Russell Harvey – Resilience, Grounded in Reality | Conversations with Coaches | Boxer Media

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Russell Harvey | Conversations with Coaches | Boxer Media

Russell, “The Resilience Coach”, is a dynamic and engaging Leadership Coach and Facilitator, Public Speaker, Managing Director, NED, Podcaster, and Radio Host.

With over 20 years of experience in Learning, Leadership, and Organizational Development, Russell has specialized in Resilience and VUCA for the past 18 years.

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Kevin Stafford 0:00
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another episode of the conversations with coaches podcast. I’m your host, Kevin and I have already had the great pleasure of getting to meet Russell Harvey, we were chatting for a few minutes, and it became immediately apparent that is going to be a great guest. He immediately drew from his personal biography, to share a story about himself that revealed something about his coaching that was special, and it was like, it was basically just within 90 seconds, I knew this is gonna be a great one. So I am excited to get to know him a little bit better. I’m excited to introduce him to you. Let me tell you a little bit about who Russell is, can summon up in what basically three words, Russell is the resilience coach. He’s a dynamic and engaging leadership coach, facilitator, public speaker, Managing Director and IDI podcaster radio host, I’m sure he does 17 other things. But that’s just the shortlist. With over 20 years of experience in learning leadership and organizational development. Russell Russell has specialized in resilience and VUCA, which is an acronym, I’m sure we’ll get a chance to talk about one that’s near and dear to my heart for the past 18 years. So, Russell, it is already a delight to meet you. And I am already pre delighted to get to know you a little bit better. So thanks for being here.

Russell Harvey 1:09
Not absolute pleasure, Kevin. And yes, my brain sort of does connections so less when you’re asking about where you were from, and Portland, Oregon, I went to teach you from there. And so my brain always fascinates me around what fires off in my head and where things go. So thank you so much for having me on. Looking forward to chatting and seeing where else we go. Essentially. Yeah,

Kevin Stafford 1:30
I love the I love the exploration. It’s part of the it’s part of the real, the real joy of just talking to people as if coaching more specifically, but just coaching is founded on the connection with people the relationship building the growth. And it’s just it really is that Paul put on my rose colored glasses, my my I love everything, optimism glasses, because the enthusiasm has called for here. Human beings are just fascinating the way like understanding more about the way our brains work the way other people’s brains work, the way we connect with each other and what comes from those connections, it really is just, it’s an endless delight. So I don’t know, I guess I guess it’s just a celebration and some gratitude for that what we get to do on a regular basis. I’m just

Russell Harvey 2:10
completely and I know you haven’t asked the question yet. But in terms of I’m totally on the same page as you are. And I’ve always been fascinated around. Why do humans behave in this way? Or that way? How come that works? How come that didn’t work? How can we do things like that? So I think I’ve always been fascinated in just human behavior. And that I think really instigated my whole journey to being today as the resilience coach. Yeah, so the think the large part of it is I was very lucky to go traveling around the world in 1996, in 1997, with my lovely wife, and I was teaching in Hong Kong, and some magic was happening in the room. But I didn’t know what the magic was. I just went, there’s something gorgeous going on here. And I’m like, What is he what’s happening, and then, to now state, the obvious a few years later, it’s like, oh, we’re learning. Ah, when people have a light bulb moment, and a realization moment, or they go from confused face to Aha, or I know, I can apply that. For me that was just like magic. It was like a boost to like the heart and the gut to go. That’s brilliant. I want to do that for a living. I didn’t want to be a teacher in high school, I knew that. I just, I’m not teaching material. My wife’s a teacher, I’m not. So that’s when our thought when we came back from traveling, I think I want to be a trainer. You looking for a job description at the time to go, I want to do this sort of teaching thing, but not teaching. So business trainer. But that was my career, then essentially. So that’s your introduction. And my whole career in learning, leadership, organizational development, worked in lots of different places. And then eight years ago, when I left left, my last permanent role, that’s when the resilience coach was born. Because the last permanent role I was doing an organization called the coop group, which is brilliant, lots of great values. And he got yourself into a pickle, really serious pickle as a business. And that’s when the resilience and the VUCA piece came out. Because I spent all the time when people in the coop and they go in the worlds full on on our heads what on earth to do. And I go well, it’s just resilience word, and these VUCA an acronym, our solutions are in there. And when I left and did the navel gazing around, what’s my USP? And it’s like, I am D resilience coach. I’ve spent the last few years in the car talking about nothing else other than resilience and VUCA. So that’s my business that’s who I am.

