[00:00:00] Kevin Stafford: Hello everyone. And welcome to another episode of the conversations with coaches podcast. I’m your host, Kevin, and today I have the pleasure of reacquainting myself with Samantha Petri Quillan, who we had a great conversation. I forget how long ago it could. It could have. It could have been a week. It could have been a year.
It could have been a decade. Sometime in the last six to 12 months or so we chatted. I had such a great time. I reached out to her recently to have her back on. Just to talk about the year that’s passed, the year to come, everything in between. So let me reacquaint you with Samantha and then we’ll just have a conversation.
Like we do. Samantha has coached clients at all levels from CEOs to interns and traveled extensively to teach people how to find career clarity, take their seat at the table and make a real impact in the spaces they occupy with well over 15 years of HR experience in the corporate and the startup worlds.
She understands that success is the intersection of opportunity. and experience. Samantha, it is a pleasure to have you back on. I know we had a brief guest appearance from your dog earlier, which is always welcome, but I’m glad to be able to talk with just you today.
[00:01:05] Samantha Pitre Quillen: Thank you. I think it’ll just be us for the duration of our conversation.
But yeah he’s He’s a very present force in our house. I’m
[00:01:14] Kevin Stafford: a, I’m an animal person, three cats currently, no dogs, but like still every time I see a dog, I just I do the thing like that sappy emotional people do where I’m just like, Oh, it’s like immediately like the best thing that’s happened to me in my entire life.
It’s I just see a dog in the wild or whatever. So it’s like any, like the moment I saw the dog in the frame, when we first got into the zoom, I like, I, my heart lifted. I, I can only be who I am. So at this point I embrace it.
[00:01:37] Samantha Pitre Quillen: No, he’s great. We love him. His name is Shakespeare. He’s a five year old Shih Tzu.
He lets us lets us pay for this lovely house that he lives in. And, he lets us feed him and love him and do all of the things. And he just, he dictates what we do. So we
[00:01:52] Kevin Stafford: love it. He’s so generous. So kind and loving. So let’s talk about These have been like a year in review conversation series.
And let’s, this time, let’s start by looking forward. What are you, we’re recording this in like mid November, so obviously we’re getting dangerously close to the quote unquote holiday season, people, guys, I’m seeing decorations left and right and whatnot what are you most looking forward to, most excited about in the year to come?
[00:02:19] Samantha Pitre Quillen: So I definitely think we went Halloween Christmas. I think Thanksgiving, which is actually my holiday. Like we skipped over. But yeah, so I think we went we definitely went Halloween Christmas. But I’m really looking forward. To I’m a career coach. And so I think every year for the last three years, we’ve seen some real shifts in the world of work.
We saw the Great Resignation. We saw quiet quitting. We saw I think now we’ve seen sort of economic downturns and major layoffs. And so I think the next step is really this real, I think, Moment and most recently we’ve seen these labor unions, right? Whether it’s SAG or the Writers Guild or others, we’ve seen these real moments of like labor coming, coming to, to reckon with, employers and I think that’s what we’re going to continue to see maybe not necessarily on the labor union side, but just labor in general, just workers really requiring a different understanding of the world to work. And I think that’s going to be particularly well seen in what. Employees are requiring in terms of learning and development in terms of growth in terms of really being able to leverage.
Their professional experiences to the goals that they have. And so I think that’s going to be a real opportunity of a very different dynamic that is very different. I’ve always said that the skills that got you there are not the skills that’ll get you there. The skills that.
And they aren’t, they’re different, right? And the skills that they get you here will not get you there. And and I think employees are now really owning that in a different way and are really understanding that they can no longer be in the trunk or the backseat of their careers and that they need to get in the driver’s seat.
And that there can be an opportunity for partnership with their employers. on how they do that and how they do that in a more collaborative way than the sort of, I need to do it on my own to get this other job. It’s really hey, how can I grow and change and leverage my skills
[00:04:39] Kevin Stafford: to be different?
That’s such a good point. I really, I’m glad that you kept it. You opened it up in a very dynamic way because it’s, Obviously the, a lot of the labor union actions, a lot of the strikes and whatnot have gotten a lot of the headlines, which is great. And I think it’s rather than the story itself, it’s indicative of the real story and that there’s just more people are, they’re more interested less in taking control and they’re more interested in, I’m glad, I’m so glad you said this.
