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Crafting Impactful Coaching Strategies with Craig Martin

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Craig Martin | The Remarkable Coach | Boxer Media

In this episode of The Remarkable Coach, we have the privilege of hosting Craig Martin, a seasoned entrepreneur and business coach. Craig shares his insights on transitioning from advertising to coaching, leveraging Facebook for business, and the importance of impactful coaching for entrepreneurs. We also delve into his coaching platform, Acclimated Minds, and the challenges of content creation.

Craig’s journey from advertising to coaching, the significance of impactful coaching, leveraging Facebook for business, the challenges of content creation, and the nuances of transitioning from working with large corporations to solopreneurs.

A bit about Craig:

Serial entrepreneur, business coach/consultant, and recovering advertising executive, helping entrepreneurs build 7+ figure businesses and exit to freedom for the past two decades. Now on a mission to help 1 million entrepreneurs make an impact.

Where you can find Craig:
Website: https://acclimatedminds.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craig-martin-b068824b/

Other Links:

Book Mentioned:
“Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman
“E Myth Revisited” by Michael E. Gerber

Where you can listen to this episode:

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Michael Pacheco [00:00:00]:
Awesome, man. Here we go. Alrighty. Hello, everyone. Welcome once again to another episode of the Remarkable Coach podcast. As ever, I am your host, Michael Pacheco. Joining me today is Craig Martin. Craig is a serial entrepreneur, a business coaching and consultant and recovering advertising executive, helping entrepreneurs build and figure businesses 2 exit and exit to freedom for the past 2 decades.

Michael Pacheco [00:00:26]:
Now on a mission to help 1,000,000 entrepreneurs make an impact, Craig Martin. Welcome to the Remarkable Coach.

Craig Martin [00:00:33]:
Thank you for having me.

Michael Pacheco [00:00:34]:
Yeah, man. On a mission to help 1,000,000 entrepreneurs to make an impact. That’s huge number. I love it. I love that you’re that marketing that moonshot. So as with always with with this podcast, the way that I like to open it up is just inviting our guests to tell us a little bit more about yourself in your own words and why you do what you do.

Craig Martin [00:00:54]:
So my journey started in the early 2000 in the advertising industry. I worked with a agency for about a year and a half, and then I transitioned out, started a design studio, then that transition into a boutique advertising agency, and that was the beginning of the journey till now. I no longer operate on the agency side. I’m now in coach on the coaching space, consulting space. But that journey the the coaching The journey began after making some changes in the advertising business. Mainly, I, At one point, deep project based on conversations and not by creative briefs and stuff like that. I Eradicate those out of my process. And the result that came from that, eventually, Clients start reaching out for to me for consulting, coaching, and then that was the beginning journey for Where I’m at right now.

Michael Pacheco [00:02:01]:
I love it, man. I love it. Why so clients started reaching out to you. Did you feel did you feel drawn to the coaching space more than so you used to be an ad agency owner. We’re and in that and now you’ve moved into the coaching space. Is that because Were you just following and product market fit, following the demand, or did you have an internal pull into coaching or something like that?

Craig Martin [00:02:27]:
There was an internal pull, but I think the my clients at the time helped fuel that journey.

Michael Pacheco [00:02:35]:

Craig Martin [00:02:35]:
And looking back then, you you were doing a lot of consultation along the journey. Trust that we have you haven’t officially titled it During the process.

Michael Pacheco [00:02:47]:
Yeah. What kinds of consultations were you doing while you were still owning the agency, and how did that change as you transitioned from agency life into the coaching space.

Craig Martin [00:02:58]:
Clients oftentimes will present creative briefs to you. And then there’s a lot of time when they’re looking for you to Basically, translate back what they presented to you to them. And multiple times, they will reach out. Okay. We have this. We’re Thinking about doing this project. We’re at this stage of it. How do you advise we go for forward? So it’s little by little, you there there are little points in between that you would be doing some form of consultation, some form of coaching, but as I said, there wasn’t a title tool at that point.

Michael Pacheco [00:03:38]:
Yeah. What did the transition look like? The process of formalizing the title, right, for coaching. You were doing it before, and then you formalized it and made it an official thing. What did that process what did that transition look like?

Craig Martin [00:03:53]:
It wasn’t difficult because at that point, I had a number of clients that I was basically Marketing in that space with. Because when I stopped working from creative brief creative briefs, Clients now start seeing gaps within their business because now I was doing stuff based on conversations. You have a problem, we sit down, we figure out what other problem is, and we figure out a, solution. And then now those conversations started leading into deeper things Mhmm. Because more questions now are being asked. Mhmm. I’m no longer looking at a piece of paper or looking for a at a document that was emailed to me. Mhmm.

Craig Martin [00:04:41]:
We’re having a conversation. And your physical interaction there, people’s emotions, like, everything comes into play. So now They realized that this problem was actually a perception. So it it went on So the coaching, consulting thing becomes a part of the process of the work that we were doing. Yeah. So eventually, just went. And I found that I was creating and providing more value In in that space. Yeah.

Craig Martin [00:05:19]:
It it wasn’t just about producing some creative work.

Michael Pacheco [00:05:23]:

Craig Martin [00:05:23]:
It was no longer about the The the TV, the radio, the print. It it wasn’t about those things anymore.

Michael Pacheco [00:05:31]:

Craig Martin [00:05:31]:
It was now about building This company, you you’re in the helping in a process of making this thing becomes something greater than it is.

Michael Pacheco [00:05:43]:
I love it. I love it. So who are your clients today? Who do you work with today?

Craig Martin [00:05:47]:
I work on a psychographic basis. I don’t A lot of coaches will so I work with entrepreneur at this stage I work with. I tend to choose clients based on psychographic, Where they are, what they’re looking to achieve, what problem is in front of you, and what’s your future state, how what your drive is like. Those are the things now that determine, okay. Do I wanna work with this person?

Michael Pacheco [00:06:17]:
So you don’t. Do you have, More specifically, do you have, like, a specific industry that you work within or a size of company?

Craig Martin [00:06:25]:
No. Not specifically. No. Over the years, as I said, you’ve been in the advertising business for 20 odd years. I worked across, wide spectrum, dealt with companies From early stage up to Fortune 500 companies, I’ve worked with them all. A lot of the major brands now across the country. I did work with a number of them.

Michael Pacheco [00:06:46]:
Nice. Awesome. How do you get your clients today? How do you market yourself and your services?