Kevin Stafford 4:33
I love I love I love the way that you chart your path on the map there because there’s there’s there’s certain there’s a uniqueness to it. But there’s also there are certain almost like landmarks that I feel like everybody crosses and there’s just like looking back at your life. It’s almost as if you were training to become the coach you are for your entire professional life. Like you were acquiring these skills and these as this understanding and as you went along you were looking for the vocabulary, where it’s like, you know, there’s something about something that happened In the process of teaching that I liked, that I loved that really sparked me, it’s not the teaching itself, necessarily, but there’s some expression of it that resonates with me on such a deep, profound level. And you kept like, you took that awareness, not certainty, but you took that awareness, like there’s something else, I’m gonna go forward and you went forward with that you kept trying things, you kept looking for ways to grow and develop that awareness and to be of service and to help people and acquire more skills, then you get more words, and you find out about, you know, embrace resilience and VUCA, in particular, which I’m sure we’ll talk about. And then you get to a point where you realize, oh, coaching, I think is the way that I can maybe tie all these things together, that I now realize, I’ve been gathering my whole life. And now I can put it all together and see what comes next. That’s, I always find that journey. So fascinating.

Russell Harvey 5:44
I couldn’t agree more. Absolutely, I It’s that phrase of I am exactly where I should be right now, based upon life’s experiences, and that links to attempting to so as much as I can to role model resilience. So one of the dimensions of being resilient is having a purpose. So that’s for me, how I describe that is like sort of more outward overarching and bigger than having goals. Goals are underneath the purpose. So in terms of like, the learning thing that I mentioned, people having lightbulb moments, so my purpose is by the year 2025, I want to positively affect 100,000 people. And right now I’m up to 41,203. Ish, you know? And so that guides me, that’s a guiding light of like, Am I doing things as much as I possibly can day to day to deliver my purpose? So it helps with choices about what I do, do I don’t do the clients or work with the clients or don’t work with? So yeah, it’s a real Guiding Light. And I totally agree, yes, I’ve got lots of different qualifications, around learning and development. And that just goes into the depth and the breadth of the toolkit. I can draw upon as we go. And right now, where I’ve landed in terms of really supporting clients to be able to thrive in a crazy world rather than just coping survive. That’s why I take a strengths based approach, what naturally energizes people, so there’s a psychometric. So it’s like Strengths Finder, I use one called strengths scope, it’s overseen by the British Psychological Society, and we’ve got 24 strengths. And you find your significant seven of your strengths and you go, right, you need to be able to harness those, access those utilize those in a variety different ways. And it’s not about the personal development approach of, oh, I need to develop a weakness, you will need to, yes, work first, as to do more of the things that you enjoy doing. And so many of my clients are like, That’s ridiculous. You want me to go away from here and do more of the things I enjoy doing? And I go, yes, they go. Well, I never knew that was possible.

