Micheal Pacheco 0:00
Have fun.
All right, here we go. All right. Hello, everyone,
everyone and welcome to another episode of the remarkable coach podcast. As always, I’m your host, Michael Pacheco. And today with me, I have my friend Suzanne Taylor King SDK. SDK. Hey, Suzanne is the entrepreneurs secret weapon mental performance coach guiding extraordinary people to even greater things. Suzanne, welcome to the remarkable coach.
Suzanne Taylor-King 0:30
Oh, I’m so excited to be here. Thanks for having me. Appreciate you.
Micheal Pacheco 0:33
You bet. I appreciate you making time to join us on here. I think let’s be fun. I always open up the podcast by simply inviting our guests to tell us a little bit more about yourself in your own words, and why and what got you into coaching?
Suzanne Taylor-King 0:46
Well, it was a long journey to get to mental performance coaching as do a lot of work on myself, I started out as a health coach, fitness coach, coaching athletes and performers teaching fitness classes. Before that I was a dental hygienist for 20 years. And what I loved about being a dental hygienist was the interpersonal relationships, the building rapport, knowing my patients, I worked at the same office for 15 years, and being able to translate that into having my own business, which I’ve done numerous times in my life. But realizing that it was the building relationships, getting to know people that were actually that was actually going to fuel my coaching practice. That took a little bit of understanding in the first couple years. But it’s, it’s really one of my favorite things about what I do.
Micheal Pacheco 1:45
Nice, I love it. Tell us a little bit about your clients who aren’t clients, exactly.
Suzanne Taylor-King 1:50
Entrepreneurs, mostly, I love entrepreneurs who call their business a practice. So doctors, dentists, chiropractors, other coaches. And most recently, with I’d say, within the past year or two, I’ve discovered that coaches who are at a point in their career or therapist turn coaches really have a spot for me to really zone in on their special combination of what they do. And I have this way of pulling that genius out of them, and wording it in such a way that they feel more confident about what they do.
Micheal Pacheco 2:42
Okay, nice. So, two part question. How do you pull out the genius? And then number two, is, when you’re, you said wording it so that they feel more confident about it? What does that what does that look like?
Suzanne Taylor-King 2:57
Okay, so first part, how do I do it? It’s a combination of emotional intelligence, and deep knowing of yourself. So I think first, you really have to know yourself as a person, in order to know how you affect change. And other people, you could follow a program, or one of the Entrepreneurial Operating Systems read a book, you know, Coach from that perspective, but until you really know yourself, your trauma, your journey, your hardships, your failures, and explore those and the lessons you’ve learned. You you can’t really translate. What’s that unique thing that, you know, Michael has that other people don’t have? And, you know, there’s something called timeline therapy that I was taught years ago when I was doing nutrition coaching. And, you know, he helped me practice right. It is, it is and I organically started using it in my nutrition practice before I even studied NLP. And realized very quickly that you could take someone’s experiences that they’ve had throughout their life and translate that into what’s their secret sauce, is it resilience? Is it grit? Is it bouncing back better, is it maybe they have a knack for networking or speaking that they really didn’t realize they had? And, but you really have to go and explore all of those things in your life. And it’s not about dredging up the past but it’s about looking at it objectively, with that third party me kind of overhead view of it and I remember when it was done with me. And I said, Wow, I never knew that I was resilient. But now that you say it, and you talk to me about all the events where I was resilient, showed resilience. That’s amazing to feel on the inside like, wow, that’s, that’s a word I can use to describe me. And I love watching the magic that happens when people get that. That’s awesome.
Micheal Pacheco 5:41
Gosh, wait, I mean, what do what sort of changes have you seen in your, in your clients when you walk them through this process? Of, let’s call it self discovery? And, and they have and the light bulb turns on, right? The light bulb turns on what what kind of what happens?
Suzanne Taylor-King 6:03
I mean, the number one thing, if you realize that IQ is pretty much fixed, you know, if you test somebody’s IQ at 1020 30, it’s going to be relatively the same number within five or 10 points. But EQ, your emotional intelligence and your PQ, I call it your, your positive psychology, intelligence. Those aren’t fixed, you can learn them, coach them realize them and have them grow. So the first thing that happens is people start to see my clients as smarter. Better leaders, they become a magnet for other people.
