With featured guest

Stephen Webster

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Stephen Webster | The Remarkable Coach | Boxer Media

Stephen Webster started his career at Pepsi Co before moving into the coaching space.

In this episode of The Remarkable Coach Podcast, Micheal and Stephen talk about Bruce Lee, finding your purpose, starting two masterminds, the difference between selling benefits vs features, and more.

A bit about Stephen:

Stephen Webster, CEO of Wellfleet Enterprises, helps business leaders ignite next-level growth through performance coaching, business systems, and technology.

He believes that gratitude and happiness are critical to success and is driven to help his clients live their best lives.

Where to find Stephen:

Other Links:
Zero To Dangerous — Apply Now

Book Links:
Steven Kotler (Author)
Be Water, My Friend – Bruce Lee and Shannon Lee
My Plan For Living To 156 – Dan Sullivan

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Micheal Pacheco 0:00
Kord All right. Hello, everyone, and welcome once again to another episode of the remarkable coach podcast. As always, I’m your host, Michael Pacheco. And today with me, I have Stephen Webster. Stephen is the CEO of Wellfleet enterprises. He helps business leaders ignite next level growth through performance coaching business systems and technology. He believes that gratitude and happiness are critical to success, and is driven to help his clients live their best lives. Steven, welcome to the remarkable coach.

Stephen Webster 0:34
Michael, it’s a pleasure to be here. Thank you so much for having me today.

Micheal Pacheco 0:37
Yeah, thank you for making time to chat with me. I always like to, you know, open up this podcast by simply inviting our guests to tell us a little bit more about yourself, in your own words, and what got you into coaching?

Stephen Webster 0:50
Yeah, from a coaching perspective, you know, you don’t start out as a coach in your career, you know, and, and you’re influenced by so many of the people that you meet along the way. And I was fortunate enough to start my career with the Pepsi Cola company. So I was an accountant, a financial analyst, and I was the first person in my family to go to college. So I didn’t have a mentor or a coach or a business leader. So So I was the bird that got to fly out of the nest, and figuring it out on my own. And I met such incredible people, they’re so talented, you know, from from the top schools, but they were also really, really focused on personal development, building relationships, mentor and things like that. So having had the experience, there, I think was a catalyst Michael, for how I then treated people and worked with people as my career continued to grow and expand. So I found myself always in situations where I wanted to engage in the dialogue and engage in the conversation with someone who had a problem or an opportunity or something that they were looking to do. And I found myself becoming both a mentor and a coach just kind of in a very natural way, and feeling really terrific about it when it could impact someone in a positive way. So as my career continued, I really worked in corporate America, for the early part of my career, ran a number of companies. So I was able to sort of take that mentor and leadership and coaching kind of style into my management style and into my leadership style. So in the days before COVID, and in the days before hybrid workforces, right, everybody was in the same office, or so. So you got to be a coach and a leader by management by walking around, right. So you had the ability to touch people and talk to people find out what was on their mind. So as I continued in my career, people would basically come up to me and ask me for more advice. So it became a bit of a snowball, I guess, from an energetic perspective, or from an energy perspective. And people would say to me, okay, they would they would talk amongst themselves, and they say, Well, what would Webster say here? Or what would Webster say there? Right, so, so not only that, I liked it, Michael, but then all of a sudden, I’m getting validation from it. So did you get so that’s really kind of some wristbands made around that I probably should do that. Right. We could start marketing that way, Michael, that’s the way to do it. But so so it just kind of grew that way. And then I got to the point in my career, where I lost energy on the corporate side of things, you know, you just kind of get to the point where it’s like, you know what, this isn’t really what I want to be doing anymore. And so about 12 years ago, I started I started Wellfleet enterprises as essentially a business coach, executive leader, strategist for small to mid sized businesses. And, and I’ve continued doing that for the last now 12 years going on 13 years. So it’s been it’s been a great journey. I’m doing a lot more coaching now than I did at the beginning. When I started the business, I was doing a little bit more fractional assignments, interested in certain things as well. So, but now I’m really, really focusing solely on the coaching practice.

Micheal Pacheco 4:22
I can tell me about the name Wellfleet.

Stephen Webster 4:26
Absolutely. So I have three daughters. So my three daughters, and I would go out to Wellfleet, Massachusetts, every summer for vacation. Okay, so if you were to speak to the three of them today, basically, summer means Wellfleet to them. So when I was starting my business, they were like, Oh, Dad, what are you going to call your business and one of my daughters Abby said, Dad, you should name it after Wellfleet. And that’s how I became Wellfleetthat process and it’s been it’s been that since I started it, so A little bit of a personal story there as well. And if you go up to my LinkedIn profile, you’ll see a picture from Wellfleet of something called Uncle Tim’s bridge. And it’s a, it’s a picture that my daughter, one of my daughters took as well. So

Micheal Pacheco 5:13
that’s great. That’s great. I just, I am a new girl dad. My, my daughter was born on March 1, so she’s about going on eight months old now. And it’s it’s, it’s been a fantastic eight months.