The collaboration aspect where it’s like our standards for what we’re accepting in personal and professional development, they’re going up and that’s a good thing for everybody. Let’s figure out how we work this together. And, if there’s. Conflict or if there’s a lack of desire on an employer’s part to engage in that way, then there are actions that can be taken, but there’s also an invitation to collaboration that is very powerful right now.
And it’s really if you have been having a lot of conversations, even more so than usual about alignment. I feel like alignment comes up with almost every coach and that’s, of course, makes total sense. But there’s more of a desire to find an employer kind of as a partner that you’re in alignment with where it’s I would like to serve your goals.
I would like you to serve mine, our goals intertwined together and we grow and go forward together. And I feel like that awareness, that commitment is rising amongst the labor pool. And I feel like an acceptance of that is. It’s gonna be great for everybody. I know I’m doing the rose colored glasses optimist view because obviously there’s, buttheads, but here and there, but it just seems like a long overdue rebalancing and a better way to move forward.
[00:06:10] Samantha Pitre Quillen: I think that what people have begun to understand is there is this inextricably linked. Co dependency that we have created, capitalism has created for workers and for employers, right? This is not just, and I think for a long time that equation looked like. I’m the employer, I have all of the power, you’re the employee, and you have no say.
And I think for a host of societal and cultural reasons, that is shifting, and I think we can credit that to the Gen Zers maybe even some of the younger millennials who are just like, no, that’s not, we’re not going to do that. And really their motivators became different. I think in generations past, as the child of a boomer and an XR herself, money used to be King.
It was who it was pay. It was pay rate. It was all about comp, and I think so many have started to get to the point now. And I think again, the implications of inflation where. Numbers that we used to be really impressed by are like, I live in New York City. And so we’re like, oh, that’s minimal.
Yeah. 100, 000 that’s minimum wage. And it’s not there are many people who survive every day on minimum wage and on much less than 100, 000. But I think people began to see how. Not substantial. These numbers were so they want they it moves to something else. And I think that is really shifting the equation so that it is much more Hey, you need me as much as I need you.
This is where I mean about that symbiotic. Co creation collaborative partnership, right? You need an, employers need employees to treat their customers. Innovate on their products to really, they need all of those things and they cannot be who they are without their workforce and their workforce cannot.
Leverage the resources and the equity and the and the venture capital to do those things. And so I think that in 2024, we’re going to see a lot of what I call what the market calls intrapreneurship, which are. Organization saying, Hey, you have an entrepreneurial inclination. Do that entrepreneurial thing in partnership with us.
We’ll figure out the revenue profit share. We’ll put up your money, those kinds of things. And so it really, I think, is going to start to look. Much more symbiotic and much more partnership than this sort of us versus them kind of battle. We pitted people against for a long time.
[00:08:53] Kevin Stafford: There’s this, and then obviously we can do this. We can slice this up for hours and hours, but there’s this sort of. Not even, false sort of premise that’s out there where it’s it’s a zero sum game. The pie is the pie, it’ll always be the pie, it has always been the pie, that’s it.
It’s the same thing. The pie means the same thing. The amount of slices in the pie means the same. It always is. You guys got to divide it up as best you can and that’s it. And what we realized is that just like how you were talking about, like your money not really going as far as it used to for lots of very natural reasons, the way like an economy develops where it’s a hundred grand.
You’re just like, oh, I can go ahead and get ready to put a down payment on a house. Whereas nowadays, You can maybe get a dozen eggs once a week and feel good. It’s it’s gotten a little bit different, but those are because the, our perception of and the value of those numbers changes. We’ve had to change how we value our work, how we value our work and how employers value our work.
And I feel like I’m basically just go long way around agreeing with you. I find it so fascinating how we are arriving at something much more collaborative. And I do love that term in internship. Entrepreneurship, however, you. Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship. That’s good. That’s good. I’m gonna have to make sure I add that to my vocabulary because it feels like a great word to capture exactly where we’re going, where it’s empowered and active people determining what success looks like for them in collaboration with their employer.
To everyone’s benefit. And that’s, yeah, that’s again that’s the hope. That certainly seems like where we’re going. Maybe we’re being dragged into the screening.
[00:10:26] Samantha Pitre Quillen: I think it has to be where we’re going. And it’s something to say to my clients, I think we know, and I said this last year when you and I were chatting.
My two biggest state two of my biggest points have always been the game isn’t chess or checkers. The game is poker, right? The game isn’t even, growing up as a kid, people were always like, Oh, stop playing checkers and start playing chess. And it’s but that’s not the game either.