Craig Martin [00:06:52]:
Networking now mostly, and There are times when clients will reach out. I am basically now trying to present myself in a wider Skill make my presence more in in the world currently. And I I haven’t been And other person that was actively on social media over the years. So now I’m basically just getting myself in a space, trying to create more content to feed out there and also as a part of that goal of trying to Create some form of impact to that 1,000,000 and entrepreneur.

Michael Pacheco [00:07:33]:
Nice. What does a typical engagement look like with you, Craig?

Craig Martin [00:07:37]:
So my basic is 3 months. That’s my basic minimum package and that will I should give an entrepreneur enough time for a transformation because I coach around insights. Yeah. So it’s a transformational process with whoever I’m working with. And 3 months is a fair enough time for somebody to have some great Transformation in your process.

Michael Pacheco [00:08:04]:
What what does it look like within that 3 months? Are you meeting with the person once a week, once a month? Is there a group coaching involved, or is it all purely 1 on 1.

Craig Martin [00:08:13]:
So 1 on 1. And for that engagement for so 3 months, there’s 3 times per month.

Michael Pacheco [00:08:20]:
Okay. Yeah.

Craig Martin [00:08:21]:
Yeah. You you have 3 sessions per month, and then in between, I’m always available for follow ups, Stuff like that in between. And separate from that, there is a group coaching program. So that’s separate from that, and, that’s acclimated minds.

Michael Pacheco [00:08:41]:
Very good. Very good. Tell me about You you so you mentioned the transformational process. What is that what does that mean? Are we talking when you say transformational, Are we talking about specifically are we looking at revenue specifically? Are we building brands? Are we doing scaling and growth? Where does that transformation take place? There’s a lot of different there’s a lot of different aspects in business. Right? So where specifically does that transformation take place?

Craig Martin [00:09:10]:
The great part, my background gives me the advantage to spread myself across the board Mhmm. From the branding, the business development, All of that. So wherever the problem lies at the moment, whatever gap is there within that person’s, The entrepreneur’s journey then will identify and validate that it’s actually A problem that needs to be addressed and put the action plan in place, and we get this going from there.

Michael Pacheco [00:09:44]:
Nice. Do you use any do you use any do you have any, like, frameworks that you follow, or do you are you truly treating every client as a unique instance.

Craig Martin [00:09:54]:
I have a framework that I developed over the years. I did pieces I’ve worked using multiple frameworks. And then the things that I found myself using Most, I created a framework around that for myself, and that’s RISE. That’s a revolutionary insight for our success and empowerment. Love it. So so that’s a framework that I developed

Michael Pacheco [00:10:24]:
For myself. Revolutionary

Craig Martin [00:10:28]:

Michael Pacheco [00:10:28]:
Insights. For for success and empowerment. Nice. Yeah. So so tech

Craig Martin [00:10:33]:
Base that embodies what I do. And Mhmm. I I was using it for years. There was no name Attached to it, I was just kind of, oh, I have multiple frameworks that I work with, but then the same question keeps coming up. What frameworks do you use? So I was trying to figure out a name. Okay. So at first, I had the business evolution, When I saw it’s a little bit long. And I had it in my mind just playing around, and then The words are common words that I use in my process every day.

Craig Martin [00:11:09]:
And, eventually, they just Formed themselves together, and I just, okay. This is a great afternoon.

Michael Pacheco [00:11:15]:
Nice. I love it. That’s great, man. What sorts of things What sorts of things did you struggle with when you first made that transition out of agency life and into the coaching space? It’s a fun question. Right?

Craig Martin [00:11:30]:
Yeah. There the the thing about it, there’s always been some struggles along the journey. And, Again, that’s one of the thing that makes this journey a little bit exciting. There are clients that I was working with at time that was like, oh, but who’s gonna do this, and who’s gonna do that? So then I had to reach out, and then I had other people that I would break in to those clients

Michael Pacheco [00:11:59]:

Craig Martin [00:11:59]:
To handle creative stuff. And then It came to the point also that the Internet’s creative platforms start taking precedence, and then a lot of con clients would Start. Okay. We we move the small stuff over here, and then we leave the big stuff to the agency. And then It got to the stage where, yeah, I guess, everybody becomes a designer. So that was a little thing in between that I had to not just me, but most agents, the owners, had to deal with over the time, and then there are a lot of stuff that I had to Reeducate myself on.

Michael Pacheco [00:12:41]:
It’s an interesting point. I think you’re not wrong. There’s certainly a lot more designers today than there were 10 years ago. But I think coming from the position of an agency owner myself, there’s so much more to branding and messaging and marketing. It goes so far beyond visual assets. Right? Design is and small piece.

Craig Martin [00:13:04]:
That’s just a The sign is the very last piece of the puzzle.

Michael Pacheco [00:13:10]:
The last and. Yeah. It’s not even the first piece.

Craig Martin [00:13:11]:
Yeah. The very last. And Yeah. Unfortunately, that’s where a lot of people start.

Michael Pacheco [00:13:16]:

Craig Martin [00:13:18]:
Yeah. The the your branding is like a lot of time people, oh, I don’t understand Marketing. And then their questions, I will start asking.

Michael Pacheco [00:13:28]:

Craig Martin [00:13:29]:
And then I flipped that over and said, but You don’t have a marketing problem. You perfectly understand what marketing is. I said, oh, no. I I said, no. Your problem is a communication problem, not a marketing problem.

Michael Pacheco [00:13:43]:

Craig Martin [00:13:43]:
I said we make marketing decisions every day. The very Clothes that we put on, it’s a marketing decision. You’re doing something to create the Atmosphere in which you want people to see you.

Michael Pacheco [00:14:00]:

Craig Martin [00:14:01]:
It’s marketing, the the way you speak. Everything you do is marketing. You know? People have a communication problem. The the real issue that you have, you just don’t know how To package that and communicate it to the people Mhmm. That you wanna present it to.

Michael Pacheco [00:14:21]:
Mhmm. Interesting. Interesting. I might yeah. I can see your point. I might push back a little bit on that. I think A lot of what you’re talking about is it is marketing, but more than marketing, it’s branding. Right? It’s part of your brand, part of who you are establishing a brand identity, so to speak.

Craig Martin [00:14:38]:
Yeah. Branding starts from marketing. I said the the common person has the entire thing The other way. Remember, if you decide that you’re gonna start a company now, you you you’re venturing in a business, the first Decision that you make is a marketing decision. Most people, they they seek a name for a company. They see you can name for their product. They see and you’re ensuring that is something that is palatable. That’s where your marketing starts.

