming into 2023.

And now it’s inboxes on, on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and LinkedIn are completely getting jacked up and full of people that are doing their sales pitches via LinkedIn now. And so it’s okay, what are you going to do to consistently stand out? So one of the streams that became an incredibly high value for us was referral business and making sure that we had the right system set up.

And and so for us of understanding that every single relation, so when I told you those three tiers, always begin it with the end in mind, every single relationship has the opportunity to expand into, so the upsell availability of actually working within an organization of okay, we might be talking today that I’m just working with you, but we’re going to over deliver.

You’re going to be happy and then we’re going to help you transform your executive team. And then we’re going to help you transform your full organization. So there’s, so the overdeliver part is incredibly big. The second thing is making sure that we have an incredibly clear communication strategy. Like our internal communication strategy with our clients.

I’ll tell you this is that, we, I think sometimes that we think that no news is good news and it’s really easy for us to get busy and to get. Slammed with the things that that are priorities in our lives. And it’s really easy for us to go, you know what, I’m going to go ahead and just not check in with that client this week, even though I’m not meeting with them or I don’t need to update certain things within their portfolio.

But I’m telling you making a weekly dashboard, communications dashboard, regardless of whether you’re actually seeing that person for that week creating opportunities. So we have our teams that coach app in which we can easily communicate back and forth anytime that we need to.

And we make accessibility a priority that has been a game changer when it comes to building high levels of trust.

[00:08:49] Michael Pacheco: That’s awesome. That’s awesome. What kind of what kind of metrics, what kind of metrics are you putting on your dashboards for your clients? Is that client dependent?

I presume it depends on what their goal is and what their out ideal outcome is, what you’re working on them with, or is there, is there some standardization across clients of things that you like to track and pay attention to?

[00:09:08] Michael King: Yeah. So the things that are standard between all clients is really the team’s methodology.

So when it comes to the targets. That stands for the T engagement. So the three levels of engagement, like how am I engaging with myself as a person, how am I engaging with my team and how am I engaging with my crowd? And then action steps. What are the things that we said yes to that we’re going to do?

What were the outcomes momentum and synergy? Are the other two things. So what are the things that are slowing us down? And do I have the permission to remove them? That’s a big, but then our app ties into other things as well. It types into your apple your apple health metrics on your phone to where we, we get a report back of your sleep time.

We get a report back of yeah, absolutely. like your exercise maintenance, all those things that go into your actually lifestyle of being a healthy leader. We put those things on the dashboard and then their business practices, of course, we have to include top line revenue. We have to include stuff like that.

We have to include like your turnover percentages and your ratio of sustainability. And all those things really bring in together a pretty good holistic picture. So we keep those updated.

[00:10:08] Michael Pacheco: Yeah, that’s holistic is the word that the first word that popped into my mind. I’ve, I have not, I’ve spoken to hundreds of coaches to date and I don’t think I know of any other coach that does a weekly.

A weekly dashboard with a holistic metrics that are so holistic that you’re talking to the Apple health app. That’s pretty cool.

[00:10:28] Michael King: Yeah, we didn’t, it was one of those things to where I wish it, it wasn’t, I wish I could take credit saying that was like our thing, but it was something to where, to where we were tracking it, we were asking people to report it in. And one of my team members came and said, we don’t have to ask for that if they’re on the app, we, through the API, we can probably get access to a lot of that information. And I was like, all right, let’s give it a shot and do it.

And it works.

[00:10:51] Michael Pacheco: That’s great, man. That’s awesome. What else, is there anything else that’s that’s new since August that you’d like to chat

[00:10:58] Michael King: about? I don’t think there’s anything specifically new. We’re, I, going into quarter number four of last year. I guess new doesn’t always have to be good.

New can be unfortunate, but quarter number four of last year was the hardest. that we’ve ever had as a business ended up having to downsize our team significantly. And our fault was in the area of our business plan originally. And so we had to make some adjustments and some changes in order for us to be able to to make a to get out of the hole that we were in.

But basically the perfect storm was towards the end of Q. Three going into quarter number four was we had clients, I think we had four or five. It might’ve been even more than that, that literally gave us maybe a day or two notice that they weren’t going to renew or they were getting out of their contract because worst case scenario, the economy, COVID, all those things.

And it’s and when you’re working with larger organizations and we’re not a big team, that’s the thing. So when you’re looking at 50%. Of your income stream, literally disappearing overnight. You have to be nimble and you have to adjust really fast. And also too, I wouldn’t have it really any other way because I love what we do, but it’s not like the, it’s not like the on ramp with new clients is a fast one when you’re working with bigger organizations, sometimes they move incredibly slow when it comes to decision making.