Stephen Webster 5:26
Congratulations on that nothing really has changed in your life has it? Michael? It’s still the same as it was before that, right.

Micheal Pacheco 5:32
100%. Yeah, nothing has changed whatsoever. Yeah. And just so

Stephen Webster 5:36
you know, that that continues forever minor grown grown adults now at this point in time. But that bond and that connection, and that commitment that you have with your daughters never changes.

Micheal Pacheco 5:48
I love it. I love it. Yeah, it’s a journey that I’m very, very excited to continue on. Are you circling, circling back to you? Who are your clients? Who do you work with?

Stephen Webster 5:58
I work with businesses that sort of the small to mid sized businesses, the two to 40,000,001 to 40 million across any industry, though. So the good news is I’ve got good breath around the industry, because it’s primarily process based and or you know, and it’s really getting getting personal and upfront and personal around personal goals and objectives and things like that. So I’m not isolated in any way from a vertical market perspective, I actually like the breadth of it. And what I find is, is, coaching is really a two way practice, if you know what I mean, like, let’s like, people asked me for my coaching, or my advice, or my counsel or my mentorship, but for each engagement that I have, I learned as much from the person I’m working with, as as maybe they do from me. So I view the entire thing is this really fair exchange of information where we are both growing, we are both learning. And for me, I get to then apply that learning to other people that I need in my practice, or just other people I need in life, right? Because so much of what we do every day then becomes kind of centered around coaching, and mentoring. So you’re able to take those lessons and those learnings. I also run one mastermind group today, and I’m in the process of building a couple of other mastermind groups. And what you find there is just the dialog, right that like minded CEOs, or like minded executives have, how they solve problems differently, how sometimes, if you’re in it, it’s hard to see outside of it on how you might do it differently. So there’s great benefit in sort of the community aspect of problem solving. Yep. So each of these things is just a tremendous, tremendous value for me, and hopefully, for the folks that I work with.

Micheal Pacheco 7:52
Yeah, that’s, I can see that. You know, it’s the it’s the same idea with a teacher, right? The teacher always ends up learning something, if she’s, if they’re doing it, right.

Stephen Webster 8:04
Indeed, and, and you just need to be open to that learning, you know, what I mean? It’s just having that mindset that says, you know, I’m, they might be hiring me for a certain expertise. But I think there’s an old saying, like, let says, the more the more I know, the more I realize how little I know, or where it goes something like that, right. So just being open to continuous learning is really critical. In what I do. And it’s, I would say that that’s something that I’m extremely passionate about doing is just continuing to learn.

Micheal Pacheco 8:35
Yeah, I think I’ve definitely I remember it at some point in my 20s. You know, I was I started out in corporate America as well, I was an engineer at Intel and computer computer virus research for McAfee. And when you start out learning, learning something for me, it was tech, you know, learning a little bit about engineering at first, you you start learning something, you’re like, I got this, I know everything, and you get very cocky and you feel like you know, everything. And then the more you learn, the more you realize how much there is to learn? How much you don’t know.

Stephen Webster 9:11
That’s right. Yeah, I mean, growing up, I think that I probably had that sort of a mindset to, which was that some of that learning was more finite, you know, as an accountant, you felt like, Okay, that was right. But that didn’t turn out to be the right career for me. So it evolved. You know, and I think now we’ve entered a stage of learning, right, we want to learn and the rate of change is really something that challenges everyone to do it, you know, I might have said, well, yeah, I was an expert at this or an expert at that 10 years ago, or 20 years ago. And now it’s like, whoa, you know, how much do I really know because it’s, the rate of change is just so fast. So how do you stay on top of that, right and how do you add uh, you just you have to continuously learn. You have to continuously grow to even perform in the function that you have today.

Micheal Pacheco 9:57
I’m percent you mentioned, some masterminds new starting two new ones. I want to circle back to that. Can you tell us a little bit about those?

Stephen Webster 10:06
Yes, I’m partnering with a group called growth 10, Joe Zelo. And Tom Healy, out of Scottsdale, Arizona, great guys had a chance to meet them work with them really connected with them. And I love kind of their approach. So I’m part of their network. And it also helps me sort of collaborate with other coaches as well. So being a coach can also be a very lonely business, if you’re just trying to do it on your own. So I have purposely connected with multiple networks, to really continue that learning journey, bounce ideas off of bring in help, when you need help, sometimes there’s a problem that you might not be able to solve for the person you’re working with. So be open to be able to bring folks in. So the growth 10 platform is has got multiple tenants to it. And it basically enables you to have mastermind groups, it’s also got rich content, and it’s a community of growth minded people. So the value that gets created there, I think goes beyond just the one on one coaching that any coach would do. So that accreted value I think is important to what I do and enables the folks that I work with to benefit from the community, in addition to just benefiting from their relationship with me.