Craig Martin [00:15:11]:
Yeah. The your your branding, you’re gonna move from there from your marketing there. You’re gonna go to the branding. And The well, yeah, you have your attributes and all those things that will be developed. That’s a a part of the entire process. You have to identify and validate all of that before you actually move into the design phase.

Michael Pacheco [00:15:31]:
Even coming up with a name first is almost baffling. Right? Because you need to do you need to do product to market research to establish product market fit. Otherwise, you’re creating a solution, and you have to find a problem to match your solution.

Craig Martin [00:15:44]:

Michael Pacheco [00:15:45]:
Yeah. And you don’t wanna do it you don’t wanna do it that way. You wanna create a solution to match the problem that already exists and not have to look for a problem to match the solution that you’ve created.

Craig Martin [00:15:55]:
Yeah. The Pareto principle is something that I use across the board in a whole lot of different cases. There are a lot of use cases that I often present it. Your story is 80% of 20% of the puzzle. You’re looking for that 80 Percent of what already exists, and you find that 20%, that’s what you’re gonna use to own that. This problem is in the world, and There’s somebody that if they don’t have the coaching and a solution for that, What’s your solution? That’s the 20% that’s gonna complete that gap, and you’re gonna present that And use that 20% to identify and hone that sector. That’s where you sit.

Michael Pacheco [00:16:43]:
I like it. Tell us about some remarkable wins that you’ve had with your coaching. This is your chance to brag.

Craig Martin [00:16:52]:
Point. Yeah. I’m just trying to figure out which is which. Their client, one of my Clients I was, having a conversation with recently, and he was telling me that He’s at the stage now that he feels like he can walk from the industry that he’s in. He operate multiple business, but he said, I have learned enough from you over the years that I feel now I can sit beside you And do everything that you do.

Michael Pacheco [00:17:26]:
Wow. Nice.

Craig Martin [00:17:28]:
Yeah. And this is someone also that As when I start working with him, his identity, everything within his company was all over the place. And we sat down and basically scrubbed everything that he had, everything he was doing, and we start from the grown up. And he he right now, yeah, he is one of the prodest in choppinaries.

Michael Pacheco [00:17:57]:
That’s awesome.

Craig Martin [00:17:58]:
Yeah. It’s company. But most of the clients that I have, they leader remarkable results.

Michael Pacheco [00:18:03]:
Give us some examples, Craig.

Craig Martin [00:18:05]:
Most in the growth space. Like, they’re they’re clients that have triple, quadruple their income.

Michael Pacheco [00:18:12]:
Okay. And and what in in within 3 months or within a a bigger time frame?

Craig Martin [00:18:17]:
Most of within a year to 2 years.

Michael Pacheco [00:18:20]:
Year to 2 years. That’s great. That’s fantastic.

Craig Martin [00:18:23]:
Yeah. There is this company, the dad had passed and leave the company to the kids, and, they And himself within a little rat, but the dad had a company for 40 something years, and they did not wanna to walk away from it. And we start going through different processes, and That company right now is phenomenal. They after, I think, 7 months working with them, I found some gaps Within related market that they could venture into.

Michael Pacheco [00:18:59]:

Craig Martin [00:18:59]:
And they took the leader, and that I gave them Great return at, like, 15 months. It was less than 2 years. Mhmm. They had great success From those 2 market gaps.

Michael Pacheco [00:19:15]:

Craig Martin [00:19:15]:
And now they transition now into 2 other industries, and You’re doing phenomenal.

Michael Pacheco [00:19:23]:
Nice. Very good. Now let’s flip that table upside down. Tell us about some remarkable failures that you’ve had. The sun give us an example of a time when something has gone spectacularly wrong and you’ve learned a lot from it.

Craig Martin [00:19:39]:
The losses.

Michael Pacheco [00:19:40]:
They’re not losses if you learn from They’re

Craig Martin [00:19:42]:
never, and I fail. I tell myself that I never Phil, I I learned something. I transitioned to another phase.

Michael Pacheco [00:19:52]:

Craig Martin [00:19:52]:
But there is this company that I was doing some work And that was a dual Growth, consulting, advertising, was operating in both spaces.

Michael Pacheco [00:20:04]:

Craig Martin [00:20:04]:
And They had great potential, but somewhere along the the the path, something went wrong. And the expected results didn’t materialize. Mhmm. And I had to go back to the the drawing board, And I told him that we gotta figure out what changed the trajectory path. And The great thing, eventually, we got things back together, and I guided them to reposition the company To the point that within 2 years after that, they get acquired by a major player in the industry.

Michael Pacheco [00:20:46]:
Nice. That’s great.

Craig Martin [00:20:48]:
Yeah. But that 1st run was a disaster. A lot of pieces were missing from the puzzle, and Things just didn’t turn out the way we we had expected it, but I decided that, okay, I’m not gonna walk away. And, yeah, I worked with them back for close to a year developing back that new path. And they I had them position the company maybe 10 times what they were. Yeah. So even though there were this small company operating in the space, what they presented To the world, everyone thought that, oh, it was a huge company. So when the the how the company and approached them To acquire them because, okay, they’re like, everywhere we turn, these guys are there.

Craig Martin [00:21:43]:
And then This company, at the time I found out that they had invested, I think, like, something like and and something $1,000,000 in a factory because they were expanding. So now they see this little company now creeping into our space. So I guess they decided that, okay. We just did a big investment, so we need to find a way to fix this problem.

Michael Pacheco [00:22:12]:
We gotta we gotta squash that bug. Let’s just buy them out.

Craig Martin [00:22:15]:
Yeah. So they had acquired our company. So they say, at the end of the day, it was Still a great win coming out from the that disaster.

Michael Pacheco [00:22:23]:
So on a strategic level or even on a tactical level, how did you manage to position this company as being so much bigger than they actually were. Were you doing, like, surround sound advertising campaigns and that sort of thing? So they were just, like, showing up everywhere, or was it more than advertising?

Craig Martin [00:22:40]:
Funny stuff. They weren’t showing up everywhere.

Michael Pacheco [00:22:42]:

Craig Martin [00:22:42]:
It’s just the branding process. Plays. As I said, I scrapped everything that I did before, and the from the the design, the the messaging, everything was presented in a way that you see it, you would think, okay. This is a company of this magnitude doing this work. Just it’s just the way that they showed up.

Michael Pacheco [00:23:05]:
So can you go into a little more detail about what that actually looks like?