Kevin Stafford 7:59
Isn’t that so often the case, it’s not so much a matter of people just not wanting to do things that way. It’s just they’re, they’re either told or indoctrinated, or just never encountered the realization that, oh, no, you can do this differently. It’s a brilliant flip, too, because so often, you’re you’re just you’re told or taught or really insisted upon, that you focus on shoring up your weaknesses, you know, making sure there’s no weakness in your game, or whatever it might happen to be. And I think you rightly acknowledge, while that certainly is an important part of your development, personally and professionally, focusing, founding yourself planting your feet on your strengths. Is it really it’s such a subtle flip? And it seems like common sense when you say it out loud, like you say it out loud, you lay it out, it’s like, oh, yeah, duh, of course, that should be the way that it is. But for various reasons. VUCA kind of representing a lot of them, we don’t quite realize that that’s even possible to go about things that way. Which is where someone like you comes right in?

Russell Harvey 8:55
Absolutely, absolutely. And I’m just reminded of a real example of in me growing up in terms of education and my dad, just to hammer the point home for people that are listening. So anyway, that’s a parent, I’m not, but just be be considering how you are having conversations with your children. So, you know, when I’ve done a set of exams, they were called sort of Oh levels, so it’s like high school diploma type things. And so, you know, we looked at the scores, the grades that I got, and I’ve got, you know, A’s and B’s and things in like, music, human biology, history and geography, and got, you know, C’s D’s ease F’s, you know, fails in chemistry in physics, and my dad will go, oh, so tell us about human biology. Who is the Mr. Nichols, the rugby teacher, that and I’ll go on. Yeah, I love going into it. I understand it, I get it. It’s really interesting. I’ve read some books on it, and I’ll demo I’ll tell us about chemistry. Then you got an effing crew out the teacher and I just look at each other with pain in front of us because they know when I know that I just don’t A and I don’t understand it and I walk with like heavy feet towards the lesson. So, bless my dad, nothing against him he was going right. You’ve nailed human biology. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to send you to chemistry school for summer camp. I’m going, Why do you hate me so much? You know what? So just Yes, I needed to know something about chemistry. But I didn’t need to go away and do something that I really wasn’t energized by and didn’t understand. At summer school. If you’d sent me to human biology summer school, that would have been brilliant. Thank you. That’s great.

Kevin Stafford 10:33
That’s such a I love I love it. See, it’s like you were you were you were learning how to be the resilience coach from the very beginning. It’s almost like you look back, he’s like, your your biography is destiny almost.

Russell Harvey 10:44
Yeah, sounds good. Really does. It really does.

Kevin Stafford 10:46
Yeah, I love it. I really love this acknowledgement, too, because one thing, it’s one thing to focus on your strengths, it’s another to ignore your weaknesses entirely. And that’s where people can fall into the opposite trap. And I really appreciate that, that commitment to at a foundational awareness of what those weaknesses are or where you might be weak, as opposed to identifying them as weaknesses you possess, just like areas that you are less strong than where you are in other areas. And just to be aware of where you’re at. Because that allows you to not basically fall into holes in the floor. Like if you have a just a gaping hole in your skill set, or just a gaping hole in your in your mind or in your education or in your heart. Something that might, you know, completely undermine everything else you’re trying to do, it’s important to identify that and sort of like, you know, raise the floor up to a certain level, it’s where it’s like, it’s just, you’re not disqualifying ly terrible at chemistry, you just, you know, it’s just you’re not, you’re not great at it, not going to be great at it don’t really want to be great at it. But you have given yourself up to a level where you know, enough chemistry to help you maybe know more about biology, which you’re excited about or things like that, where there’s like a bit of a synergy there, that just raising that floor up to like a you know, a useful non treacherous level really does enable you to truly embrace those strings and build those strings that you’re also identifying.