Micheal Pacheco 11:23
I love that and when where can our listeners and viewers go to learn more about that, if they’re interested?

Stephen Webster 11:30
Well, they can certainly just go right up to my LinkedIn profile. And they can just book me so right at the top of my LinkedIn profiles to schedule a meeting. So they can come and learn a lot more about it, just simplify that for everybody. It just links directly to my Calendly. And they can just go and find some time on my calendar to do it. They could go so do it the old fashioned way by sending me an email that’s to Steven at Wellfleet enterprises.com. If they wanted to learn more about that as well.

Micheal Pacheco 11:55
Perfect. And we’ll include of course, we’ll include a link to your LinkedIn profile on the show notes. Cool. Thank you. Yeah, of course, of course, I want to circle back to your clients. So where do you where do you find your clients? How do you market your services right now?

Stephen Webster 12:11
Yep, two ways. One is through those networks. So I actually have a lot of flow coming in from those, I’ll refer call them referral networks, where, you know, they that kind of know a lot about me, when something comes up, and they see, so from a lead generation, they do that. But I’m also really now focused on kind of the LinkedIn lead generation aspect of it. And so I’ve got a program going there. And, you know, really reaching out to local, local CEOs or leaders in the area where I am the geographic leader, and I’ll expand that once I kind of get it right. So I started that program about three, maybe about two months ago. And it’s beginning to see some nice results. But it’s an interesting learning experience, you know, because there really is a lot of art and science to one being able to, to connect with someone. But then secondly, Michael, being able to have the next real thoughtful conversation with them. And everybody is busy, right? So you need to make sure that you are you are communicating your value proposition as best you possibly can. And how does that value proposition resonate with, with the people that I’m trying to connect with? Right? I’m not selling my coaching program, per se, what you’re really fundamentally doing is you’re selling, what’s the value that it will bring to their life to have a coach, you know, it’s it’s much more of a purpose base or a passion based type of a communication than it is around well, you need to buy Steven services, because he’s awesome. Now that that really isn’t it at all right? It’s a matter of of selecting and connecting with people that that could value my insights could value a relationship with me. And we’re aware where they’re coachable. You know what I mean, they need to be also coachable and open to new ideas and new concepts. So it’s much more around selection than it is around selling and finding the right people to work with. My goal is to not just have a transactional relationship with anybody that I work with. So one of the other things that I do in my practice, Michael is I’m a certified talent optimization consultant for the predictive index, which gets into behavioral assessments and understanding what really makes people tick. What are their behavioral motivations? What are their intrinsic values? How do they how do they generate their energy to do what they want to do? So doing that with everyone that I meet, enables me to start the dialogue and the conversation from a from a place where I get to know the person pretty well, in a very short period of time. And in this world of zoom, where so much of it is is is over the computer. It’s not like you’re having dinner with them a lot. It’s not like you’re going out and having coffee with them a lot. So what do you what can you do to build a real trusting relationship, because at the end of the day, if you don’t have a trusting relationship, they won’t get out of me what they want to get out of me, and they’ll be disappointed by it. So I use that as a really critical tool to be able to diagnose. And what’s awesome about it is most people after I do do the review with them, for the first time, Michael, they sit there kind of what their jaw dropped, right? Which is like, how on earth? Could you possibly know that much about me? When I only spent five minutes basically responding to some adjectives in a survey? So the science around it, right, and the data around it, and you know, the guys that predictive index, and there’s many of them, right, there’s disc, and there’s, there’s Myers Briggs, and all of that. But to that, I really went for the, and I had experience with all of them pretty previous to the predictive index, but I leaned in on that one, because I think they’re really doing great stuff in the world of talent optimization. And the behavioral assessment is really just one part of their tool. And so, so it’s one of the sort of the secret sauce, things that I do in order to basically get to know a person at their core. So that when when I see where they get stuck, you can refer back to where why they might be getting stuck objectively, and not subjectively. Right. So it’s just building that kind of a trusting relationship that I think creates a differentiated value proposition.