Craig Martin [00:23:09]:
So the in the branding space, The work that was done because, it got to the point now where I wasn’t allocating resource based on their budget. Because I said said, okay. We dropped the button in this, and we’re gonna Fix things.

Michael Pacheco [00:23:31]:
K. Sure.

Craig Martin [00:23:32]:
So there was no cap and the resources that were being allocated thought the process. Gotcha. Because at the eve at that point, they had they wanted to give up on it because they were like, we’re out of funds. Yeah. They’re like, we cap out, and they were even because there was 2 guys, they were at the point that they were Thinking of trust walk away from this. And I saw the potential. Mhmm. I knew what could have been.

Craig Martin [00:24:05]:
That’s the reason why I decided, okay. I’m gonna stick with you, and I’m gonna help you to fix this. Yeah. But it’s it’s just the work that was done In the process. Mhmm. That’s what make all the difference. They showed up like The big guy.

Michael Pacheco [00:24:22]:
So I guess my question is I’m not maybe I’m not phrasing my question very well. What does that mean? What does that look like to Show up as the big guy.

Craig Martin [00:24:32]:
TV was and, print, radio, everything was done.

Michael Pacheco [00:24:36]:

Craig Martin [00:24:37]:
The the quality of work that was presented would be the quality that is coming from a company way above

Michael Pacheco [00:24:48]:

Craig Martin [00:24:48]:
Weird there were at that time.

Michael Pacheco [00:24:50]:
Gotcha. Cool. Nice. Okay. Yeah. That makes sense. Nice, man. That’s great.

Michael Pacheco [00:24:56]:
Craig, what 3 books would you recommend all of your clients read?

Craig Martin [00:25:02]:
I would say all because I and to approach things based on where people are. But Thinking Fast and Slow, I think that’s a great book for, I’ll say personal development for strategic thinking. The he made it it gets It’s fair share of beating from a lot of consultants and coaches, because of his approach to things, and they’re telling, oh, system that they’re advocating for is not the best approach for a lot of entrepreneur. But Mhmm.

Michael Pacheco [00:25:41]:

Craig Martin [00:25:41]:
think it’s a working system. And, overall, I think it’s a good book for, especially, new entrepreneurs entering The world of business, I think, is a very good book to read. Mhmm.

Michael Pacheco [00:25:53]:
And it’s been E Myth Revisited? Yeah. Yeah.

Craig Martin [00:25:57]:
Yeah. I I think it’s a a good book for people that is just getting their foot wet. Agreed. And, again, anyone on Martin Neumeier’s book, I think is pretty yeah. It’s there. And that that’s a great one. Helps you to figure out Who you are, what you are, and what you’re doing.

Michael Pacheco [00:26:19]:

Craig Martin [00:26:19]:
What’s your purpose?

Michael Pacheco [00:26:20]:
Yeah. I knew Meyer’s great.

Craig Martin [00:26:22]:
Yeah. There So so there’s a couple other books, but this is marketing set and. That’s a good book too. Yeah. There’s so and.

Michael Pacheco [00:26:30]:
There’s a lot. Podcast. It’s a lot. We don’t have to close the call.

Craig Martin [00:26:33]:
The recommendation list is yeah. It it’s a pretty long list.

Michael Pacheco [00:26:39]:
Nice. Sweet man. Craig, this has been great. Is there anything else that you would like to chat about that we have not yet had an opportunity to to touch upon in this conversation?

Craig Martin [00:26:48]:
I would probably Impact is something that there’s a lot of things that I see in recent times in regards to entrepreneurs making an impact in the in in their industries.

Michael Pacheco [00:27:04]:

Craig Martin [00:27:05]:
And The journey of entrepreneurship. There’s a whole lot of misconceptions, and that’s one of the the the reason why I I decided that, okay, I need to start doing some things that I can impact. Leader life for me and entrepreneur. Even though they say technically there is, what, 3% of the world are actually entrepreneurs, but That’s enough people that are aspiring you can reach to.

Michael Pacheco [00:27:28]:

Craig Martin [00:27:29]:
Most people think that things has to be clarified for them to move. And there’s a lot of clients that I work with over the years that When you go in and you look at the trajectory path and you realize, oh, things are way off from where they were supposed to be. And oftentimes, you go and you think, social. This was supposed to be right, but it is left. And There’s a lot of time you and ask the client, what went wrong? And they would come on and say, oh, I was a complete idiot. Right? But You moved now to a new phase of your journey that you you now recognize this went wrong. Mhmm. I have an opportunity to fix this.

Craig Martin [00:28:17]:
People are looking for that clear path. There is never and there will never ever be a clear path to your journey, and that’s one of the reason why I a lot of people beat me up for 18, a business plan. But there is no space within a business plan ahead. There is failure. You never Every business plan tell you the glorious things that they will happen along your journey and never about the things that are Actually waiting for you on your journey.

Michael Pacheco [00:28:51]:

Craig Martin [00:28:51]:
It doesn’t work.

Michael Pacheco [00:28:52]:

Craig Martin [00:28:53]:
Yeah. Most the, an entrepreneur, they will create this great business plan and say, okay. This is the way I’m gonna do things. The moment they get into the world, they realize This doesn’t work. Focus on your future state. This is where I am. This is where I wanna be. What needs to be done? You you work on marginal success.

Craig Martin [00:29:17]:
Because if you’re dependent and clarity to move, it’s never gonna happen because you never know. Prepare yourself. Educate yourself. And it’s important. I I always said not because I’m a business coach. If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re planning to become an entrepreneur, a business owner, get a coach.

Michael Pacheco [00:29:39]:
I have a coach.

Craig Martin [00:29:41]:
Don’t get me. You don’t need to come and get me. There are a whole plethora of coaches out there. Go find Hey, coach. I thought I was doing great until that person stepped in my life. I realized that, oh, so I was doing all of it. Now that it was all wrong, you’re operating blind. And it’s it often get to a stage that you become so close to your problems, you get blinded by them.

Craig Martin [00:30:12]:
You no longer see what is happening around you, and you don’t treat it as a problem anymore. Step by step, small pieces. Eventually, you build yourself up. Every attribute that is required to complete your journey. Identify them. Validate them that they’re actually Needed. They’re required to take you to your future state and just continue the journey. Here’s, a funny story, which I think perfectly aligns with this.

Craig Martin [00:30:48]:
So some years ago, I I was traveling, and where where the destination always going to, it’s supposed to be a glorious weather. It’s one of those place that has one of the best weathers in the world. And when we got there, the weather was so bad that I couldn’t even look outside the window of the plane.