Russell Harvey 12:05
I thought about this word energy, though. That’s what I use lots of like, so it’s this trying to get think about slightly. So strengths and weaknesses. It’s about what are you naturally energized by a look forward to and what you’re not. So I am not naturally energized by detail. Okay, out of my own personal strengths go profile. detail orientation is my smallest Energizer. Okay. So if you asked me to do lots of detail, I’m like, Oh, God, this is hard work. And difficult. I can do it. But I’m not naturally energized. So it’s just to build upon what you’ve said, Is this word energy, you know, everybody’s listening. Now, have you got any clue about what you on, you aren’t naturally energized by

Kevin Stafford 12:48
and love the Edit, again, a very important distinction where it’s, and I find myself I slipped right into the whole strengths and weaknesses paradigm where I was like thinking about using using that language, which it’s useful, and it does kind of get at some of some of the heart of what we’re working on. But I think that’s an important distinction to make that it’s about the energy that comes from these things. That’s, that’s the identifier, that thing that really does spark the awareness. I think that’s that’s important to emphasize that I love that well shoot, I want to I want to talk a little bit about like your, your coaching your you as the resilience coach, I want to get a little bit into the nuts and bolts, at least in some of it, obviously, you do a lot and you’ve already reached the 41,000 and change in an impactful way with you know, 59,000 plus more to come in the next year and a half to me. I know, I know, right now. But, and I like that I guess it’s kind of a two parter, because I feel like it gets sort of at the heart of of what a coach does day to day, week to week, year to year. Who do you coach? And how do you coach them the WHO being if there’s a particular industry or demographic or location on a corporate ladder or you know, personal disposition or culture that you focus on in some way shape or form for those kinds of people you coach? And then the how being what you clearly you do virtually every every possible manner of coaching. But do you particularly focus on or have an affinity for the one to one side of coaching the one to like one to few where it’s like smaller or medium sized teams? Do you do any sort of like mastermind kind of coaching where it’s like a private group? Do you do any? Obviously you do keynotes public speaking and keynote speaking you do podcasting and radio? So like who do you coach and how do you coach them in as things in five minutes or less? Because obviously, we will probably talk for hours on that.

Russell Harvey 14:29
Who I coach so the standard answer is if anybody’s listening now that’s got the job title of head of or director of dot, dot dot. Okay, so doesn’t matter what industry is because resilience is about the human condition. You know, I do. I’ve worked in various industries. And hopefully it doesn’t sound arrogant, but most industries and businesses they turn around and say well, problems are unique. When you can talk about that then? Maybe not. So, hopefully that qualifies. I used to work as you know, head of director of, you know, Operations Manager, Operations Director. It’s nicely in the career that I’ve had I do have a lot of female clients is just that’s just come up. That was one of the many pieces of work that I did years ago in a supermarket chain here. And they had a Women in Business piece for her, they had a project was going on. And the HR director, who was also a lady walked out of office one day and saw me sitting there and when you’ve worked in HR, you know, things about diversity, don’t you Roslin went yeah, she says, there, we’ve got these women in business piece, I’d like to take a look at it. So I didn’t look at her and go, can I just state the obvious for a second, please? Can we can I just say each one? Yeah, it’s fine. So I think you’ll be fine. So that was just absolutely fascinating of whilst I spent a lot of my career in HR, and quite a lot of the time, there is more of a gender bias towards women within HR, simplistically, so I’ve had a lot of female colleagues. But then I sort of did a bit of a deep dive into the whole women and business piece. And I think from then I’ve just managed to come across in some subconscious way, that a lot of my clients are female, I’m not overt about it, I don’t put it on a LinkedIn profile, but I’m comfortable. We know working with women. And another thing I do in terms of the radio shows is I’ve got one about men in menopause. So it’s like getting the world to talk more about men and women, about the menopause in business and how that works. So ideal clients head off director of and how I do it, it is to start with, it’s to do with the you know, the strengths scope profile, but it is immediately talking to people around, you know, what they think resilience is, but then also talking about to them, what’s the difference between thriving coping and surviving? So I want to immediately get people to understand that resilience is not just about hanging on, I’m not of the view of like saying, Oh, it’s a VUCA. world change is constant, it’s a full on, it’s really difficult. It’s challenging, you know, just be resilient and suck it up, that that’s not where I’m coming from. Because that feels like toxic resilience to me. That’s dope. That’s why I always define resilience as springing forward with learning. So in terms of working with my clients is like, so day to day, how do you want to move forward to this place of thrive for you, with you know, building your resiliency skills, we use a resilience wheels got seven aspects to it, you get your resilience wheel into a good place, you’ll be resilient, but the big part of it is playing to their strengths, what energizes them because it builds natural resilience and natural confidence. And confidence is one of the dimensions of the resilience wheel that I talked about, as well. So I hope that answers the question in less than five minutes.