Micheal Pacheco 16:34
I love this. And this is, you know, I mean, this is a marketing conversation. And that’s what we do. So I could talk about this for days. Right. I love it. So I mean, a couple things that I heard you mentioned, you know, is you’re, you’re telling people, when you’re having these conversations with people, when you’re selling your services, you’re selling the benefits and not the features, you’re talking about how they’re going to benefit from what you do, the outcomes that they’re trying to reach. You’re not selling them on all the little tactics that you use to coach, you’re selling them on the outcomes, which is

Stephen Webster 17:05
so much salutely. Yeah, so important, right? Because it’s about the value, and it’s about the outputs. And that’s what people that’s what resonates with people, right, if you know, and I can also talk to them about how I’ve changed my life in positive ways to help motivate and inspire them, right when, when you when you look at the way you’re running your life, if you’re on the hamster wheel, and you’re just trying to you know, and you’re sitting there at the end of the week, and a lot of CEOs are like this, and a lot of executives like this. Alright, I put in another 60 hours, I put in another 70 hours, I put in another 80 hours, I compromised my relationship with my family, I compromised, I didn’t work out, I didn’t eat properly, I hated 14 restaurants this week, you know, when you rally all of that stuff together, all of that stuff doesn’t allow you to present your best self in anything that you’re doing. So I tried to kind of dig into all of that stuff, too. And a few years ago, and as you can tell, I have a little bit more gray hair than you do. So a few years ago, I was starting to feel some of the effects of quote aging, right, certain things hurt. This didn’t this didn’t work as well as it once did. I wasn’t as active as I once was. And I made a conscious decision to change that. And I found, I found high intensity interval training was the right thing for me to do in order to get physically fit. So now I work out every day, I do something every day from a weights perspective, or high intensity interval training perspective. And what you find is that that becomes a catalyst in your life is if you are physically fit. Now all of a sudden, you are more mentally fit. And then when you’re more mentally fit, right, you start to really not that I wasn’t already curious, but you really get focused on Wow, what do I need to learn here to become a better coach? How do I become a better coach? What are the life skills that I can help people with as they embark on their journey to be their best selves? So you know, it’s a continuous, it’s a journey of continuous improvement, as we know, but when you can get those basic foundational building blocks in place, and then I could prove I could talk to them about how it’s benefited me, because I’m living it. That resonates a lot with the people live the people that you talk to. Yeah,

Micheal Pacheco 19:29
yeah, I think I mean, you know, we’re kind of still really on the on the topic of marketing for coaches, right, and having those kinds of conversations, where are you even doing podcasts like this? Right, you’re, you’re really able to, well, not you so let’s let’s, you know, a prospect. Your ideal client is listening in on this and they’re really able to get a good sense. And I was talking to another coach about this the other day, you’re really able to get a good sense of who you are, of what you’re like a little bit about your person Melody, they can hear your voice, they can hear the inflections they can hear you speak with passion about something, and they’re either going to resonate with it, or they’re or they’re not going to. So you’re, you’re naturally by doing this kind of marketing, creating content, doing podcasts, you know, video marketing, we were talking before we hit record about audio clips, right, doing little audio grams for your social media, you’re really able to naturally and organically qualify your ideal clients, because the ones that are resonating with the things that you’re saying and how you’re saying it, they’re gonna naturally be drawn towards that they’re gonna follow you on social media, they’re gonna reach out to you and schedule that that chemistry call.