Cause because chess assumes, exactly what’s on the board and you are watching the moves of. Your opponent and you know what your opponent can and cannot do and poker isn’t that isn’t the game Poker is about convincing you of what I’m holding. It’s not even that I’m holding. It’s literally convincing you by the way I play, by the way I strategically over the course of the game.
It’s not even hand to hand. It’s over the course of how long we’ve been playing, that you are picking up on what I’m giving you as my cues, my nods, my tells. And, and interpreting from there. And it’s what I’m convincing you of. And I think when people realize that, we want, we are playing poker, that folks started to just convince themselves of something else.
And folks decided, like, why not try something else? People tried collaboration, right? The number of spaces that I see that are colleagues teaching colleagues, right? The number of places where I see Job shares or job shadows or cross training and those kinds of things where people are really saying, Hey, wait, I don’t have to gatekeep.
This role, I don’t have to gate keep this information. It behooves me to share. And I think that when folks started saying, whether that was salary transparency or just sharing how they got to their roles or sharing it, resources and information, people began to understand like, Oh, wait, this doesn’t have to be a zero sum game.
This really can be win. And I think when folks realize, Oh, wait, why are we set up like this? We don’t have to be set up like this. It’s not sales versus customer success. It’s I can’t be successful without you and you can’t be successful without me. And so I think when we started to move in those kinds of and understand how we were really all interdependent on one another Folks began to understand.
So we saw different things. You saw the rise of community gardens. You see the rise of collective housing situations where, you have groups of friends or groups of people buying a bigger, one big building and everybody takes their small share. I think we’ve also gotten out of this I’ve got to own the whole thing.
And I think we saw, we see that with even things like stocks, right? Like you can now buy, I think I think, I forget who it is, but somebody has these like sliver opportunities now, right? So you can buy a piece of a whole thing. And I think people begin to realize I don’t necessarily need that, right?
I need a piece of that, but I don’t necessarily need the whole thing. And how can we pull resources? How can we come together and how can we all execute from that perspective?
[00:13:40] Kevin Stafford: I really like that. And the analogy, as you kept talking, the analogy of poker keeps yielding more insights. So I’m thinking about how, there are like with poker, with certain games, you have to have a certain amount of money to play it.
There’s an ante, or there’s, there are blinds, or whatever happens to be, and also to play the game right, you just have to have a certain amount of capital, or a certain amount of influence, or a certain amount of value to be at certain tables. There are tables that are pretty much come one, come all, and you can, everybody can play it just the way that it works.
But there are players where you have to have, or games where you have to have a certain amount to be able to play, and that’s where that collect, collective action really comes in handy, where it’s you get, people realizing that we all want the same thing and we all understand how to get it. We just need to get enough together to have a seat at that table, to get to that place, to have enough to be able to make the moves we need to make.
And then you have these, all these different creative implementations of that kind of collective action. It’s just it’s downright inspiring, really. I’ll
[00:14:38] Samantha Pitre Quillen: go a step further, right? And being a new poker player myself sometimes you also get invited into the table, right? So you get anteed up for, and I think that’s really indicative of what sponsorship and mentorship in corporate.
Was it supposed to be right? Really having those door openers, those folks that say, Hey, this is a room. You need to be a come, come be my guest in the room. Come play with me. Come. I vouch for. I vouch for this person. This person needs to be here. And I think that collectively, especially for my population of female of women and BIPOC professionals, that’s so empowering and so necessary to know that you are invited into the room and you were you there.
Somebody opened the door, held the door open for you. That is a big moment. And I think that is the decline of the, what we all remember, I will call it the old boys networks, right? Where folks were holding the doors open for specific types of people. And I think as we start to get, why I say claim your seat at the table.
When folks start to claim their seats at the table, they start to hold a door open and they start to invite folks in and call folks in and really make sure, I love the Ruth Bader Ginsburg quote when someone asked her, how many just how many female justices will be enough? And she said nine. And it’s, it is that shift, right?
But this idea that, you know what, this whole room can look different. And I think we’re watching it look so dramatically different in rapid succession.
[00:16:22] Kevin Stafford: It really does. And again. I feel like both of us have our optimism hats on but there is so much to be optimistic about and I understand why there are, there are still plenty of obstacles, including the old boys network still like clinging for dear life to its, false feelings of importance and power.
But I just, I really love that idea of extending the poker metaphor of staking someone. Where it’s just I see something in you that is valuable, you have talent, you have drive, you have will, you have commitment, you have whatever it is, whatever I think it takes, and you’re someone who’s been in certain rooms before, and you’re like, you know what?