Michael Pacheco [00:31:10]:

Craig Martin [00:31:11]:
And I remember when the pilot, they came in and said, oh, prepare for coaching. I remember The plane the the moment you feel the plane hit the runway, we heard the hinges just powered back up, And the plane trust starts climbing back, and then everyone in the plane was starting looking at each other like, what’s happening? And then we were going Hop up for a couple minutes, and then everyone is now in that anxiety

Michael Pacheco [00:31:46]:

Craig Martin [00:31:46]:
Phase. Show. No one know what was happening. We can’t see outside. And this lady that was she was sitting in a house seat beside me, and she was she keep Repeating Boxer, what’s going on? Are we leaving? So, eventually, I we got to the a point where now You’re above the cloud, so you’re looking back down. And I could see a a a a pretty good view What’s happening down there? Because now you’re above above the cloud. But when you’re down there, you’re in the rain cloud, so you couldn’t see anything.

Michael Pacheco [00:32:24]:

Craig Martin [00:32:24]:
And I remember I turned to her, and I said, he’s no. I didn’t say you think. I said, he’s going up to Get a better view to land safely. And the guy that was sitting across Boxer there, I’ll see this as you think. So then I said, I hope. But at that point, that wasn’t something that pilot had planned for. Podcast. And part of the process.

Craig Martin [00:32:52]:
Sure. Now everything that he needed to do in that moment depended on clarity. You need to have a clear path to do whatever he was doing. He wasn’t there.

Michael Pacheco [00:33:05]:

Craig Martin [00:33:05]:
He, barked, and he going and. Do what he need to do. He came back, and he landed that plane. Now everyone was rejoicing, and we yeah. Because He completed the process. So don’t sit and wait in clarity to move. You don’t know what’s ahead of you. Just move with resilience.

Craig Martin [00:33:29]:
It comes. Grab the bull by the horn, and you just continue the journey. As I said, don’t expect you guys gonna do consulting, and all the impact that you need to create is gonna happen in the world at once. It’s marginal success.

Michael Pacheco [00:33:41]:
Yeah. That’s Growth. That’s great advice, Craig. I love that. Yeah. I think clarity is important, and there’s a time and place for it. But also as an entrepreneur, as someone in business, It’s definitely important to take action because if you don’t, you’re just you’re never gonna know.

Craig Martin [00:33:58]:
It’s You’re never gonna know. Gonna happen. It doesn’t matter what you do. It it never gonna happen.

Michael Pacheco [00:34:05]:
Yeah. Awesome. Craig, where can our listeners and viewers connect with you online, on social media?

Craig Martin [00:34:12]:
In Instagram, LinkedIn, in my name, Craig Martin. And Instagram, I am Craig Martin. And for my group coaching platform, that’s acclimatedminds.com. In the process right now of, recruiting. Yeah. You could go there, see if what’s been offered is something that can help on your journey. And as I said, that’s just building a network also to give and entrepreneur A resource to network with like minded people.

Michael Pacheco [00:34:48]:

Craig Martin [00:34:49]:
In the process, there’s a lot of They were their workshops, their masterminds, and stuff that’s done. Their hot seat process that yeah. Sometimes, yeah, that 1 entrepreneur is gonna okay. This is My problem that I’m facing now, and then everyone just gonna come in and you’re in the hot seat.

Michael Pacheco [00:35:07]:
I love it, man. I love it. Acclimatedminds.com, and then we’ll put we’ll include that we’ll include that link, of course, your LinkedIn URL, your Instagram, we’ll put all that in the show notes. Craig, man, this has been fantastic. Great conversation. I love I love having you on here. Thank you so much for joining me.

Craig Martin [00:35:26]:
I appreciate you, and thanks for your time.

Michael Pacheco [00:35:28]:
Thank you, brother. And thank you as always to our viewers and listeners. Without you guys, This podcast means coaching, so thank you so much for your attention. That’s the best gift that you can give us. And sure to like, described. If you know someone in your circle that you think might find value from Craig’s wisdom today, please share this podcast with them. And with that said, thank you again, and we’ll see you guys next time. Take care.

Michael Pacheco [00:35:54]:
Sweet, man. I think that was better that was a lot better than the last one. That was great. Very good.

Craig Martin [00:35:58]:
That was on my line. I don’t think that was really it. So, yeah, when something is is there and not going away Yeah. Something needs to be corrected so that I reach out to you because I’m like, why is this thing not not not leaving? This this bug just consulting, like, because there’s also even and particular question that you had asked that I think I didn’t really go in-depth on. I think it was. Yeah. My brain just take a little trip there.

Michael Pacheco [00:36:26]:
That’s alright.

Craig Martin [00:36:27]:
Oh, the mission, vision. Yeah. I said, yeah, I think that’s one one of the things too that I That I didn’t really go full depth on with the answer that I gave you. I I should have been I should have expanded More and exactly what I was think talking about when I I gave you that respond.

Michael Pacheco [00:36:50]:
Yeah. No worries, man. All good. All good. With your permission, I’d like to keep recording and ask you a few questions, And then we’re gonna have our editor at Boxer. She’s gonna edit this together and create kind of a promotional trailer for this interview, pod for the podcast. That cool?

Craig Martin [00:37:08]:

Michael Pacheco [00:37:09]:
Love it, man.

Craig Martin [00:37:09]:
I see.

Michael Pacheco [00:37:10]:
So in general, how did that go for you?

Craig Martin [00:37:13]:
Great. Yeah. We I think we accomplished something there beyond our last journey. Yeah. Yeah. I think this trip was phenomenal.

Michael Pacheco [00:37:22]:
Sweet. What were your favorite topics that we talked about?

Craig Martin [00:37:27]:
I think everything overall was pretty good. Yeah. I think overall, it was a very good educational conversation. There’s a lot, I think, the your audience can pull from From the conversations we had.

Michael Pacheco [00:37:43]:
Awesome. If you, Craig, had and big takeaway from the conversation, what would that be?

Craig Martin [00:37:50]:
The Marketing we discuss, because that is necessary on the journey of and entrepreneur. So, yeah, that is Would be a great takeaway for me if I was on the other side of the table.

Michael Pacheco [00:38:02]:
Awesome. Starting with the sentence, You’ve got to check out this episode of the Remarkable Coach podcast because leader tell everyone why they should check out this episode of the Remarkable Coach

Craig Martin [00:38:15]:
Cast. It’s a great path greatest podcast to help any entrepreneurs transition to the how to phase of Your entrepreneurship journey.