Stephen Webster 20:44
Absolutely. Right. And the question there on the marketing side continuing that right is, is the compound consumable? Is that content for them? Right? So you have, you have long form content, you have short form content, you have little clips, you have little vignettes. And it’s finding kind of that right balance, where, where, where it’s you’re offering, you’re offering your target audience or the people that you want to resonate with, you have a variety of different things so that they can select and choose how they want to engage and interact with the media, instead of it just sort of being one way. It’s, it’s okay, all I do is blog posts. Well, if all I do is blog posts, I’m actually eliminating a big section of the people that I want to talk to because many of them don’t want to read blog posts anymore. I mean, I look at my feed every single day on LinkedIn, you know what, there’s a lot of stuff there. So you know, which ones which ones are captivating, which ones get you to think about it, right? So you’re exactly right. From the marketing perspective, as a coach, it’s a matter of being broad in the value creation, or the content creation, I always make sure in everything that I do as well is to give them things that they could do today, you know, so So it’s not about like holding back anything. It’s about helping first, right. So today, I did a bit of blog posts today on LinkedIn around around some of the findings and the lessons and philosophy of Bruce Lee. So if you go all the way back to Bruce Lee, right, he’s got there was so much inspiration there and what he had to say, you know, and it’s 40 years ago, 50 years ago since he passed, but when you read some of the quotes that he has, in some of the inspirational quotes, it’s so spot on. He’s a thinker. He was the thinker, right? And he was somebody who really, basically bridge the east and the west, right? He, he looked at all the disciplines of martial arts didn’t just choose one and created something completely different because he was very growth minded and said, You know what, there’s value in all of these things. Instead of saying, Well, let me limit myself to jujitsu, well, let me get myself to visually become the best person here, were the best person there. He took from all of those things and created created something far greater than what any of them do on their own. So that’s just one example, right? Of finding the right things that that get people to say, you know, what, today’s the day, but I’m going to do something different. Now, because it’s really easy to not do anything different. It’s really easy to to say, Okay, well, this is just the way it is. And it’s up to you, in your own mind to make a different choice. And once you make a different choice, then it’s a matter of Alright, how do you stay on it, right, it takes, it might take you an eye a month to create a new habit, it might take somebody else six months to create a new habit. Do they have the patience to do that. And that’s really where where folks kind of come and go right? In their journeys, there’s a lot of starting and stopping, because they’re not yet fully committed to doing it. Now, once you make the commitment to doing it, and I’ll use my exercise routine, as an example, once you get committed to do it, it’s just like putting your pants on or putting a shirt on or brushing your teeth. It’s not an optional thing that I’m Oh, you know what, maybe I’ll do it today. Or maybe I won’t do it. It’s not even part of that. That’s what I’m doing today. It’s an app calendar. It’s scheduled, I’ll do it that you know what I mean? So it’s but it’s, it’s creating those behaviors of change, and finding that marginal growth, where you see Well, I think that you know, people refer to it as compound interest, right? It’s just a little bit here, a little bit there, a little bit here, a little bit there. But over time, it really becomes transformational for you. And who doesn’t want to live a better life? Do people want to? Do people want to really work 80 hours a week? Do people want to be interrupted 100 times a day do? Do people want all of the short term dopamine hits they get every single time and alert goes off on their phone? I mean, that’s that’s where our society is leading because everyone is trying to to basically get our attention. Yeah, so if everyone else has your Attention, then you don’t have your attention. And if you don’t have your attention, then how are you going to focus on on being the best you are doing your best work? Now. So, you know, these are very simple thoughts, but but they’re important. You know what I mean?

Micheal Pacheco 25:15
By that there’s, there’s, there’s a lot to unpack there. One thing, one thing I will touch upon, I love that you brought up Bruce Lee and that, and I think one of the reasons that his messages over the years have have resonated with so many people. And this is something that you can that anybody can take away, you know, for everything from marketing to actually sitting in a room and doing coaching is is Bruce Lee taught with metaphor he did a lot with with metaphors and these like aphorisms be like water. Right? That was that was a really big one for him. And this is, this is something that I think is just built into the human condition is is the idea of metaphor, and explaining complex, complex ideas through metaphor so that it can be a slight shift in the framing of that. So excuse me, I think that’s, I mean, yeah, Bruce Lee is brilliant. I don’t know where I’m going with that. I just love

Stephen Webster 26:18
Oh, that’s okay. Yeah, no, but you touched on kind of the metaphorical aspects of what of what he does, right. And so the quote that I use today was the one around failure as learning, right? So, so when, you know, when you think about failure, and how we’re conditioned in our society, well, you failed, you’re not good enough, you’re this, you’re that right. So if you’re constantly being bombarded, and you’re viewing the word failure negatively, then guess what, then you probably have a fear of failure. And if you have a failure, fear of failure, then you stop trying new things, you stop going outside of the box. But if you pivot, the word failure into learning, and you start thinking about it is I learned something today, I learned something that I shouldn’t do, again, I learned something that I could do better. And so if you just make just a small shift by saying failure is learning, then, then now it’s a positive term. It’s not a negative term, right. And our society, like law blows the pound on the negative as we know, right, and you hear a lot of negative things all the time. So it takes a lot to stay above that fray. So you’ve got to be strong. And you’ve got you got to have your own mind. They’re thinking about that stuff. But just a simple tweak in how you think about failure, and embrace it. Right? Don’t push it away, embrace it, because your greatest successes are just on the other side of your greatest fears. So if you never rate

Micheal Pacheco 27:55
that’s the learning point. That’s the point the learning point. 100%. So if you never

Stephen Webster 27:59
break through that barrier, how are you ever going to learn? And when you talk to people, it’s fascinating, right? When I talk to a lot of people, you talk to a lot of people when you talk to them, Michael? And you ask them that question, right? How did you bust through your greatest fear? And then early on, when you got to the other side? What did you say? You said, here’s what you said, Why did I fear that that was not that big of a deal? That’s where most people end up on that. Right? And now the question is, is does it become a repeatable behavior? Or do you have to go through that same process over and over and over again, every single time you do it, right? Is it a learned behavior? Is it something that you can make part of your biology instead of having the fear as part of your biology? Right?