You need to get in here. Because there’s, you have a lot to give and you have a lot to learn. I’m going to stake you. And so I’ll give you a, give you whatever you need to sit at those tables, just to get a seat there to first. And with the faith and the trust, I was like, I already know you’re going to prove yourself worthy of this table.
I already know it. I could see it. You just need that door opened for you. You just need that bankroll to sit down at that seat. And then you’re going to go ahead and you’re going to fly with it. And I just, I love that again, that’s happening more and more, a recognition of get in, get that seat, get at that table, make sure you leave the door open for the right people behind you, make sure you’re looking, behind and around you for the people that you can help and serve as you were helped and served.
It’s really that rising tide raises all boats thing. It’s pretty simple and it’s pretty exciting.
[00:17:43] Samantha Pitre Quillen: So great. And I think now professionals understand they need that sponsorship. So I think there was a moment where folks were letting sponsors come to them. And I think now we have switched sponsorship and advocacy into going and looking for that.
Looking for folks that will stake us and saying, I want to be state and this is why I’m the right person for you to stay. And this is why I’m the right person for this. And I think that is also a different. Particularly for women and particularly for BIPOC professionals, that’s a different way of promoting ourselves to really get and say, Hey, look I, this is what I can do.
And I think that is where some of that symbiotic. Again, I keep calling it symbiotic codependency happens. We need each other. You need me to be creative and to bring the boot. I jokingly say I will always stay around young people. I am painfully, you read part of my bio, but I’ve been in this business more years than I want to admit I, I know there’s so tick tocks while, occasionally I’m on the app is not my strong suit, but my My younger colleagues, they bring such a wealth of energy and knowledge and information to me.
And they’re so much Hey, have you done this? Oh, we need you to do this. And their enthusiasm and you feed off of that and you need that pulse on the ground, especially as you rise in leadership. Sometimes, The 747 can freely forget what it’s like to be a crop duster, right?
They were only down there for moments on On takeoff and so they really need that feedback that understanding of that person who’s a little closer to the ground who can say, hey, there’s a storm coming, right? And they’re going to be able to send that back down as well. So there’s this real sort of 2 way flow.
Of information and knowledge and wisdom and understanding that really can start to happen when you make sure as a leader that you are surrounded by that kind of those kinds of sparks and folks who are getting and you’re sharing with them your institutional knowledge as they’re sharing with you what’s going on a little closer to the ground.
But it’s also really necessary for the best evolution of what I, like you said, of our products, of the way we serve our clients and the way we move forward is it’s really important that we are all there focused on. Hey, wait, we can do this even better. I think, I, and I forget and I can see is I want to call it.
I’m going to mess up his name, but I think his name is James. I’ll sure. But he talks about in his book, this idea of ideas. So he’s this great serial entrepreneur who like, sold a business for millions, lost it all, then, created another business and, all the things.
And he talks about how, the way that we get create, that we get our minds working, right? Or that we write down 10 ideas a day. And then and he was well known for writing them on waitress, right? Yeah. Order packs. That was his claim to fame. And and if I’m messing up his name, I apologize, no one come for me in the comments.
I think
[00:21:08] Kevin Stafford: it’s, I think it’s Altisher or something like that. I think there’s like something like that. You’re close. I know you’re close. Cause I brings a big bell for me, but I don’t want to stop and Google cause we’re having a great conversation.
[00:21:16] Samantha Pitre Quillen: He talks about how Your best idea is actually this sort of culmination of ideas.
So it’s probably not one of the ideas you wrote on your list on the 14th of October, six years ago. It’s gonna be what you wrote there is probably might be the launchpad. But you’re gonna add and you’re gonna take a little piece of this and you’re gonna take a little piece of that. And you’re gonna take this other thing you saw done over here.
And you’re gonna start to put together and really piece together the right solution. And I love that because that’s really it your best ideas are not like I woke up and I came up with, the 1 thing it’s going to be all of the track records of failed attempts that you or colleagues.
Or other people in the market have tried and that have not succeeded. And you looking through that and saying, okay, why did that fail? Oh, okay. So if we add this to the thing we’re doing, that’ll be successful. If we add that to the thing we’re doing, and that’s really how. Folks are going to succeed and I think people are understanding that now and they’re really understanding why those relationships require a little bit from you and a little bit from me and a little bit from, something else.