Michael Pacheco [00:38:25]:
Awesome. Can you try that again? Only this time, say, you’ve got to check out this episode of the Markable Coach podcast

Craig Martin [00:38:33]:
because. You’ve got to check out the this episode of the Marketing let’s go again.

Michael Pacheco [00:38:39]:
The Remarkable Coach podcast. Cast.

Craig Martin [00:38:41]:
Okay. So you wanna say this episode or you wanna give them

Michael Pacheco [00:38:44]:
This episode.

Craig Martin [00:38:45]:
Okay. And you got to check out this episode of the Remarkable podcast for info me

Michael Pacheco [00:38:52]:
All good, man. No worries. No worries.

Craig Martin [00:38:54]:
He said because of, so

Michael Pacheco [00:38:57]:
You’ve got to check out this episode of the Remarkable Coach Because.

Craig Martin [00:39:02]:
You forgot to check out this episode of the Remarkable Coach podcast because it’s the greatest Bad cause to help you on your entrepreneurship journey.

Michael Pacheco [00:39:10]:
Nailed it. Love it, man. Fantastic.

Craig Martin [00:39:13]:
Just trying to summarize it.

Michael Pacheco [00:39:15]:
I love it. No. It’s great, man. It’s perfect. Alright, Craig. Thank you so much, man. Is there anything that I can do for you?

Craig Martin [00:39:21]:
I am always on the journey of building in my network. So, yeah, the that’s a continuous process for me now. And, this trust let’s build a network. And Last time we spoke, you said that you guys did live marketing and stuff like that.

Michael Pacheco [00:39:42]:
Yeah. We do a lot of branding and messaging, social media marketing, content syndication.

Craig Martin [00:39:48]:
Okay. Oh, so you’re in the development side of it?

Michael Pacheco [00:39:52]:
We’re in no. We’re in the process and the publication side of it. So we’re we’re we do we take here’s what we do. We take A video from you. A short video, 3 minutes long. And we break that down into 7 posts. So you get a post a social media post every single day for a week. Mhmm.

Michael Pacheco [00:40:16]:
And that goes out onto syndicated into all the social media Cations. We turn it into a blog post for you for your website. We can turn it into a a podcast, an audio podcast for you. We can turn it into we turn it into an email newsletter. So we basically take a 3 minute video every week and turn it into a whole

Craig Martin [00:40:35]:
bunch of different stuff.

Michael Pacheco [00:40:36]:
So it’s like this idea of it’s a little bit of the surround sound marketing where you are everywhere at once. We call it social omnipresence.

Craig Martin [00:40:44]:
Yeah. Now There’s so many avenues, but you have to be very strategic now. Because I was doing some research the other and, like, What are the best outlets for people within the the the space? The top platform that came out, they were saying, oh, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Michael Pacheco [00:41:04]:

Craig Martin [00:41:05]:

Michael Pacheco [00:41:06]:
Okay. I would I would make sure Instagram is included in there as well, honestly.

Craig Martin [00:41:11]:
They had Instagram at the bottom. Path. But the number 1 was LinkedIn, and number 2 was Twitter, and then they had YouTube. And

Michael Pacheco [00:41:21]:
Yeah. We get a lot of social from YouTube, from Instagram, and from TikTok way more than Twitter.

Craig Martin [00:41:30]:
It’s not a platform that I use a lot. I have never over the years found it to be a an effective platform. Some people say they got result from it. There are people that reach out to you sometimes, but I never ever in much of a serious like, most of the people And Twitter. LinkedIn is slowly becoming that space now. It’s like the continuous marketing From people that did absolutely no research

Michael Pacheco [00:42:02]:
Yep. Correct.

Craig Martin [00:42:03]:
To find out We are. What you do is just that continuously generate information being populated to you every day. And in every day, they change the the subject line and sending back checking in back. I’m like, you’re doing this Every day, I never once took 5 minutes to try and validate That person is a potential customer before wasting all your time. Yeah. Yeah. Just stop for a minute and say, okay. Is this a valid customer reforming.

Craig Martin [00:42:41]:
Yeah. It it may seem like a potential customer, but is this a validated customer? It’s not. Mhmm. And it’s a continuous process over and over. Like, now every day, your your inbox is is just is packed with This generic marketing stuff. But the coaching, like, for the the content creation It’s not much of a difficult journey for me. I I think he’s just someone to just take care of all the other things. Yeah.

Craig Martin [00:43:17]:
Yeah. Because, like, I’m not the social media person.

Michael Pacheco [00:43:20]:
Yep. No. Yeah. That’s that’s that’s what we do. So, yeah, if you wanna if you wanna have a a a a conversation about that, I’m happy to chat with you more about Pat, but that’s definitely our focus is to essentially just take social media off of your plate so that you don’t have to worry about it. And really what it is, it’s content content marketing. So you’re qualifying your leads. Right? You’re creating content and and the people who then come and talk to you, Right? They’ve already been exposed to your message.

Michael Pacheco [00:43:51]:
They’ve already been exposed to your branding. It it really takes what what I like about it is that it takes sales out of the way, and it just becomes a question of timing. Right? You don’t if they already are familiar with you and they they’ve you’ve built trust, Sales conversation becomes super, super easy, which is great because I’m not really fantastic at sales, so it’s good for me.

Craig Martin [00:44:13]:
Most of us aren’t. And What what are our clients like to do?

Michael Pacheco [00:44:17]:
Because our clients are coaches, and they want to focus on coaching, so sales are are more difficult.

Craig Martin [00:44:23]:
Yeah. It’s funny because even over the years, like, you you’re I I work with some the JF Mills, the, You know, General Mills, Trust For Men, Kraft, all these companies are companies that I I did Growth projects

Michael Pacheco [00:44:40]:

Craig Martin [00:44:41]:

Michael Pacheco [00:44:41]:

Craig Martin [00:44:42]:
And when you look back at some of the things that you did and then you’re In a space trying to do something for yourself, and it’s the most difficult task in the world ever.

Michael Pacheco [00:44:54]:
It’s also it’s very different. So before I started doing agency stuff, I was a consultant. I’ve worked with Johnson and Johnson as a marketing consultant. I’ve worked with Intel. I worked with the Golden Globes, and those are gigantic projects. And when I’m when you’re working with coaches, These are typically very small projects, and we’re talking about solopreneurs. It’s a personal and, right, not a Fortune and brand. It’s just completely different.