Micheal Pacheco 6:58
more relatable. Yeah,
Suzanne Taylor-King 7:00
yeah, it’s, it’s almost like a different level of confidence in who you are as a person. And I think that’s my favorite thing. And, you know, of course, making more money happens, because you’re more confident with what you’re doing, you’re, you’re able to sell your transformation or your product or your service, when I’ve worked with some financial advisors, who were insecure in their networking, their message, and authentically connecting with other people, and you fix that it fixes your lead gen. It you know, you don’t have to go hire a lead generator, you know, to to message people on LinkedIn, because people are attracted to you as a person. So I love that.
Micheal Pacheco 7:59
It’s almost like a lead Domino, if you if you can, yeah. Through that process of self discovery, right, that first domino falls over and the other ones are gonna kind of naturally fall over as well.
Suzanne Taylor-King 8:09
Yeah. Yeah. And you have to be willing to do the work. My most recent client hired me to help her with her business. I’ve been an entrepreneur for 30 years, she saw that she heard me speak at an event, we had a call. She said, I want to do this, this and this with my business. And I said, awesome. I’ve met for hundreds of businesses. I’m gonna send you some frameworks, some paperwork to fill out. And we had two sessions. And I heard some self sabotage I heard and this is deep listening and really talking to someone. And I said, I’m gonna, I’m going to say something uncomfortable. Does that feel true? She was like? Yes, always happens. I’ve hired four other business coaches, and they haven’t been able to get me past this. And I said, What if we take a step back with the business coaching and work on you for the next six weeks? And work on your emotional intelligence and your reactionary thinking? She’s like, Oh, my God. Yes, yes. And so I already had the client for this over here. But realizing she needed something totally different after getting to know her. Sure. that? I don’t know, what’s that saying that’s, like, sell the client what they want, but give them what they need.
Micheal Pacheco 10:08
It sounds like it sounds like you were hired to treat a symptom. Yeah. And you saw an opportunity to treat the disease.
Suzanne Taylor-King 10:16
Yeah, that’s what it feels like sometimes
Micheal Pacheco 10:19
her personality, disease, right, but it’s yeah, it’s not a perfect metaphor.
Suzanne Taylor-King 10:24
Right, but close. You know, it’s about getting to the root cause of whatever’s happening in your business. And I guess that’s, you know, my holistic health background has that way of thinking. So, you know, if I have a digestion problem, I’m not going to take a pill to combat the digestion problem. I’m going to fix what’s bothering my digestion. Right. So I’ve always been like that. So if you look at that, from the aspect of coaching, if you hear a deeper problem going on, makes sense to have the tools and the resources to fix that deeper problem. Oh, yeah.
Micheal Pacheco 11:11
I love it. I love it that tracks. Thanks. Dan, tell us tell us more. Tell us about how you get your clients. How do you market yourself?
Suzanne Taylor-King 11:21
Oh, it’s such an interesting question. I would say now, after 12 years, lots of referrals. Lots of past clients who have podcasts, who have speaking appearances. I’ve been part of a speaker’s Association and had an agent for a little while before COVID. And was doing a lot of paid speaking. So clients just came naturally from that. Since COVID, I would say I’ve done more networking than ever before, from mastermind groups to having my own community. And I mean, people ask me about lead gen all the time. And I think, gosh, I have 40 people to follow up with this week that I’ve talked to from a networking event, or a Facebook group, or commented on my posts from social media. And I literally just make a list of the people every Friday, and I follow up on Monday. I don’t make a big deal out of it. You know, I don’t do any complicated funnels, or it’s very basic on my website, sign up and get an email series, you get 10 emails, and that’s all you’re ever gonna get. Unless you want to be on the list for my events, you got to sign up again. I’d rather have a really small list of super engaged people, rather than, you know, 8000 people who never opened my emails. Sure,
Micheal Pacheco 13:03
I love it. And if I may say, so it’s an interesting way to do it. I would argue that it’s a little bit counterintuitive, right? Because when COVID came up, in many ways, right, it made networking much more difficult. And, and right below, obviously, like zoom and stuff now. Right. But that wasn’t always the case before COVID before COVID Yeah, I think that networking was thought of as more of an in person thing, right?
