Doreen Milano – From Big Business to Big Impact | Conversations with Coaches | Boxer Media

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Doreen Milano | Conversations with Coaches | Boxer Media

Doreen Milano is an Executive Consultant with a demonstrated ability to identify business obstacles, whether in your corporate culture, profitability/margins, equity growth, marketing, or employee retention and engagement.

Once the obstacle to success is identified, she provides both short-term turn-around solutions and long-term solutions for mid-sized and small businesses. She’s used her vast experience across many business verticals to apply many lessons and best practices to help your business achieve its true potential.

Doreen is committed to educating, building, and challenging people to rise to their best selves and make a positive impact on the bottom line! Healthy Businesses support Healthier Communities. To that end, Doreen is focused on helping Coaches build their organizations into vibrant and healthy businesses through a process she discovered.

To learn more about Doreen:

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Kevin Stafford 0:01
Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of the conversations with Coach’s podcast. I’m your host, Kevin and I once again had the pleasure of meeting someone and introducing them to you for the first time, I have been chatting for just a few minutes with Doreen Mallanna. And already quite pleased with her as a human being glad that she exists happy to know her and excited to get to talk more about what she’s doing now, which is excited about in the world of coaching. Let me give you a little mini introduction before I let Doreen introduce herself. Durian is committed to educating, building and challenging people to rise to their best selves and make a positive impact on their bottom line. Healthy businesses support healthier communities. To that end arena is focused on helping coaches build their organizations into vibrant and healthy businesses through a process she’s discovered during we already chatted a little bit about how that’s your exciting focus right now. And so I’m excited to explore that with you and, and just get to know you better. So thanks for coming on.

Doreen Milano 0:57
Thank you. I’m so pleased to be here. Excellent. Well,

Kevin Stafford 1:00
let’s, uh, let’s go back to the beginning, not the beginning, beginning that’s that we don’t have that much time. But let’s go back to the beginning of your your origins as a coach, how did you first discover that you were either already a coach and just didn’t have the terminology for it? Or how did you discover that coaching was a really good way for you to have the kind of impact you wanted to have on the world? How did you get your start on that path, I

Doreen Milano 1:24
grew up in a very entrepreneurial family. By the time I was 18, I was running through the family corporations. When we decided to divest I was in when I was about 2527 ish. And then I moved on into corporate America, where I started working for small corporations, and discovered I had a knack for doing corporate turnarounds. Now a corporate turnaround is when a company is not making as much money as it needs to be making. And somebody comes in and starts tweaking things. Making adjustments here making adjustments to marketing, making adjustments to the sales process, so on and so forth. And they start making a lot of money.

Kevin Stafford 2:17
Right. That’s one should follow. One should follow the other.

Doreen Milano 2:22
When should follow? Yes, it should. But it doesn’t always. So you know, when when I was working in corporate America, I said, you know, I have an app for making millionaires multimillionaires. And then when I got out, you know, I played this game for small corporations, midsize corporations, and then enterprise level corporations. And when I got into enterprise level, I discovered that my quote of ethics, and my core values did not align with their core values. Because they were playing with Wall Street, and their whole thing was not about people, it was just about dollars. And I really found my core was with people. That money was a byproduct of people doing things well. And so I said, this is what I’m going to be doing. So I exited corporate America and open my own coaching program. And that was back in 2010.

Yes. So my motto changed from, you know, taking millionaires and making multimillionaires, I now take 1000 heirs and make them multimillionaires.

Kevin Stafford 3:48
Excellent. I like I love that journey. And that’s I find that even though your story is very, it’s very specifically you I find such commonality amongst many coaches in particular, like I’ve talked to a recent example comes to my mind where I spoke to is the episode that hasn’t posted yet. But I spoke to someone who was a very successful trial lawyer, like, you know, high seven, low eight figures level of successful trial lawyer, and really got to a point where he realized that he, he was he didn’t want to have a divisive impact didn’t want to exist in the world in that way anymore. He wanted to be more of a peacemaker and a bridge builder and a connector, and just decided that there was not enough money in the world, even at that level, to make him want to continue down that path and just changed his life around that he eventually did become a coach, a mediator, a career coaching mediator, which was just a fascinating journey, and I find that to be so common, whether you’re stuck, what whether you’re starting places, you know, millionaires to multimillionaires or beyond or it’s much smaller than that I find that that that steel rod, that commonality between every coach I’ve talked to, it’s like, you know what, what I’m doing right now is not having the kind of impact on people that I want to be having. And so I’m going to rely on my life to do that, I’m gonna change that. And I’m always fascinated by the very unique personal journey that people go on that very specific steps to their dance to them arriving at the thriving business, they have

Doreen Milano 5:14
barely made sense. I mean, what I was doing for corporate America, in the middle of the financial crisis of 2007, to 2012. Well, in 2010, is when I walked out of corporate America, and I said, I’m uniquely qualified to actually do this, when I’m seeing, you know, very successful, you know, management personnel getting laid off from their jobs with no prospect of getting another job. So they’re, you know, hanging their shingle and doing whatever it is that they do. And I’m watching them taking their severance pay and their their golden parachute and throw it into marketing with no idea what the heck, they’re marketing. Right, no idea who their target client was no idea what niche they were playing in. They just went out and spent all this money and didn’t make a difference and still ended up not being able to make rent.