Michael Pacheco [00:45:21]:
It’s so different.

Craig Martin [00:45:22]:
I think one of the thing is your all the technicalities of you now comes into play. Mhmm. Everything now has to be it’s like you’re on this continuous journey of perfection. It’s like the high because there’s no client now to say, okay. This is okay for me. You’re now looking at it from your eyes, and it’s for you. And then you create something, and then you’re looking at 10 other ways that it could be translated. Am I telling this story correctly? And these things just keep it’s just a revolving door in your head.

Craig Martin [00:46:10]:
Yeah. So for most people in the space, I think that’s difficult Part of the journey that they have to deal with.

Michael Pacheco [00:46:17]:
Yeah. Yeah. It’s it’s definitely is Difficult to do it by yourself, I think. We did we did a 90 day, a 13 week branding and Messaging workshop with a coach who was when we started work with him at the beginning of that, He was doing a quarter of $1,000,000 a year by himself. $250,000 every year. And within 6 months so we did a project with him for 3 months. 3 months after that, he had doubled his revenue within 6 months to half $1,000,000 a year by himself because he had Dunne. We because we figured this stuff out.

Michael Pacheco [00:46:58]:
We just we figured out his personal and. We figured out his messaging, and we got everything in alignment. And so when he was reaching out to clients as he was creating marketing assets, everything was in alignment, and he’s it makes it so Like, to your story. Right? If your brand is done very well and everything is in alignment, you are going to look and feel and seem bigger than you actually are because most people don’t have it dialed in that well.

Craig Martin [00:47:28]:
Most people are used to the un Structured environment. Yeah. I said the moment most things I was talking about we’re having a conversation the other day, and The mental models coaching came up. And so This person, she’s in the consulting space. Mhmm. And she was saying she work with a lot of The mental models out there and frameworks.

Michael Pacheco [00:48:00]:

Craig Martin [00:48:01]:
It came now to A person asked her to go a little deeper on the mental models, and then she got stuck. Then I the the the easiest way for me now to break it down for everyone that was there, so I said I said the average person creates probably hundreds of mental models every day. I know everyone was like, but if it’s a process, how do the average person create it? That’s it. Mental models are You as an individual structuring the information that is around you for it to make sense for you. The framework is how you manipulate that information to satisfy your desired outcome. Yeah. So most people, they’re used to operating within the hand structured environment. So the moment you present something in front of them, okay, this is organized.

Craig Martin [00:49:12]:
They found they’re now in a new space. You’re gonna trust climb to the top of the shelf immediately.

Michael Pacheco [00:49:19]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That’s the way we’ve seen it. But yeah. So tell me tell me a little bit about you and your content. Do are you making content? Are you doing social media marketing right now, or is that something you’re you haven’t begun doing yet.

Craig Martin [00:49:35]:
I just started doing a little stuff. Not much. I actually rated some contents that I earlier today, I was trying to figure out, okay, how Or what do I need to roll out first? My next step now is because those are, like, for Instagram and stuff like that. A couple articles that I had I had written. Oh, so, okay. Probably could do LinkedIn, stuff like that. So now I wanna start doing some video stuff.

Michael Pacheco [00:50:07]:

Craig Martin [00:50:07]:
And it’s it’s just to allocate some time, leader, just sit in front of the camera and just because there are so many topics that, there’s so many misinformation that’s circling around their their and because we’re in the the space now that information has become so accessible. I think a lot of people are mistaking the accessibility for value. So there there’s a lot now that needs to be not not a matter of can and needs to be presented in the space now. Yeah. And it’s not just from a coaching perspective, but, overall business. There is a whole lot. And sometimes I do cringe trust some and the stuff because knowing My background coaching with the companies that I worked with over the years across multiple industries, And from my the lessons I learned from my personal entrepreneurship journey, when you Take all of that and you put it together, compare it to what is now being float around in the spaces. Yeah.

Craig Martin [00:51:23]:
There’s a lot of people that have great goals that are not gonna achieve them on the journey that they’re on. And that’s the main reason why I said, you decide that you wanna become an entrepreneur, get a coach.

Michael Pacheco [00:51:35]:
Yeah. I’ve got a few of them.

Craig Martin [00:51:37]:
Yeah. The the things that you need, you’re not gonna see them, and they’re gonna accelerate your process years Because trust me. There are some things that you you really don’t want to go through the process of learning. Yeah. Get the coaching that person. And that’s one of the reason why I decided, okay. I’m gonna start doing some Coaching because a lot of people you talk to are like, I can’t afford that. And how should I tell people? It’s not a business expense.

Craig Martin [00:52:09]:
It’s an investment. This is not something that you sit and wait on the business to make money to do. This is some things that gonna help your business to make money. It’s gonna help you. It’s gonna transform you as an individual.

Michael Pacheco [00:52:24]:

Craig Martin [00:52:25]:
Identify where you are and decide which coach I need now in my journey to take me to where I need to be. Do I need a life coach? Do I need a business coach? Do I need a personal development coach? Figure out which area you need and get that coach.

Michael Pacheco [00:52:47]:
So this is it’s this kind of stuff, man, that you should be recording this and posting this kind of stuff on social media. Post it everywhere. You should be posting it on LinkedIn, maybe on Twitter. But I would LinkedIn. Dan, I would do Instagram. I would do TikTok. I would definitely do YouTube and YouTube shorts.

Craig Martin [00:53:04]:
Yeah. I actually created the YouTube channel. Yeah. So I need to let’s say, I just need to get my ass in front of the the the the camera. Listen. Every single thing that I need to do what I need to do, I have them all. It’s media I have the problem in the process right now.

Michael Pacheco [00:53:26]:
If you want to if you wanna chat about how we can Take some of that off of your plate. Like I said, with our with our clients, man, our clients and, on average, under 10 minutes per week on social media, less than 10 minutes.

Craig Martin [00:53:41]:
And they are Do you do it like a package, or how how do you

Michael Pacheco [00:53:46]:
let me, let me show you. Let me share my screen real quick, and I’ll show you a little bit about what the workflow looks like. So this is pretty much it, and then we do this every single week. So every week, You drop a 3 minute video into Google Drive inbox. We take that idiot that video. We transcribe the audio. We edit the video. The video gets edited on YouTube.