So it took us a good three, three months for us to be able to go, okay, I think we got this now. Okay. It’s looking good. And then we can go from there. Yeah, I know.

[00:12:33] Michael Pacheco: I get that too. Cause I’ve done some consulting with some big companies, Johnson and Intel to name a couple of them.

And that’s it’s definitely takes a long time. Number one, for them to come to that decision. That they want to work with you. And then number two, to get you involved deep enough, deep enough in the process that you start to understand really the scope of what you’re, of what you’re looking at to a level at which you are able to then.

[00:13:01] Michael King: Yeah, 100%. And the value proposition of, I won’t even see the value proposition, but when we go, when we talked about a little bit earlier about that scarcity versus abundance mentality, it’s it will show itself. And I think that’s where even I had to get into check because I started to get a little freaked out and my spider senses started going off like maybe a year ago of going, you got to fix this man.

Because if the perfect storm happens, you’re going to be in trouble. And and so we started to try to adjust. I just, the thing is that we made some key strategic moves, but, but it just, the results finally started paying off a little bit later than I would have liked. Yeah.

[00:13:40] Michael Pacheco: Yeah. But you turn the ship around, right?

That’s the important part. It takes a little bit of time. There’s nothing wrong with that. Took a little bit of time to find your voice in the podcast. That’s totally normal.

[00:13:48] Michael King: Yeah, absolutely. I’m more than satisfied with where we’re at right now. And and we, in the middle of that, so we, we have some books coming out.

Are my keynote speaking schedule is busy and it’s good. And I love it. And more importantly is that we’re truly making an impact with the clients that we serve. I would, it would drive me absolutely crazy to have a roster of clients that were just average, it would drive me nuts.

So the fact, that I have. thE majority of my clients, I think our average top line revenue increase, our average top line revenue increase across all of our client pool right now is 1. 8 percent or I’m sorry, 180 percent top line revenue. Nice. And some of these companies aren’t small.

Like they’re huge. Yeah. So that’s amazing. I have a, I have one group cause we, when we talk about like setting up goals and things like that, we don’t really necessarily set up like just a 50 percent increase or a two X increase. We weren’t always talking exponentially, like 10 X over the next five years, what does that look like?

Let’s make sure we reverse engineer that. Sure. And, and we have one of our smaller businesses that they’ve been with us for two years and they’ve had over a 540 percent increase in top line revenue. That’s awesome. It’s absolutely incredible. And to see how they’re developing all the right things in the right culture.

Insanely good. So good.

[00:15:03] Michael Pacheco: That’s awesome. Can I want to ask, I want to follow that up with a question that you are. Absolutely. Welcome to tell me that you don’t want to answer it. What is your how do you bill your clients? What is your invoicing system look like? Are you taking the percentage of profit increases?

Do you just charge a flat fee? What does that look like?

[00:15:23] Michael King: Yeah, we just, we charge a flat fee. Okay. Trust me, there’ve been multiple times that we’ve been looking at the, looking at the reports of our clients coming in and going, if we would just did a percentage share.

[00:15:34] Michael Pacheco: That’s, that’s what I’m thinking.

So also, if you’re getting, if you’re getting these and you can tell me to shove my advice where the sun don’t shine, but if you’re getting these kinds of results with all of your clients, it might be a really great offer and you could get more clients if you had no upfront fee and you only charged for percentage of profit increase on the backend.

Cause then they have nothing to lose by starting to work by working with you.

[00:16:01] Michael King: That, that might be a, that might be a possibility. I think as if top line revenue increase was the thing, was the main pain point that we were trying to fix then I think that, that might be a very good option.

I think one of the things, cause just we can still drill down on that too. Most companies come because of the, because of a really big problem. People will embrace change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change. And so if somebody does come to me with top line revenue issues.

I’m going to solve that we’re going to work with their sales, verticals, and making sure that we get, if we find out what the problem is and we’ll fix it, maybe, look at structure, all those things, systems, making sure that those things are lined up, but at the end of the day, I’m only fixing timeline revenue problems so I can go with the bigger fix of fixing your culture, right?

And a lot of times organizations, they don’t know necessarily that their culture is messed up. Until they actually start to do a little bit more of a deep dive with me.

[00:17:02] Michael Pacheco: Yeah. It’s almost like a periphery thing. Like they’re, the obvious problem that sits right in front of them is not the culture.

The culture is almost like the second or the third order effect of whatever their, they think their primary problem is.