Kevin Stafford 17:53
It does, it really captures the heart of of your of your coaching approach, because it’s, again, like so many unique to you. But like so many coaches, you have that good coaches have that combination of very specific frameworks, it’s like, we’re not just here to talk about your problems. This isn’t therapy, we’re, we’re discovering we’re shining a light in some darker places, we’re giving you a vocabulary to use acquainting you more more properly with yourself. And we’re also going to run through very specific frameworks, we have a very specific plan that are going to reveal very specific things about not just who you are, but what you do next, to become the person you want to be. And that not hybrid. But that’s I hate to use this word, because it gets thrown around a lot. But that synergy between between the, what I like to sometimes think of as the 30,000 feet head in the clouds, and the boots on the ground, doing the doing the workout doing the work in the fields, that combination of both, I feel like it’s something that makes coaching not to put too fine a point on it, but special, genuinely special, and how it can truly, truly help you to break through from wherever you’re at to wherever you want to be.

Russell Harvey 18:59
Now, one of the things that you said there as well, I also talked an awful lot about this word, optimism, as opposed to positivity, they’re intertwined. So there’s a couple of things there. I’ll come back to optimism in a second. So one of the other ways that I work with clients is with the VUCA piece, you know, volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous, you know, change is constant. It’s not about just saying that and leaving the room to go, change is constant deal with it. Do people really understand what that means? Change is constant, but then I want to work with people on going and what are some of the things that are gonna stay the same? So what I mean about that is to do with them as a human being so how do you get it the things that stay the same for you are your levels of resilience? Are you working upon your resilience, you’re going to stay the same or build your strengths, your skills, your capabilities, your attitude, your mindset behaviors, and but that’s what stays constant, you know, as so that you can face into changes happening all of the time. So Then the optimism piece that comes into that. Apologies of people listening, they know this, it’s remember optimism starts with grounded in reality. So it’s not the head in the clouds, okay? It starts with. So the trick in the art then is work with a lot of clients to say, Gosh, business work life, it’s just so many complications, you go, right, we need to now be grounded reality about what the challenges are, and accept them with good grace. accepting them with good grace takes a lot of hard work. There are things that I’m still struggling to accept the good grace these days is like a now they’re there, but not quite accepting it. So start your ups and grounding reality, accept the good grace, not to sort of depress yourself or deflate yourself is to go, it is what it is, you know, how do you get yourself to that point. And then you look at your strengths, your skills, your capabilities, your experiences, your learning, your resilience, your mindset that you’ve got, and the people around you have got an ego Actually, can I look at all of those strengths fueled capability means in others, and can I actually utilize them to counterbalance the grounded in reality, so that I can feel genuinely hopeful that I can face face into the challenge is not pretend hope, real hope to go? Actually, it’s an incredibly difficult challenging situation that I’m in which I really understood by now looking at everything that I’ve got, and my support network has got, and I genuinely believe we can face into them overcome them. And when you do that, you get feelings of positivity. So, optimism first, you know, if you look at the dictionary definition of optimism, it says being positive. So they’re intertwined. But you know, that’s, that’s also how I work with clients ask the question of like, How optimistic are you feeling this week?