Suzanne Taylor-King 13:37
And was, it was definitely,
Micheal Pacheco 13:40
I think a lot of people pivoted away from networking, when COVID happened and into things like like funnels, social media and so forth. So it’s, it’s interesting, what, what made you think, to pivot into networking at that time?
Suzanne Taylor-King 13:55
Well, I had always had a local network of people just from, you know, speaking locally, teaching workshops, and that kind of stuff. So I had already started to have that local community years ago. And when I came on to social media, I connected with those local people on social media. So that’s how I started the in person networking for me before COVID Before I truly learned a referral system, and networking system, a, an actual process of inviting people to a coaching session. serving them, you know, astonishing them with that coaching session. Having them asked me how they get more of that. I like that method of sales. Yeah, I never did that. When I was networking in person, it was kind of like those business cards like, Oh, here’s mine, here’s yours, here’s mine. Here’s your. And I knew I would come home with this stack of cards. And then when I would send an email is nice to meet you. Here’s my, you know, LinkedIn profile. Here’s my Facebook group.
Micheal Pacheco 15:25
Yeah, what’s when you’re typing out that out in the email? What is What do you type out that onomatopoeia?
Suzanne Taylor-King 15:32
Blah, blah, blah. Yadda, yadda, yadda yada, right? actually done that a couple of times, it got some good response, hey, it was really nice to meet you at so and so’s event last night, Yatta, Yatta, yatta want to buy my stuff, and they laugh, you know, and so I do handle some things with humor. But I will say since COVID, since you know, I would say maybe two and a half, three years ago, I started following a system for getting referrals for asking for referrals for giving those coaching. So my strategic partners all have a paragraph that they can gift a coaching session with me to one of their clients. So imagine a financial advisor, who is very successful. He’s got some awesome clients, and he meets one that’s going through a divorce, struggling with some mindset issues, struggling with, you know, feeling confident, whatever. And he says, You know what, look, I have this amazing friend who’s a coach, and I’m going to gift you a session with her, she’s going to wave her fee. And she’s going to serve you powerfully for an hour and not sell you anything, just really help you tackle this issue that you’re facing. That value add has done more for my business than I can ever say. And I was a little skeptical at first with doing it. But it really works. I love it.
Micheal Pacheco 17:20
I love it. That’s That’s great. Yeah, that’s, that’s brilliant. I think yeah, the humor approach is definitely a good one. Because especially in 2022, and 2021, like the things are moving. Business is moving away from the suit and tie formal handshake kind of situation. And it’s like it’s a people business, right? I mean, every everyone that works in a business is a person, Everyone that owns a business is a person. And especially at this level, I just it’s so much more pleasant to work with a human robot.
Suzanne Taylor-King 18:01
Yeah, I feel. I mean, I used to do contracts with clients. And I hated the word contract. And I changed it to coaching agreement. And it was much as much an agreement for what I agree to, as what my client was agreeing to. And I added in all these things up, here’s what you can expect from me. Here, here’s how I show up. Here’s how I want you to feel, I want you to feel like you can text me, I want you to feel like you can email me, I want you to feel that there’s there’s this confidentiality place, right? Whatever you say is between you and I, I don’t talk to my husband or my friends about my clients. Right. And I don’t talk on social media about my clients. Unless they tell me it’s okay. And that brings in the extra level. I think that’s where the secret weapon came in, you know, because certain certain executives, oh, gosh, if people know I have a coach for, you know, my mindset and my intelligence, my emotional intelligence, how is that going to make me look? I’m like, Well, fine. I’m not gonna tell anybody.
Micheal Pacheco 19:30
If you’re crushing it, no one’s gonna give it right. Nobody’s gonna care. No one’s gonna care.
Suzanne Taylor-King 19:37
Yeah, just do a good job and you’ll be fine. Right?
Micheal Pacheco 19:41
That’s awesome. What does what does a typical engagement with you look like?