[00:17:17] Michael King: Oh, absolutely. It’s hard. It’s hard to see it. It’s like that old adage that it’s really hard for you to be able to see the label of the jar that you’re in. Yeah. And. So working with a leader that that is at least willing to accept that somebody’s looking in from the outside and going, okay, there’s a bigger, you want to fix your top line revenue problems.

I can, we can fix them forever, but we have to fix culture. That really, if you fix culture, you can fix almost everything.

[00:17:43] Michael Pacheco: I love it. Awesome, Michael. Cool, man. That’s, I think I just wanted to catch up a little bit. That’s about all I got. Is there. Anything else that you wanted to chat about that we haven’t had a chance to touch upon yet?

[00:17:54] Michael King: No, man, I think I love catching up with you, man. So thanks for letting me be on. And if anybody would like to connect with me or or check out the things that we’re doing to really help companies discover their best opportunities just, feel free to reach out to me. We are offering, free one hour executive coaching sessions as just a handshake start off for people that want to discover what it’s like to to go to the next level.

[00:18:16] Michael Pacheco: Awesome, awesome. You can find Michael King at the his website teams.coach. There’s no.com at the end of that, and the podcast is the Level Up Leader

[00:18:27] Michael King: with Michael King. That’s right. Level Up

[00:18:29] Michael Pacheco: Leader. And that is on Everywhere you can get your podcasts. You can find it on YouTube. So definitely check that out as well.

And yeah, Michael, it’s been great catching up, man. I appreciate you taking the time to, to come on and chat with me again.

[00:18:43] Michael King: Yeah, you bet. Thank you, Michael.

[00:18:44] Michael Pacheco: Cheers, man. Take care. And thank you to all our viewers and listeners. We’ll talk to you guys soon.

Sweet. Good stuff. Now, I’m wondering if if you would do a little promo for this podcast, we started doing that. I think this might be something cool that you could do for your podcast too where We’ll basically take, so have you basically pitch the podcast and then we’ll use that as promo for it. So tell me I don’t know yet.

This is the second time I’m doing it. So this is trial and error for us right now. Tell me how did you think that went? How did that go for you? Yeah, I felt like it went well. Awesome. What were the favorite, what were your favorite topics that we talked about?

[00:19:25] Michael King: Favorite topics that we talked about?

We talked about gosh, I can’t remember what we talked about now.

[00:19:30] Michael Pacheco: This is what, okay, so I know we, you, we talked about what it means to be a resource player. We talked about over delivering and building trust with big game clients and prospects. Talked about making weekly dashboard for clients. And then we talked about other stuff as well.

Those are the notes that I’ve got. I forget it all too.

[00:19:48] Michael King: Yeah, no, that was pretty, that was pretty good. But yeah, like talking about building trust and the the weekly communications dashboard, that’s, those are, that’s, those, that was really good content too.

[00:19:57] Michael Pacheco: Yeah. Awesome. Now can you just tell everyone who’s watching or listening why they should watch or listen to this podcast?

[00:20:05] Michael King: You should listen to the Remarkable Coach Podcast because this is a relevant conversation in which we do a little bit more of a deep dive this week on what it’s like to build trust, what it’s like to have higher levels of efficacy and connection with your client, and developing a communication dashboard and tons of really specific and incredibly valuable systems for you to be able to amplify the value of your coaching relationships with your clients.

Awesome. Perfect.

[00:20:33] Michael Pacheco: Perfect. So that’s our little video snippet and we’ll take that and with your permission, of course we’ll share that on social media. We’ll share that with you if you want to share that to your social media. And yeah hopefully it works. Like I said, this is my second time trying this, but it’s always nice to have, what’s that?

It’s a good idea. It’s always nice from a marketing perspective, right? It’s always nice to have someone else promote your product rather than you telling someone how great it is. And I remember, I don’t know if you ever watched I’m remembering Comedy Central from like the early 2000s and late nineties that cable TV station, Comedy Central.

And they always used to have the comedians at the end of the shows. They would have the comedians that are in the commercial breaks. The comedians would be the ones that say, it would say you’re watching I’m so and you’re watching Comedy Central. And that’s what got me thinking about this.

So that’s a great idea. Yeah. We’ll see how it works. Might be something to try for

[00:21:25] Michael King: a level up too. Oh, dude. Yeah. I just took it down as a note. So I’m going to give it a shot.

[00:21:30] Michael Pacheco: Sweet, man. All right, brother. I’m gonna let you go. Thank you so much for your time. Hey, man. We’ll talk soon. Take it easy.

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