Kevin Stafford 6:18
Yeah, and what a waste. What a waste.

Doreen Milano 6:22
And I said, I can fix that. I love it. I love it. That’s how I started vision stepsons.

Kevin Stafford 6:30
I love it. And, and then you did. That’s something I know. Like, obviously, you could you can find short stories like this, where people decided to like change their life and make an impact. And like, just you hear inspirational stories, but they always end the same with people like you. And then I did it. It’s there wasn’t just something that talked about, it wasn’t just something I thought would be a good idea. It’s not just something that I’ve, that you saw in the world that had a need is like, and I did it, you’re an action taker. And that’s, again, one of those common things I find with the people who are really, who are really making a difference. They are they’re takers of action as well as guides.

Doreen Milano 7:03
Well, if we get really honest about coaches and who we are and what we do, we’re great about helping people. You know, that is our passion, our passion is the connection and delivering the help and making a difference.

What we lack is a steady source of leads, we can turn on and off at will.

We lack the processes to convert those leads into high paying customers. We lack the detailed process by which we can take those high paying customers and deliver high yield results to keep that customer not for weeks, not for months. But for years. My clients on average have been with me five years or more. Some of them I have had for 10 or 12 years. Excellent. What is the difference? And I figured out what that differences. That’s the processes, I’ve connected with people that have those processes. And I’ve partnered with them to actually create something that allows cold coaches to really benefit from having leads at will to creating high end results.

Kevin Stafford 8:33
Your perfect segue, you’re basically doing the hosting job for me as well as being an excellent guest. Because that’s exactly what my where my thoughts naturally go to it’s like, okay, so that’s your that’s how you get your start. Those are your pivot points, your your commitment to take action and have impact and really help people who’ve, like fill gaps where gaps were needed to be filled. And so let’s talk about let’s talk about today, let’s keep let’s keep that conversation going. So, obviously, you’re you seem to be focusing very much on coaches and coaches, the coaching business in particular, and how it’s something that comes up very, very often one of my focuses and I still have my clients, right, of course, of course, of course.

Doreen Milano 9:12
But as a coach, one of the things I do is I can sit down with any business owner and in less than 60 minutes, find them a minimum of $100,000 in recurring annual revenue in their business that they’re sitting on not recognizing and missing.

Kevin Stafford 9:35
I’m imagining how that feels. At the at the end of those times you willing to have that conversation about your business? Exactly, because that’s a scary conversation because you’re gonna have to admit some things about what you’ve been doing. Maybe,

Doreen Milano 9:47
maybe not,

Kevin Stafford 9:48
maybe not, maybe not, you’re not you’re gonna have to but there’s gonna be there. There’s gonna be

Doreen Milano 9:52
whether you want to get that money or not. I can show you where it’s hanging out.

Kevin Stafford 9:59
That’s true as well. very important distinction to because it’s like you could show someone where it’s at. But then you have to tell them, This is what you’re going to have to do to get to it. And that’s that’s sort of an IT that’s an advanced conversation, because you might be able to acknowledge this, they’re filling

Doreen Milano 10:14
a 10 minute conversation, no effort.

Kevin Stafford 10:20
So how do you how is your coaching? How does your coaching business really operate today? Do you primarily do one to one work? Or do you have any like group coaching,

Doreen Milano 10:29
group coaching programs, I have one to one programs, and I have a DIY program. Oh,

Kevin Stafford 10:36
let’s talk a little bit about that.

Doreen Milano 10:38
For those folks who, you know, it’s not in their budget, or they are so busy that they’ve got to do this, you know, after the kids go to bed, and between that Magic Hour between 11 and 2am. Well, I’m not going to be talking to them at 11 to a no. So my DIY program is perfect for them. So it is a online program that gets dripped out to them a lesson a week, their commitment is to spend between three and five hours per work week working on their business. So they take the lesson, there’s a workbook, they complete the lesson that completed in the workbook, and it is no more than three to five hours a week to do all of that.

Kevin Stafford 11:34
Sounds very achievable, doesn’t it?

Doreen Milano 11:36
Well, it is achievable. I mean, it’s just that process of putting some structure behind your business. And putting that structure not only behind the business, but behind your like.

Kevin Stafford 11:51
When you’re looking at your life, and especially when you’re when you’re an entrepreneur or a business owner, it’s, it’s it’s such an interesting paradox seeming paradox, where you have all of this, you have all of these things to do all of these tasks, all of these responsibilities, and there’s a lot of structure to it. And yet, there’s also a lack of structure in certain key areas like this, where you really want to, you think you don’t have the time. And that becomes debt that becomes almost like a mantra, something, you tell yourself a story, you tell yourself, it’s like, well, I don’t have time to do this kind of work. I’m, you know, I’m busy.