Micheal Pacheco 28:44
Yeah, my, my, one of my coaches, I’ve got a few of them, one of my coaches taught me to look at fight, look for patterns in my life, and ask myself is, you know, is look at things that work or don’t work in my life? And ask myself, Is this a pattern for me? Is this a habit? And is it serving me? And you can make intelligent, you know, strategic decisions in your own life on your habits and patterns? Based on that question, right? Is this serving me? Is this something that’s sort of working for me? Or is this working against me? And I think that’s one of the reasons why life tends to I mean, life certainly gets more complicated as you get older, but it also gets a little bit easier in the sense that when you come up against something that appears to be difficult, you’ve been through some shit already. And you know, that like, whatever happens is probably we’re gonna be okay.

Stephen Webster 29:43
Right? And that’s great. That’s great advice, right? That your that your coach and your mentor gave you he’s because he’s spot on right? Look at the things that are in your life. evaluate them, just because you’ve always done them doesn’t mean you have to continue to do them. If they’re not creating value, or If for some reason, it leads to some toxicity in your life, right, you’re doing them and you’re attracting people that are, are negative in your life or creating stress or anxiety or any of those things. But you have to, you have to be brave, you have to decide, what are the things that are going to make you happiest in your life. And lots of times, you know, many people are always thinking about others. And I’m not knocking the fact that they’re always thinking about others, it’s important to think about others, but they shouldn’t think about others at the exclusion of themselves. They shouldn’t look to others for happiness, right? That’s another Bruce Lee kind of metaphor, right is your happiness comes from within. It’s not anyone else’s responsibility to make you happy. You don’t have to live up to anyone else’s expectations. You just need to live up to your own. But it’s then defining what those expectations for your own life are. And finding that passion, right? And finding that purpose. As to why we’re here. You know, are we here to make money? But yeah, that that helps, right? Because we have children, we have a life, we have a house. And so yes, you need that. But what are you really doing? Right? Are you what are the things that you’re doing to impact people’s lives? What are the things that you’re doing to create value? What are those things that results in, in making money versus just focusing on the dollar? And, you know, these are just life lessons? Right? I wish I was this wise, 20 years ago, Michael, I know I would have, I would have probably done a whole bunch of things differently. But you know, but when you’re on this journey of continuous learning and continuous knowledge, and you’re open, I think that’s the most important thing is, is you talked about connecting the dots or looking at different things in your life, right, different patterns in your life. As you explore different disciplines, you’ll also find those patterns as well. And you then begin to connect those patterns to like, goodness, gracious, this really connects to this or this connects to that. I recently completed a program called Zero to dangerous by the flow research collective. And what they are is they’re a high performance organization, Steven Kotler who wrote the book, The Art of the impossible, is the director of the flow research collective. So he’s an author who’s followed extreme athletes for many years. And most so much of it is about flow, and how do you get into flow? And how do you get into states of flow from a productivity standpoint, but the lessons and the learning in that are so profound, around the neuroscience of what what things get released in our brains, right? If you’re, if you’re a, if you’re an adrenaline junkie, that’s one thing. If you’re, if you’re a dopamine junkie, that’s another thing, right? But how it all kind of fits together. But becoming aware of those things, and becoming aware of how you can essentially hack your biology to become better than what you are and become more productive. It’s just fascinating stuff. It’s there’s a richness to what, what I have had the chance to learn there. And I would say, I’m just scratching the surface, on what I’ve had the ability to learn there. I have found that that has also now become just woven into most of my conversations that I have with everybody that I deal with. So so it’s become sort of second nature already for me. And it becomes a value proposition for the folks that I talked to you.

Micheal Pacheco 33:37
Yeah, that’s great. It’s interesting. Yeah. Stephen, what is what is it typical engagement with you look like? Like, do you do month to month? Do you have like a six month program? What is it? I know, you’ve got the masterminds? Of

Stephen Webster 33:51
course? Yep. Generally, on the on the one on one performance coaching, a, it’s a six month program, Michael, because what I have found is it really takes about 26 weeks for people to begin to adopt the changes that are necessary. But there’s, you’re kind of if you think about it from like a learn do continuum, you know, they start the journey on the Learn side, and then they start to do some, but they’re still learning and then they get to the point of do so about a six month commitment, there is sort of the minimum commitment that I think makes sense from a value creation standpoint. I have found that many of the customers many of the clients that I work with, actually stay a lot longer because I just become more involved in their in their businesses, and then they’re able to get additional value beyond that. Conditions change too. So even though even though there’s a learn due for that first six months around certain things, there’s always continuous learn to write. So it’s really just a matter matter of that my preference is to is to get to know people and to really be there as whether I’m a paid consultant or just a friend moving forward. To me, I I’m just here to really help them on their journey.

Micheal Pacheco 35:02
Thanks. So along those lines, right, you mentioned, well, I guess I mentioned in your in your bio, that you, you help clients live their best lives. That’s kind of a, that’s painting with a very broad brush, right? That is telling me how important is finding your purpose, to living your best life.