Kevin Stafford 21:55
And that’s, again, that’s, that’s part of your job. Part of your role that makes you so powerful and so impactful for people is that you not only bring, you don’t only bring the vocabulary, but you explore it and you ask, ask good questions, not rhetorical questions, not like, you know, how’s your optimism feeling today? You know, it’s actually speak to it, because in speaking to how they respond to that word, and that question will tell you a lot. It’ll tell them a lot. And as their answer changes over time, you can see their understanding of not just what optimism is in Merriam Webster or the Oxford Dictionary, but what optimism means for them what optimism means in the world grounded in reality, what does that look like? And how does that move? How does that relate to positivity? How does that relate to the energy I have? How does that relate to my hope? How does that relate to my grace and my ability to execute and perform grace? Genuinely in the face of the stuff the life happening all around? The VUCA?

Russell Harvey 22:55
Yah, yah, yah articulated well, back to me what is going on in my head. And when you’re in that space, that’s what I mean by thriving. So when people are optimistic, and they’re playing to their energies, so what, you know how I defined the Thrive piece was like, yes, it could still be really difficult and challenging, but you can genuinely state but I’m good. And that’s thriving, you know, coping and surviving, is coping and surviving. Yeah, we absolutely have to do it at times, you know, we will have challenges where we feel like we’re hanging on Absolutely. But then it’s a case of how do you then continue to still find a way to head towards for thrive, you know, if you stay within the coping and surviving for too long, then there’s some risks around that.

Kevin Stafford 23:41
Yeah, my path up the mountain is sometimes going to involve climbing, and sometimes I am going to literally be hanging on and sometimes it’d be taking a leisurely stroll through some beautiful terrain, that’s the journey up the mountain, and it’s all the same journey, some of it’s going to be a little harder, some of it’s going to look a lot harder. Some of it’s going to make me sweat a lot more than other parts, it’s going to be a lot more effortful. But there’s still a whole heap of grace to be had in those moments, even when you’re cleaning to the side of the mountain that you’re on. Or when you’re just sitting around a fire late at night, and just in some of the most beautiful, metaphorical land you’ve ever seen or experienced in your entire life. That’s, it’s all the same journey and it’s all lovely. Obviously, it’s it’s a lifetime of work, to embrace every part of that journey with with grace and hopefulness and and optimism. I love it.

Russell Harvey 24:32
All right, bro. Sparrow. I’ve certainly got two questions either for you or everybody’s listening. It’s like, what are you most optimistic about your life in the moment at this moment in time and what you least optimistic about? That’s what I’m curious to how everybody will answer that this listening, you know,

Kevin Stafford 24:49
yeah, it’s tough to because there are so there are a number of very large and insistent causes or prompts for a lack of optimism. More pessimism. Obviously the, you know, climate right now across the world where, you know, some places are cooking, some places are drowning, it’s, you know, our awareness of it is increasing, while our solutions aren’t necessarily keeping pace, or at least the execution of our solutions. And so it’s hard. It’s hard to not to see around that, but feel around that. But it’s very important. It’s hard for that not to take up all the available space. But there’s, there are also reasons for so many reasons for optimism, like, honestly, and this is gonna sound like me blowing smoke up your butt. But like this conversation, is a is a very specific cause for optimism for me personally, because of what we’re able to talk about how quickly we were able to get to stuff that really matters. That’s really positive, not just in ignoring reality way, but positive saying, We can do this like this, we have ways to go about growing and developing ourselves and growing and developing together. And that’s going to have positive effects that we can’t even see, we can’t even imagine. But we know we’re out there. But we know we’re out there. We have that hope. And it’s just that this conversation in particular and this podcast in general is that for me personally, because I get to have conversations like this that really, they sparked that optimism. They spark that hope in my heart and just Yeah, anytime I’m feeling low, it picks me up.