Michael Pacheco [00:54:08]:
The little clips of the video go to Instagram Reels, Facebook Stories, TikTok, LinkedIn. Basically get posted everywhere. Right? Social media cards, quote cards, audiograms, and it goes out to all these places. Right? We make a podcast out of it. If you’ve got local, which I recommend you do, Google business profile, TikTok, Instagram, Again, Twitter, Facebook page Growth, and stories, YouTube and YouTube shorts, LinkedIn page and profile, email newsletter, and a blog post. All from a 3 minute that takes you 3 minutes a week to do all of that, and we take care of it.

Craig Martin [00:54:48]:
The time you take to listen to a song. Podcast. Yeah. Exactly.

Michael Pacheco [00:54:53]:

Craig Martin [00:54:54]:
Yeah. The thought like, my my personal Facebook. I I don’t even remember the last time I logged in to that. The the business because I I I have to do doing ads and stuff Thought that. So that and I use because I have a retailer. I have a clothing brand. Yeah. So I do I run a lot of ads through the Facebook because you gotta run that through the Facebook profile.

Craig Martin [00:55:17]:
So Sure. That one And I use a lot. With my personal Facebook, it’s probably leader more than a year since I haven’t seen.

Michael Pacheco [00:55:24]:
Yeah. Yeah, man. If you’re doing fashion brand, that’s another good we can do this for fashion brands too. Send us a 3 minute send us a 3 minute video or just some images or something like that, and we can turn that turn we can turn those into social media posts.

Craig Martin [00:55:39]:
Yeah. Those are as I said, I’m creating content for that also. Yep. Now most of the things that I was Doing over the time was static. So now I’m I’m in the process of doing some you know, actually, I was supposed to shoot yesterday, but it didn’t work out. I gotta reschedule that. But it’s still not located in time.

Michael Pacheco [00:56:00]:
It doesn’t the video doesn’t have to be fancy. You don’t have to schedule a 3 minute video. You just pick up your phone while you’re walking down the street.

Craig Martin [00:56:08]:
I have. The the cameras, as I said, everything that I need.

Michael Pacheco [00:56:12]:
Yep. You just gotta do it, man.

Craig Martin [00:56:15]:
Equipment, I for the fashion thing, I I spend, like, About $14,000 in equipment for that.

Michael Pacheco [00:56:26]:

Craig Martin [00:56:26]:
Cameras, lights, and all of these things. Everything is there. As I said, I got all the equipment. This is Yeah. Yeah. The softwares, the everything is there.

Michael Pacheco [00:56:38]:
But what I’m saying, Craig, what I’m saying is don’t make it so fancy that you keep waiting. Remember, you said it. You gotta just do it. You gotta take action.

Craig Martin [00:56:47]:
What I was saying.

Michael Pacheco [00:56:48]:
You gotta take action.

Craig Martin [00:56:50]:
We create the result for the client, but when it comes to you, it’s

Michael Pacheco [00:56:55]:
It’s harder.

Craig Martin [00:56:56]:
Bank. Yeah. Yeah. But now I just I did quite a few things from the other day because I just realized, you you just gotta start. Yeah. Yeah. Well, for me, I’ve been just doing some things, but send me some numbers.

Michael Pacheco [00:57:10]:
Okay. I will. Yeah. I got a I’ve got another call coming up at 3:30 in 15 minutes, 3:30 Pacific time. So I’ll take that call, but I’ll I’ll send you some numbers tonight. Is there do you have any questions that I can answer about it off the top? Or

Craig Martin [00:57:27]:
Oh, I I think we spoke.

Michael Pacheco [00:57:29]:
Okay. A little bit.

Craig Martin [00:57:31]:
You know? As I said, it’s just for me to organize things and just figure out what needs to be done because I’m at a space now where I to create the impact that I I want to, I need to Growth the coaching, expert mainly the group coaching Mhmm. Platform.

Michael Pacheco [00:57:54]:

Craig Martin [00:57:54]:
That’s the thing thing I really need to grow now. You know? It’s something that started recently, and I need to fill that up, and I need to get it into a space where Even if people are not a member, there there enough information out there that and impact the life and entrepreneur or or inspiring Chinese entrepreneur. Yeah. But

Michael Pacheco [00:58:16]:
Yeah, man. I mean, so

Craig Martin [00:58:17]:
We can we can just as I said, right now, For me, as I said earlier, it’s about building out a a network. So we can definitely keep in touch and be trust trying to figure out some stuff, premier where I can be of any service to you and where you could be of any service to me. If there’s anything that It is within my ballpark that you feel okay, and you can always reach out, and we’d figure something out.

Michael Pacheco [00:58:48]:
Totally. I love it, man. That’s awesome.

Craig Martin [00:58:50]:
Yep. But, I think that’s it for now. I’ll let you run, and then we catch up.

Michael Pacheco [00:58:54]:
Awesome. Thank you, Craig. I appreciate it, man. Thank you for your time. Thanks for messaging me back to come back on the podcast. I think that was a good move.

Craig Martin [00:59:02]:
Yeah. As I said, I I I it was on my my my brain. It It wasn’t going away, so I said maybe it’s something you need to hack on. Yeah. Great. That was done. That’s what the the the way now, and let’s see what becomes of the new journey.

Michael Pacheco [00:59:16]:
Awesome, brother.

Craig Martin [00:59:17]:
If there is anything you think you can it’s a video or it’s a video audio?

Michael Pacheco [00:59:22]:
Video and audio.

Craig Martin [00:59:23]:
Yeah. If there’s anything that you can chop from the other one and and that you find maybe and the value that, okay, I can show this somewhere, then, Yeah. I can find some use somewhere. Cool, man. Yep. But yeah. We’ll talk, man. We’ll keep in touch.

Michael Pacheco [00:59:39]:
Alright, man. Take it easy, and I’ll, yeah, I’ll be in touch. I’ll shoot you an email later tonight.

Craig Martin [00:59:44]:
Yeah. I appreciate that, and look forward for it. Thanks for your time, man.

Michael Pacheco [00:59:48]:
Take care, man. Try to stay cool.

Craig Martin [00:59:50]:
Yeah. It’s it’s not that bad right now. I see. They said we were supposed to have a thunderstorm today, but it’s Parts of Miami. So I guess where am I was the part of it. Yeah. Nice. But yeah.

Craig Martin [01:00:04]:
Yep. We we I said, we catch up, and, hopefully, we can create some success down the road from what’s happening.

Michael Pacheco [01:00:11]:
Absolutely. Absolutely. Alright. We’ll talk soon, Craig.

Craig Martin [01:00:14]:
Alright, man.

Michael Pacheco [01:00:15]:
Take care.

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