Suzanne Taylor-King 19:45
Um, again, no contract, a coaching agreement. And we typically agree on a timeframe. I work with people anywhere from eight weeks 12 weeks to a whole A year, it really depends on the scope of what they want to do. And if you were to do everything I offer, it could be a three year engagement. But I feel like a lot of people come to me and don’t need everything. So everything I do is custom, hence the name of my company tailored coaching, I don’t really follow a program and an outline. For people. It’s it’s custom based on what they need.
Micheal Pacheco 20:35
Nice. What’s your talk a little bit more about? We’ll talk a little bit more about that. What is what is, what is custom coaching look like? Let’s talk about the beginning of an engagement. You’ve signed a coaching agreement, the client has signed a coaching agreement, you guys are on the same page, you walk into the same room together for the first or second time or the same Zoom Room, whatever it is, what, what is the, what does that begin beginning part look like? Where you’re trying to figure out? Like, who is this person? What do they want? What do they need? And how can I best serve them based on you know, the my potential? Three years of services that we could do? Where do I begin?
Suzanne Taylor-King 21:20
Well, I think it’s really important to know where they want to go. And, you know, goals, of course, are, you know, what would what would make you feel like this was a successful conversation. I say that often, you know, it’s one conversation at a time, what would make you feel like today was a meaningful or successful conversation. And I think I know my clients so well by the first or second third session based on the assessments that in the intake information that I have. And I think my questions tend to be thought provoking enough that it helps them reevaluate where they want to go. But typically, we start with the three principles of thought, how are they currently thinking and operating? What’s that system they’re operating from? Are they moving towards pleasure? Or away from pain? And how are they thinking about their every day, life and business? And if they’re thinking from the inside out? Gosh, we’re ahead of the game. But if they’re not, if the outside world is creating the inner reality, that’s where we start. I like that. You said something that,
Micheal Pacheco 22:56
that I’ve heard before from a number of my own coaches, towards pleasure versus away from pain. I think, understanding that is so so so important. Can you talk a little bit about that, and how, you know, how your approach will differ based on and whether they’re moving toward pleasure or away from pain, or both?
Suzanne Taylor-King 23:20
Well, I think when, when you know, how someone else operates, like, what is going to be motivating for one person might not be motivating for someone else. So I think it’s important, you know, Now me personally, I move towards pleasure. So, for me, if I have a weight loss goal, or fitness goal, or a money goal, I reward myself, you know, when I reached that goal with something amazing period, that’s what motivates me. That’s what keeps me moving forward towards those goals. Now, if I have a client who moves away from, ah, you know, this doesn’t feel good, I’m not making enough money, I’m struggling, I’m in lack. And they want to move away from that. I honestly, I tried to get them to see my view of motivation to see the pleasure. You know, yes, you’re moving away from pain, but can we talk about where you’re moving to, right? And that’s something positive psychology brings to the table, which I love. And that was an awesome distinction for me when I was learning about the principles is that traditional psychology you know, the, the diagnosis book of, you know, mental illnesses is like this thick You know, of all the different choices. And positive side, traditional psychology is about reliving those painful experiences and analyzing them and going over them and Bella horrible, right? Like, all you do is stay stuck in the past and try to think about it differently in the present. And positive psychology suggests leaving that behind and looking towards the future. And that resonated with me because obviously, how I’m motivated, I’m motivated towards pleasure. So obviously, moving towards the future made sense to me. And I think coaching somebody around those ideas, when they get it, when they see that those things that happened two years ago, five years ago, 2535 years ago, really have no bearing right here right now. They’re only having a bearing, because you’re still thinking about them. So rewiring the neurons to think about stuff from the future becomes an important play there.
Micheal Pacheco 26:31
Yeah, I want to pivot to something a little bit different. You mentioned. You mentioned the DSM, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of psychological disorders, something like yeah, the DSM two or three or four? Looking looking behind you. You’ve got you’ve got a couple books one or two. Yeah. And your shelves back there. Would you just share with us let’s say three of your of your of your favorite books that have been most impact on your life?