Stephen Webster 35:26
I think finding your purpose is is required to live your best life. And it may not be your maximum purpose or your maximum transformative purpose, right, there may be a short term purpose that you have. But if you have that purpose, then you are able to use that. So on an individual basis, having that purpose enables you to then filter your decision making process around, does it help me achieve my purpose or doesn’t it? Right, it’s kind of like the North Star in your business. So if indeed, you don’t have a North Star in your business, everything looks good to you. So to me, the purpose in the personal life is pretty much the same as the North Star in the business life, which is unless you have that goal of what it is you’re trying to accomplish. It is really busy in there to pre able to prioritize all of the things that you are confronted with on both your personal life and your professional life. It’s really difficult to prioritize if you don’t know where you’re going. So you reference some things earlier around, like how do you choose? Right? How do you eliminate things from your life that aren’t creating value? Well, it’s the same on your personal life, as you talked about from the purpose standpoint. And on the business side, unless you really know what type of business you’re trying to build 10 years from now, it’s not to say that it might not change. Everything looks good. You know, wow, there’s a new idea. Well, if you have a new idea, should that new idea get in the way of you achieving your quarterly objectives? You’ve already established your goals for your quarterly objectives, something new comes in, well, what moved out? Right. But you need to be able to have that kind of a discipline thinking that just pouring more stuff on top of the cup. doesn’t fill the cup anymore, it just spills over. So how do you use that kind of same logic in your life? Around? What are the things that are going to, to fill your cup in the most productive and valued way? Having a purpose is is a critical success factor, I think for that now, in my world, right, as a coach, my purpose is to is to impact the lives. So my overall purpose is to impact the lives of 200 plus people on an annual basis. So for me, that’s a that’s participating in programs, doing webinars doing masterminds doing one on one coaching, right. It’s all of those things. And I think I’m just getting started with what my overall purpose is, because that’s basically not a scalable purpose, because that’s just me. Right? The other way to think about it is okay, how do I digitize all this so that I can impact 2 million people? You know, so there are other ways that you think that you could think about, you know, what your ultimate purpose is, but at its core, my purpose is to is to really help people live their best lives, and you said, it’s a broad brush. And the reason why it’s a broad brush is because I need to get to know the individual to determine what are the areas of opportunity, and where do they want to focus? Because there’s a priority set in there too. Now, though, it is it is a journey. Right? It is a journey. I like that. Does that make sense?

Micheal Pacheco 38:56
That makes complete sense. Yeah, I want to I want to talk a little bit more about finding your purpose. Do you have like, this is something that you’ve helped clients with? Finding their purpose? Yes. And do you have specific, you know, tactics that you that you use to help clients do that?

Stephen Webster 39:18
Well, from a tactic perspective, it’s really just first getting to know them a bit, but then second, asking them some of those really hard questions. Right. So I’ll give you I’ll give you one example of of a business leader that I worked with. And I said, Okay, I understand that you have a business, I understand that you at some point in time might want to sell this business. I said, What do you want your legacy to be? And he said, Steven, you know, no one has ever asked me that. So it it got him thinking and it said it got him to the point and so you know what my I want my legacy. I want to impact the town with some of the proceeds. leads from my business sale because I love this town. I love the fact that my entire family has grown up here. So just that one question, Michael triggered a whole different thought process for that particular individual that was different than anything he ever thought about before. So I think it’s just being able to engage in a trusting conversation and ask, ask a CEO or ask anybody the hard question, what is your legacy? What what do you want to accomplish? What? Where do you want to be 10 years from now? 20 years from now, 30 years from now. Everybody is so stuck in the now because it’s really hard to do what they do every day. Right? The competition is changing, you don’t even know who your competition is anymore. Right? If you were to, if you were to ask Nokia 20 years ago about their phone business, when they had an 80% market share, did they ever say Apple was going to was basically going to put them out of business? They wouldn’t say that, right? And you’ve come from a technology background. So you’d probably still follow just how fast and how rapid all that stuff? That stuff is today. So how do you how do you? How do you create that legacy? How do you build what you need to build, in spite of all the noise around you, in spite of all of the uncontrollable aspects of of your life, and or your business life? So having that purpose and knowing what it is you’re trying to do really focuses you intrinsically on what you want to get done with your life. And takes takes into consideration the fact that there’s going to be a lot of bumps on the road, right? And I’ll say, I’ll cite the the infinite game by Simon Sinek here, right is we’re in the game to just continue to play the game. There are, there are winners at times. But that doesn’t make you the that doesn’t make you the infinite winner. Right? We could, we could look at all of the companies that used to be on the s&p 500 that are no longer there. Uh huh. We can look at all of this stuff, right? Things change. So how do you adapt to that change? How do you how do you embrace that change? How do you not fear that change? Yeah, that’s a good question. That did, yeah,

Micheal Pacheco 42:23
that you did. And it’s, it’s an interesting way to think about it in terms of, you know, what, what was formerly ubiquitous, may no longer be right, or what was what was what was Iraq may or may not may turn to dust in the future? And so what does that mean for you, in the way that you’re going to go about living your life and leading your company?