And, that 1 extra, thought. And that’s really what it’s going to look like. And I think folks understand that now, right? There’s no one big idea that it is really like a big team event, right? There’s no one thing that people are like, yep, that’s it. Just roll it out the way she described it, all of us iterating on
[00:22:51] Kevin Stafford: it.
It’s fun. It’s funny how we work because we’re always looking at, it feels like we’re always trying to create heroes. No matter how much we have to, ignore all the people who helped that person get to where they are, or all the people that person represents, you think about and I don’t want to go down the rabbit hole, because I feel like I could talk, we could do this all day, and it’s already been like a half an hour that we’ve been talking, but I often think about that, the cult of personality around Steve Jobs, and how, fairly big of a deal he was, and how talented he was in certain aspects, but He didn’t invent the touchscreen, like the engineers behind that.
There’s so much that went into just that one little particular revolution, that one little smartphone revolution. And it’s something I think it’s a good, it’s a good thing to think about for all of us, because we have to realize that we are, even as we’re writing down our ideas on cocktail napkins or order pads, we are.
Every, every little failure of connection, every little bit of misalignment, all of that gives us the pieces, the raw material to build our next success in collaboration with everybody that we’re succeeding and failing with and around. It’s all of us moving forward together. It’s just, yeah, it’s a great thing to remember too.
It’s we don’t have to, we don’t have to have this, command and control, great hero myth in our heads.
[00:24:04] Samantha Pitre Quillen: But you don’t really find it interesting. And I think if you. If you read his book, and I think if you really study him, he never really, I think we given him a bad rap, but he never really fell into the culture personality trap that we were trying to trap him in.
We did that. He was always like, Hey, surround yourself with the folks that are gonna now, he did, I think, drive really hard and I think he had really high expectations for the people who were around him. And I’m not saying he was an easy person to be around necessarily, but I do think he was always about that surrounding that circle, and one of the things I keep saying to clients that’s really a big part of my practice is, who you surround yourself with.
I learned that the hard way and easy way, but hard way to, as an entrepreneur who you surround yourself with is so key. There is something to be said for rising to the level of the expectations that others have of you. And when you surround yourself with the brightest and greatest thinkers, you really he did it, I think, to become and to be the best thinker.
But, there’s something like you said there’s something to be said for being in that room and knowing that it wasn’t just your idea and being like, okay, I have to come up with an even better idea tomorrow. And I think that what we all have to also remember is. It’s not even the idea.
It’s really the execution. And I think we, there’s been a long history of us wanting to credit the idea person, right? Who has the patent? Who has the, who has the, who’s who designed it or what have you. But the reality is it’s like our iPhones are great and God love them.
Like I don’t know what mine should be surgically implanted in my hand. However, the question isn’t really. What we have is what we do with it when we have it. If you’re sitting there playing Candy Crush all day, right? That’s not as, that’s not going to get you to the same place.
Whereas if you are using and leveraging the machine that it is to do the hard stuff, and a great we we unfortunately went to a funeral the other day and it was so great. Her father was talking about, we always emphasize the dates, right? We, the, the date that we were born and the date that we died.
And he was like, those two dates are the most inconsequential dates in life. Like the dates that are important are all captured in the dash. So what are you doing with your dash? And I think that is what has really really been so awe inspiring and awakening for me in 2023, but it really is, what are we doing with our dash?
Like we are spending loads of hours at work, right? But what’s the impact? Are you happy? Are you fulfilled? Are you Are you doing stuff you like after work, right? Even if you’re letting work finance your other things, are you in hobbies that you really are like, Oh my God, this is what I want to be doing.
Or are you just going to bed and waking up and trapped in groundhogs with
[00:27:15] Kevin Stafford: I really love that. What are you doing with your dash? That’s that honestly, I think that’s going to end up like on the whiteboard. That’s going to end up on a sticky note. Cause it’s just that that’s perfect.
And also now I’m, I feel like I’ve been an irresponsible host because I’ve just been like getting sucked into everything that you’re saying and I’m like, my goodness, we’ve already been talking for like almost three quarters of an hour or so before I let you go. Thank you for not just being here today with me, but just for doing what you do and being who you are is like, I’m, I definitely I feel my my my cup is very full right now in a very positive way.
So I feel very, I’m usually a pretty optimistic person, but I feel like ready to take on the world or or ready to join hands with the world, so to speak, that feeling so thank you for being who you are and doing what you do and. Where if anybody wants any part of this, they want to chat with you, if they want to get to know anything about you, if they want to connect professionally.
everything in between. Where can they or can people best do that?