Suzanne Taylor-King 27:03
Oh, my God. Yes. So this shelf right here. And this is kind of cool how I can point to these I’m really loving this right now. So this is the positive psychology shelf all the big ones, you know, Martin Seligman, flourish, grit, resilience, all of those books. And as we move over this way, we get a little more towards the health and wellness side of me, you know, from cookbooks, to wellness to every different diet and meal plan you could possibly imagine. This shelf right here is the to read shelf. It’s a little full right now. So that’s how I gauge I’m not allowed to buy any more books. But three, three books came today. A client told me about this one, hope porn. Very excited to read that. And I’m one of the networking groups I’m in. The owner of the group wrote a book. So of course, I had to order that book. So I typically have four or five going at a time. My favorite prospers coach by rich Lipton, Steve Chandler, I live that philosophy and lived it before I read the book. So it was like, coming, coming home, gold to me. And atomic habits. by James clear. I’m essentialism Greg Magallon. favorite, favorite book for CEOs, executives, people running a company that are bogged down by too many emails, too many meetings. Like, let’s get to essentialism. And let’s see. I would say Ryan Holiday the hero. The obstacle is the way. Yep. stoic philosophy is a personal fave. I love the daily stoic love, ancient wisdom and how it relates to modern stuff today.
Micheal Pacheco 29:26
Nice. I love it. I have I have read. Have you. Have you read the one thing by Jay Papasan and Gary Keller. I have not. I feel like so I haven’t read essentialism. And I feel like there’s there’s always ever anybody that I talked to has either read one or the other and interesting ways like but they’re always a favorite. essentialism, they’re gonna quit essentialism and they’re gonna quote that as as one of their favorites or the one thing I Yeah, we’ve mentioned, but it’s it’s just and this is not really going anywhere. I just I find it funny that I speak to so many people that have written one of these books, but not the other one.
Suzanne Taylor-King 30:12
Well, that’s when I would say that’s unusual for me. And now I am just putting it on my list. Because one of my favorite things to do when I read a book is to read everything I can get my hands on about that topic topics. Yeah. So different perspectives fascinate me. One of the things I love about personal development is book summaries. And I worked with a coach numerous years ago, who wrote book summaries. And it, I was like, wow, this is an amazing idea. I can print one of these out. And I can basically get the 10 big ideas from a book before bed. And this became my nightly thing. Print one, read it before bed, print one, read it. And if it really excited me, I would buy the book. There you go. So right now, I’m really into self awareness, mind body connection. And all because my acupuncturist, who is a Chinese medicine doctor said to me, how learn to be so aware of your personal space, your body, what’s happening? And I said, Oh, I don’t know, maybe it could be emotional intelligence. It could be teaching exercise classes for so many years, you know, being spatially aware of myself, I? And she’s like, No, I, I mean, aware of what’s happening in your body. I said, Oh, I don’t know. So I came right home. And I went to my book summary websites, which I belong to two, and I downloaded every book on self awareness.
Micheal Pacheco 32:11
What’s your favorite book summary website? Or what are the two that you’re
Suzanne Taylor-King 32:15
optimize? Who wrote it by Brian johnson.com? It’s optimized.me. And so he has masterclasses book summaries. And it’s all free now, because he’s moved on to another company called heroic. And then the other one is Read It For Me. But I belong to a couple of different other ones. And there’s so many out there now. And there’s actually an online library that I like, as well. digital downloads of, of books, and that way, I can skim through them and toss them. Nice. If it’s not something that’s really what I need.
Micheal Pacheco 33:05
That’s great. And for our listeners and viewers out there, we’ll make sure and get these links and books on the awesome on the show notes. Because this is this is great stuff. Yeah, I’m not familiar with optimized.me. I love to read. And however, candidly, I am a an incredibly slow reader. I’m a sub Vocalizer. So I read out loud. And I just I read painfully slowly but I really, really, really enjoy it.
Suzanne Taylor-King 33:31
So okay, well, Brian Johnson’s structure for his philosophers notes, is the 10 big ideas from the book, he pulls out awesome quotes, like, so if you’re reading it, you could share one of those quotes, or, you know, maybe it motivates you that day that that quote, I love his style of doing it. Where Read It For Me, is, is basically similar, you know, 10 big ideas, ideas from each chapter, but it’s not as visual and you know, it doesn’t pull out quotes and stuff. So I like Brian Johnson style. He’s no longer doing those, but there’s probably 3000 of them on the website.