Stephen Webster 42:47
Right? That’s right. Yeah. There’s another interesting little book that I’ll mention for you to Michael. And it’s by Dan Sullivan. Dan Sullivan leads the Strategic Coach, I’m sure you’ve heard of them. But it’s, it’s my plan to live to 156 years old. It’s Dan’s plan, not Steve’s plan, Steve, still, we’re trying to figure out his plan for that. But it’s another it’s another very provocative way to think about your life. Uh huh. And, and as we know, right, if you take better care of yourself, and as met as medical challenges medic, as a medic, as medicine continues to improve, the likelihood that we’re all going to live longer is a lot higher than it was. So the question is, is on on a lens of okay, am I going to live another 60 years? What, how do you want to live? How do you want to live independently? Right? Do you want to be in a home? Do you want to go live in Margaritaville? Like, what are the things that you want to do? And you have a lot of options? But the question is, is that that what are you going to do to own that life, and there are things that you can do to basically say, I want to stay as healthy as I possibly can, right? I want to have all my faculties, I want to make sure that I’m active and doing stuff for as long as you can. Because that enables you to do two things. One, it enables you to accomplish more in your life. And it also enables you to share more with more people that you’re going to meet on your long journey of life. So it’s just another one of those kinds of interesting books, Michael to reframe your thinking. Yeah, you know, I I, I interact with a lot of folks who are my chronological age. And folks who are my chronological age are counting the days till they retire. They’re, you know, they’re having lunch at McDonald’s right there. They’re doing all of that stuff and and I actually don’t really want to hang out with them anymore, Michael, because, because it’s it’s not my destiny. It’s not my journey, right? I’ve chosen a different path. I want to hang out with people who were younger I want to be like, I want to be like, the tribal thing again, right, where you learn from the elders, but the elders learn from the young, too. So. So it’s just, you know, it’s just a different way of thinking about what it is we can still accomplish. And how do we accomplish that in the healthiest possible way. So when I talk about helping people live their best lives, right, it’s a, it’s a long journey now. And if you can practice and get the foundational things in place, you can you can be successful for a very, very long period of time, and be happy and be joyful and be energetic and contribute to society and do all of the things that I think are really critical to to help us all continue to improve.

Micheal Pacheco 45:50
I love it. This is great. Steven, this is good stuff. I want to be respectful of your time. We’re coming up here on the hour. Is there anything that you would like to chat about that we haven’t had an opportunity to touch upon yet?

Stephen Webster 46:03
No, I think we’ve covered a lot of ground today, Michael. So I thank you so very much for the opportunity to to have this conversation with you and share some of those thoughts with you today.

Micheal Pacheco 46:12
Fantastic. Thank you.

Stephen Webster 46:13
I know, Stephen, you have a free predictive index behavior assessments to offer to our listeners and viewers want to talk a little bit about that. Absolutely. And basically, I’ll give you that link as well, Michael, so that you have it for the for the production, folks can just go up there, it takes about five minutes of their time. And then all they would need to do is book a 30 minute review meeting with with me and I’ll walk them through it. The assessment is really just about becoming self aware. So how do you learn more about yourself so that you can become more aware of why you are the way you are? And become more objective about it so that when something is stressing you out, you can just look at the facts and say, I understand exactly why that’s stressing me out instead of always feeling stressed by it. The review also gives you some personal development and some things that you can do to change. So it’s, it’s pretty, it’s pretty inclusive with regard to establishing a foundation of self awareness and giving you some tools to to help you on your journey.

Micheal Pacheco 47:20
Awesome. Appreciate that. And Steven, where can our listeners and viewers connect with you online?

Stephen Webster 47:26
Online, my LinkedIn profile is the best way to do it. And they can schedule time with me there. They can also go to my website, which is www dot Wellfleet enterprises.com. Or they can contact me via email at Steven Ste pH e n at Wellfleet enterprises.com.

Micheal Pacheco 47:42
Perfect and we will include all of those links on the show notes page as well. And I’ll be sure to follow up with you to get that the PII assessment link as well. Steven, this has been great, man, this is a lot a lot of good stuff. It’s been a fun conversation. I appreciate you making the time. Thank you, Mike. It was my pleasure. Thank you and thank you to our viewers and listeners for joining us. We’ll see you guys next time.

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