Russell Harvey 26:18
Nice, good. i One of the things that surprised me about you know, the purpose and the numbers that thought your 1000. Initially was I sort of said it always didn’t think about the responses I might get is because one of the one of the four responses was, well, that sounds a bit arrogant Russell, that was one of the responses that I got. One response that I did that I didn’t initially get or understand was somebody sort of said, add me to the list. That’s just as their that was their response. And in the moment when somebody the first time said it, I went I’m sorry. You said, No. I’ve spent some time with Russell, add me to your list of numbers. I was like, Oh, right. Right. Lovely. Thank you. And then others said, well, actually, you’ve shared with me some insights, or I’ve learned some things from our coaching. And I’m gonna go away and utilize those with some people that I know. So you haven’t just affected me or so you’ve affected them. And I was like, Oh, wow, I hadn’t thought you just things you don’t think about essentially. So yeah, the fact that we have this opportunity to grow and share and others to learn from us. It’s brilliant. It’s just amazing.

Kevin Stafford 27:29
It really is. And yeah, I could talk about it all day, I just did the sort of responsible podcast hosted thing and looked up at the Zoom clock and realized that we’ve just been chatting for over 30 minutes already. Okay. I want to, again, like just selfishly, like even if I hit stop record, I could keep you all day, but obviously, where you’re at, it’s getting later into the evening, it’s still the morning here for me, while we’re recording, I love I love our tools, the ability to connect across the world in ways I just, I’ll never get over how awesome that is. So first of all, thank you, you could add me to the list. I can I can, oh, thank you very much. Okay, you’ve given me You’ve sparked a lot of sparked re sparked or illuminated some things that are that are very important to me. And I’ve really, really loved this conversation, I feel like my day is already made, and I still have a whole day to come. So thank you for that. And also, before I let you go, where if people just want to, like get to know you, and learn more about you who you are what you do, where can they find out more. And if they want to connect, if they want to have a conversation, if they wanna start a relationship, if they want to get some of your coaching, where can they best reach out to you to do that to start that process?

Russell Harvey 28:35
simplistically, all through the website. So www dot the resilience coach dot code at UK. So loads of blogs on there, there’s videos on there. I’ve got my own podcast, so you can access it on there. So that will they’ll hear me talking about all things do resilience that’s on there. And then there’s a form that you can contact resource. So if you’ve gone in there and going, Oh, I like a bit more about this. You just press the button of contact Russell and it sends me an email and he just sort of say, can we have a chat? That’s it. Perfect. That’s how it works. Go

Kevin Stafford 29:07
to the website and everything’s the hub. And there’s the rest of the spokes on the wheel go out from there it’s perfect. Hey, Russell, I’m gonna say it one more time. Thank you for this conversation today. I am I am I am buoyed I am I am uplifted by our conversation you have a you have a very have a very I don’t mean to reach into the vocabulary bag, but the word that came to my mind when I was trying to describe you was ebullient which is just I need to put put the put the books down put the put the English education down Kevin, just just delightful. Delightful is a much it’s a nickel word I can use I can use a nickel word. I don’t need to reach for the handle. Very

Russell Harvey 29:41
happy to be a brilliant. Yeah, don’t worry. That’s brilliant. I’ll take that and also genuinely really enjoyed chatting with you as well. You’ve played back to me some things that I’ve said that have really helped me as well. So there is some reciprocity there in terms of fancy words for two Day.

Kevin Stafford 30:01
Oh, perfect. That’s music to my ears into my heart. So, thank you. Thank you, the audience for listening. I feel like I’ve had like a private conversation in public, which is the best. I love it. I love that we got to demonstrate what a conversation like this might be like, what some of your, what your coaching might be like how you approach, you know, engaging with people and sharing the lessons and the things that you know. So, to the audience, you I say this often, but you know what to do next I’ll have the link to Russell’s website in the show notes. It’s going to be really easy to find you can find him on LinkedIn, I’m sure you can connect with Russell, have a conversation, get to know him. Just read his blogs, listen to his podcast. You’ve gotten a little taste here. You’re gonna want more. Do yourself a favor. And thank you for being here. Thank you to the audience. Thank you one more time Russell and we will get a chance to talk to you again very, very soon.

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