Micheal Pacheco 34:19
So keep me busy for a few days.
Suzanne Taylor-King 34:22
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.
Micheal Pacheco 34:25
Suzanne, let’s, let’s circle back. Let’s circle back to you and your coaching. Can you would you talk to us a little bit about maybe the kind of things that you struggled with when you first became a coach?
Suzanne Taylor-King 34:38
Sure. Are you self confidence? 100% Yeah. I think I was always a confident person. Like if you ask somebody from high school about me, oh, you know, she was she was confident she was secure herself. Didn’t cave to peer pressure or any those things. But when it came to, I was confident with a client if I was sitting with them. But when it came to putting myself out there in the world, and saying, This is what I do, that was difficult. For me, it felt super uncomfortable to be the brand, so to speak, because I had always worked for someone else. And my first business in the early 90s, was a retail store that did really, really, really well. And no social media, no advertising, just an incredible product that younger people wanted. And there was nowhere else to get it. So it was just great timing. Right? Yeah. And I was kind of the face of the business because I was there. But it wasn’t public. You know, it wasn’t like, on a billboard. It was like social media is and since you know, my generation didn’t grow up with that. I would say that’s the biggest struggle for newer coaches who are over 4045. It’s it’s kind of like a weird thing to be putting your face on your website and pictures of you. And yeah.
Micheal Pacheco 36:37
So when you say, excuse me, when you say putting yourself out there in the world and being the brand. Specifically, are you talking about marketing? Or are you talking about like sales having sales conversations?
Suzanne Taylor-King 36:51
Oh, the whole of it? Oh, yeah. I think the putting myself out there, you know, photos, and that kind of stuff was easier that came first. Yeah. And then sales for me. Through it, it felt it always felt easier. And still sometimes does. For me to talk about someone else’s products and services, like oh my god, this person’s awesome. Oh, you gotta listen to this. Oh, you gotta read this book? Uh huh. But when I got to talk about, you need to come and do my eight week emotional intelligence program. It’ll change your life.
Micheal Pacheco 37:40
Let me tell you about how awesome
Suzanne Taylor-King 37:44
a little different that that requires a certain art in listening and being able to talk about yourself in in that way. So I think that was the hardest thing to learn.
Micheal Pacheco 38:01
What did it look like for you to overcome? That? was a time was it practice time? Do you read a magical book? No. Did you hire a coach to help you work through?
Suzanne Taylor-King 38:11
I did hire a couple of coaches who I thought could help me with that. And that didn’t work out so well. I asked everyone I knew in with expertise in that area. For insights and help I read books on sales I read started I studied NLP. I’m I studied sales techniques, objection techniques. I took a class with Lindsey Wilson, who is like a master closer, authentic, closer. And some of the objection stuff still feels icky. Like so I would say it’s always a work in progress.
Micheal Pacheco 39:06
tried a bunch of different stuff. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So you’re, you’re the the picture of of Angela Duckworth, grit. Yeah, keep it just keep working at it.
Suzanne Taylor-King 39:18
Yeah, what works, what doesn’t work, what feels good, what doesn’t feel good? And because I’m one of those people who’s feeling led, extroverted, intuitive, and led by my feelings, and I don’t like following the same process every single time that gets boring for me. So I do try different things. And I think being intuitive allows me to do it one way for this client and do it another way for this client. And it works.
Micheal Pacheco 39:57
Well I like it. I like it. Tell us about some of your big wins that you’ve had.