Doreen Milano 12:24
One hour a day. Exactly. And I’m not saying when that hours got to be.

Kevin Stafford 12:33
It’s their time is there between

Doreen Milano 12:34
1am and 2am. It’s all on you, honey.

Kevin Stafford 12:43
I like that you call it the Magic Hour, because that’s, that’s been very much my experience as well, especially when you have all these responsibilities during the day. And it’s just, I just, I’ve always found personally, to have have some of my greatest availability of my creativity, availability of my like my best like thoughts and best feelings and best experiences around that time. But when you get to that point, it’s I love how you provide like one of the real value propositions of what you’re providing, obviously, it’s like, it’s the detailed process, it’s your, your voluminous amount of experience and the work you put into refine it for people. And it’s also just the invitation to make the time. Like, here’s I’m gonna, I’m going to make it as easy as it possibly can be for you. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but I’m going to make it as easy as it can be. Here’s how you do it. Here’s here’s the time, find the time where get it and where it fits in is something I find myself saying a lot. Because that’s that’s the way people run their lives now as you have to find the time where you can find it. But here is a structure. Here’s a roadmap for you to begin.

Doreen Milano 13:44
Well, let’s get serious when we started working from home structure went away. Yeah, right. And our calendar became our own. When that happened, we had to start creating our own structure. Now, I know a lot of folks have not created that structure. And as a result, their life is over well run with everybody else’s needs. Mm hmm. And then there’s others, you know, of us who defend our calendar to the death right.

Kevin Stafford 14:26
I’ve learned some hard lessons there

Doreen Milano 14:29
are me time are personal time is precious to us, as precious to us as our work time and our time to actually produce results. So, you know, whatever camp you’re in, it doesn’t matter. As long as you’re taking the steps to improve yourself and improve your business on a daily basis.

Kevin Stafford 14:53
comes right down to that said simply plainly and truthfully. And actually, that’s it right there.

Doreen Milano 15:04
We were at choice for everything you do and don’t do.

Kevin Stafford 15:07
Yeah, exactly. Man, I would love to keep you for for longer. But we got to get you out here. This has been a, it’s been a great tip of the iceberg discussion, which is what I like. It’s why I like that’s why I like keeping these episodes short because you can really get a taste for what someone has to offer and what what someone like you can really do for someone like our audience. So before I let you go, I want to ask you to it’s a one question, but it’s a two parter. Where can people find out more about you what you’re doing how you do it, like just find more of these resources, just start that process of learning more? And where can people best connect with you and start a conversation if they want to, if they want to explore working with you and seeing about taking that next step.

Doreen Milano 15:46
So I’m easy to find them all over the internet out there, but I have a TV show. And you can find it on rumble. It’s big ideas Small Business TV with Doreen Mallanna. So you can search dream Mallanna or big idea Small Business TV, on rumble. I do that through the OBM network. And it is syndicated through traverse TV. So you can see me on regular TV, Central Florida up to South Carolina’s and parts of Central Texas. So you can find me I’m easy to find. The to eat up is capital V number two capital Z. And that is connects to my website. And then v two week

Kevin Stafford 16:43
He’s an app obviously, I’ll put all the links to everything. Everything I can find in the show notes and your name is very searchable during Mallanna a delightful name by the way, if I meant to compliment you on that before I hit record, I just I was like, Oh, that’s lovely. Italian and that is my my surname. Yes. I love it. I love it. I’m a New Jersey Italian myself. So I’ve got my last name Stafford. But that’s from my dad. But all up and down my mom’s side. It’s very, very Italian, New Jersey, Italian. My

Doreen Milano 17:11
grandfather was born in Chicago, and came out to to California when he helped rebuild Cal San Francisco after the big earthquake.

Kevin Stafford 17:25
Oh, wow. I might have to have you on again just to talk about about your family history. That’s fascinating. We history

Doreen Milano 17:31
like big in California. Yeah.

Kevin Stafford 17:35
Okay, well, um, save that. I’m gonna have to have you back on. We’ll talk we’ll talk business and impacting coaching for sure. But I think I might want to might want to get more of that family history story on our next episode, if that’s alright with you. Not a problem. And well, before I thank the audience, I want to thank you. This has been a short and sweet conversation, and I’m really glad I got a chance to get to know you and to help other people get to know you as well. Thanks so much, Kevin. I really appreciate it. Yeah, anytime and to the audience. I mean, do yourself a favor if this if any of this clicks with you or you’re like, Oh, I hear what she’s saying. Do yourself a favor, find her links to everywhere that I can find including that TV show that show in the show notes. And we’re grateful to have had you as listening today and we’ll talk to you again here very soon.

Doreen Milano 18:20
Thank you so much. Have a great day.

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