[00:28:06] Samantha Pitre Quillen: Sure. So LinkedIn is always a great option. It’s Samantha Petrie Cullen and I’m there. Our company Creating Miss Jones is there as well. And our website, www. creatingmiss, M I S, Jones, J O N E S. doT com is a great place to either, to book a call or to watch more videos or sign up for our new our newsletter, sign up for our mailing list all of the things I am in.
Mid December hosting a workshop, it will be free. And so if this has dropped in terms of publication by then I will I will do folks can go to the website, can register there. And if it has not dropped by then, and you are hearing this and it is after mid December you, I will run a special workshop.
So if you, again, Go back to our website and make sure that you check it out. I will run it again so that we can make sure that anyone is listening to this can have an opportunity. And if you say that you heard if you go to our website and you fill out a contact form and you list this podcast as your referral source we will make sure that we, give you a great little bundle of goodies as well. And yes, I’m Samantha at creating miss Jones dot com is my email address and folks can email me directly and reference this as well. And happy to engage and understand and Really chat with your listeners always. And really want to just be about service.
I think why, I said this before when I was here last year I got into this business because I wanted to serve folks. I wanted to share this interesting point of view with the world. I wanted other folks to be able to, figure out how they shared their interesting points of view.
And really wanted to make sure that, we were all in a space where we were adding, the biggest part of it. Yes, I help people gain clarity and yes, I help people get to leadership tables and all of that, but it’s the impact right? That’s what all of us are doing this for. And so really, like you said, I want to make that 1 percent shift on a daily basis and have that kind of impact for folks and, want to be that supportive voice for.
for folks wherever I can. So yeah, that’s how they can get me. And definitely wants to make sure that we engage and
[00:30:27] Kevin Stafford: The work goes on joyfully. It’s good work. It really is. And that’s one of the things I find to be. One of the things I love about talking with coaches is that there, there are so many distinct, unique approaches where they like a collection of experiences and skills and inclinations and, and just upbringings that lead someone to try to serve a particular community in a particular way.
And there are certain values that really, in, in my experience, unite. Every single good coach I’ve ever spoken to, and one of them is that desire to serve as I want to serve. I want to have an impact and help others have the impact they want to have in their communities, in their in themselves and their families, wherever they happen to be living, working, breathing, acting.
And so it’s completely unsurprising. And nevertheless, It’s terribly delightful to have you express that just so beautifully right there. So that’s, this is me blowing smoke up your butt again, giving you the gratitude again. No.
[00:31:25] Samantha Pitre Quillen: Yeah. I think that people that, I jokingly say this to folks I love being an entrepreneur.
I love being a coach. I love both of those roles in both of those things. However yeah, I think if it’s not service focused though, it’s so easy to quit, right? It’s so easy to pull. You’re, you’ve been in this space and talked to enough coaches, if it’s just about the money, we all know a broke day.
So it’s that’s your motivation. There’s so many days where you just like, pull the covers over my head and I’m staying in the back. And so I really feel like the service is what keeps getting us out of bed and what really makes us dust ourselves off because we’ve all failed. And some of us felt big.
Some of us have fallen far. And so I think that it’s that service that sort of keeps motivating you to say, Hey, let me get up. Let me dust myself off. Like somebody needs to hear this really funny anecdote that I’m going to say about some story. My grandmother told me when I was seven. And so let me go out and not let that.
Man, that bypass professional or that woman not hear that story. And like you said when we are in service, right? These conversations feel really good. And we do we do, we get the little energy boost we needed to go and be like, I want to go lock hands with the world. I want to go fix stuff.
I want to go, I want to go talk to other optimistic people. So yeah, that’s really, and I think, like you said, every good coach I’ve ever met whether we do the same things or different things are about service and Yeah, I think it’s so important.
[00:32:56] Kevin Stafford: Awesome. I could do this all day. This is great, but I gotta let you go.
Samantha, thank you so much for sharing some time with me
[00:33:01] Samantha Pitre Quillen: today. Happy to come back anytime. Thank you for the invitation. So appreciate it. And we will chat soon.
[00:33:08] Kevin Stafford: And to the audience, you know what to do next. If you want some of this, you want to have these kinds of conversations. You want to be doing this kind of stuff in the world.
So take action, reach out. There’ll be links in the show notes to everything. Samantha’s name will be spelled correctly. You know where to find her on LinkedIn, on her website. Do what you do best. Listen, take action, and we’ll talk to you again very soon.