Suzanne Taylor-King 40:05
Ah, let my favorite one is somebody I’ve known for a long time. About four years ago, I saw what he was doing on social media. And I ran into him at Starbucks. And we ended up sitting down and chatting. And I said, So amazing Facebook group you have, I think he had 5000 people in his group at that time. And I said, Are you monetizing it? And he sunk down. He was like, no, no, I said, no shame. I’m just asking. And he’s like, I really want to. And I said, you want to? And he said, Yes. And I said, I could help you do that. And he said, Well, I’m not making any money. I’m, I’m retired, I’m not making any money. And I said, Okay, well, if you really want to do it, I’ll help you for three months. And at the end of the three months, you’ll be making money if you do what I say, and you can start paying me. And he was like, really? I said, Well, I love what you do. And I love your business. And I believe in you. And I don’t do this all the time. But I think you could have a book deal and a podcast, and a membership community. And he was like I’m in. And now he has all those things. Nice. Yeah, that’s awesome. And I think I, because I knew him, it was comfortable with him, I was totally open with sharing the vision that I saw. And saying, Hey, if you see this, too, if this is like, you know, divine intervention, like you see it, I see it, I can help you create it. Let’s do it. And that was the first time I ever trusted that kind of internal compass that said, Oh, you see this for this person? Ask them if that’s part of their vision. Nice. Yeah, that that’s amazing. And then I love I think my my other favorite part is introducing people. You do? Affirm? Yeah, I do love that. Um, I, when I was a dental hygienist, I actually introduced two of my patients, and they’re now married with four children. So, you know, I do kind of have a knack for knowing people and knowing who would fit together.
Micheal Pacheco 43:08
You celebrate their anniversary with them?
Suzanne Taylor-King 43:10
Micheal Pacheco 43:14
You show up with the champagne and be like, let’s go.
Suzanne Taylor-King 43:17
That would be fun. That would be fun. I did run into them. At the swim club here in my hometown, when my son was little, and my son was like, three, maybe four. And the husband saw me and he was like, Oh, my God, I need you to thank for my entire life. I was like, no, no, I just scheduled your appointments. One after the other. You You did the rest.
Micheal Pacheco 43:47
That’s hilarious. I love it. Yeah. Oh, that’s brilliant.
Suzanne Taylor-King 43:52
So I love doing that. And I think the real the real win. When your coach, no matter what type of coach you are, is seeing your clients become who they want to be, whether it’s a business goal, a weight loss goal, or, you know, a relationship goal, you know, some of my clients end up, you know, working with me, and they’re single when we start working together. And I happen to say, are you interested in in meeting somebody or having a relationship? And they say, Well, yeah, just, it’s not really working for me or whatever. And I say, Can I share a story about what worked for me when I was looking for a relationship? Sure. And I give them you know, hey, I wrote down everything I wanted, on a piece of paper, I want this and this and this and this. Somebody who does this, somebody who says this and you literally just put it in a drawer. But I, every time I went on a date, or I met someone, that was the standard. Yeah. And if they weren’t that, I said no. And to see somebody take action on that and be proactive with it, he’s only 27. And he’s now dating somebody. Who is his whole list. That’s cool. Yeah, I feel I feel motherly. When something like that happens,
Micheal Pacheco 45:42
that’s great. I think I mean, if I if I, if I may, I want to share a short story. So yeah, my wife and I, this is similar but but a little bit of a tangent. So we were married already. And we were wanting to move, buy a house, buy some property, we sat down at our kitchen table, and wrote down our perfect ideal day, and and how that went in with where we lived. And like all that stuff. And it took about nine months for us to close on about 30 acres up in the Washington State Cascade Mountains, we built a three story house during COVID, we’re completely off grid, we have solar power, and a generate like this is like it all just like it’s stacking up. The only thing that we don’t have yet that was in our vision as well is horses. And we’re working on making that happen, we’ve got the space for it, we just need to build out pasture, put up fencing and that kind of stuff. But the power of taking time to write down with and specifically I think, for me, works with pen and paper as opposed to typing it out me to writing it down. And really taking time to think about what it is you want. That gets into your subconscious. And and you’ll you’ll you’re right, your reticular activating system will kick into high gear. And you’ll you’ll begin to look for that stuff subconsciously, naturally. There’s there’s a book called The MacGyver method by the guy who was the the screenwriter for MacGyver, the old TV show. And the way that they came up with all these crazy scenarios is that he would on a whiteboard, he would write down the problem, the situation that MacGyver got stuck in and take off for the afternoon. And he’d go and he’d you know, go for a walk and go have lunch, he go play miniature golf, whatever it was, he did. And then the solution would would come to him. Yeah, he had written down the problem. And his subconscious was processing. And he, he he went, he walked away from the desk, he walked away from the situation. And then he’s like, he’s like, for me, like every time I come back to the office, and like, the answer would come to me. That’s amazing. Oh, and that’s how I mean, if you ever if you’ve ever watched MacGyver, like there’s some weird situations in there and you like you’re thinking to yourself, as you’re watching it, how the heck is he gonna get himself out of this one?
Suzanne Taylor-King 48:29
I used to love that show. And it
Micheal Pacheco 48:31
takes some creative writing to come up with that stuff. And so the way he did it, and it works, I think it speaks to how it worked. Well, it works for any facet of your life, whether it’s relationships, whether it’s, you know, buying a house, your perfect average day, whatever it is.
Suzanne Taylor-King 48:46
Well, I think I think that that, you know, that’s one of those tools, that as a coach, if you have those tools, and you’re aware of those tools, whether it’s, you know, something like that, or just a book, or a habit, or productivity hack, or how about a supplement that helps your client sleep better, so that they focus better during the day, right? It could be something as simple as that. And having those tools to help guide the process of transformation is so rewarding. But it also makes you realize that you can do that for yourself. So if I have access to these tools for my clients, well, I need to use those tools for myself maybe even more of several recommending them. Right. And I think that’s been really big for for my growth in my business. my growth as a person realizing that if I do the things I recommend, and I walk that digital minimalist lifestyle, and don’t give in, don’t don’t check email more than once a day, then I’m in integrity with asking my clients to do the same. Right. So sometimes it’s hard to fill those shoes. But it’s important for me as a person to not ask my clients to do something that I’m not willing to do myself.
Micheal Pacheco 50:46
Yeah, I mean, that’s, yeah, that’s that’s a fundamental aspect of leadership. Right. And as a coach, yes, I guess, coach, you’re you’re you’re the leader in that in that relationship, at least. So yeah, I mean, it’s super important, right? No one. No one wants to hear do as I say, not as I do.
Suzanne Taylor-King 51:04
I heard that. I heard that the whole time I was growing up. But in my timeline, I got past that. Yeah,
Micheal Pacheco 51:14
absolutely. Suzanne, I want to be respectful of your time. We’re coming up at the end of the hour here. I want to thank you so much for taking the time to hang out with me and have this conversation. Is there anything that you would like to chat about that we haven’t touched on yet? Before we kind of wrap?
Suzanne Taylor-King 51:32
Well, I just want to say I, I love the conversations that you’re having and pulling out of people. I think it’s important for coaches to hear other coaches. And I just think that’s so valuable. And if I had had more of that, in the beginning, it would have cut my learning curve. So thanks for doing what you do.
Micheal Pacheco 51:56
Thank you, Susanna you all you do you have a community and a newsletter. Can you tell us about those for for those listening?
Suzanne Taylor-King 52:04
Sure. I have a community of entrepreneurs, called the IDEA Lab for entrepreneurs. It’s on my website, Suzanne Taylor king.com, you’ll see a tab for the IDEA Lab. Welcome entrepreneurs of all shapes, sizes, verticals, you name it. And it just launched, I took it off Facebook and into its own platform, June 1. So migrating people on an off social platform without algorithms, which is really fun. And I have a commute sub community within that for coaches. So any coaches listening. I love having these conversations. So love to have you.
Micheal Pacheco 52:53
Awesome. And Suzanne, where can people connect with you on the interwebs?
Suzanne Taylor-King 52:59
Well, my website has all the goodies and all the email courses that are free on there some great resources for entrepreneurs. And then LinkedIn is my social media platform of choice. Suzanne Taylor King on LinkedIn, and I’m open to connecting if you’re providing value to people, I love supporting entrepreneurs on social media. And that’s where I provide my best content. So my newsletter goes there. I post pretty much every day something in the realms of leadership, emotional intelligence, that kind of stuff.
Micheal Pacheco 53:37
Awesome. A little bit. Suzanne Taylor ck, thank you so much for joining us on the remarkable coach podcast. I appreciate your time.
Suzanne Taylor-King 53:44
Thank you. Thanks for having me.
Micheal Pacheco 53:46
And thank you to our listeners and viewers for joining us as well. We’ll see you guys next time. Cheers.