Glodean Champion – On Speaking, Community Building, and Taking Action | Conversations with Coaches | Boxer Media

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Glodean Champion | Conversations with Coaches | Boxer Media

In today’s conversation, we use Glodean’s just-released TEDx Talk as our jumping-off point. But instead of discussing the talk itself (which really does speak for itself and you should go watch it right now – Glodean NAILED it), we spend most of our time talking about everything around a talk like this – like the way she’s embraced speaking as the most powerful expression of the way she wants to serve her community and the world.

We also dive into subjects like community building and group coaching, as well as the different forms that feedback can take (think post-presentation conversations, view counts on videos, and how challenging it can be to gauge the impact you’re having.

We cover a LOT more ground in this wide-ranging chat, so either before or after you’ve watched her TEDx Talk, make sure to give this a listen. 🙂

Glodean is a Keynote Speaker, Author, and Transformational Leader who specializes in leadership development, team building and diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI). She’s a Six Sigma Black Belt and draws on her extensive background to transform the lives of her clients. Her life’s purpose is to leave people better than she found them.

To put it as succinctly as possible, Glodean helps organizations empower their people by teaching them how to raise their awareness, own their belonging, and collaborate in a way that creates innovative, influential teams and a culture people love.

To learn more about Glodean:

Other links:
TEDx Talk

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Kevin Stafford 0:00
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another episode of the conversations with coaches podcast. This is another part two and I gotta tell you I am. I’m beside myself to have Bluetooth champion back with me. We just jumped in the Zoom Room. It had been like two ships passing in the night glow Dean has been so busy for so many good reasons. And we jumped, I daresay right back into the deep end, we started talking about her her TEDx talk that just just released very, very recently. We’re recording this in the middle of March, and so it just released a few days ago. By the way, the link will be in the show notes. I’ll say that again a few more times during the course of this podcast, but we talked not only about the talk itself, but about doing the talk and how well all including speak to it. I was about I was about to try to summarize our conversation. We just jumped right into it. And I was like, let me stop and hit record before we just start doing this for the next hour or so. So let me refresh you on who Godinez before we get to talk it again. Glavine is a keynote speaker, as we’re going to talk about an author and transformational leader who specializes in leadership development, team building and diversity, equity and inclusion. She’s a Six Sigma Black Belt and draws on her extensive background to transform the lives of her clients. Her life’s purpose is to leave people better than she found them. Floating. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I’m feeling I’m feeling lots of gratitude here to hear a couple more thank yous as we go through. Thank you for being here today.

Glodean Champion 1:24
My pleasure. It’s always like, that’s why it was so easy to just jump right in.

Kevin Stafford 1:31
Well, let’s let’s do it. Let’s let’s let’s talk about the talk. Now. First of all, let’s talk about what the talk is that you’ve heard that you’re so so pleased with and proud of. And I think it’s I think it’s worthy of as much signal boosting as we can give it. So talk about that first, then we’ll talk about doing the talk.

Glodean Champion 1:45
So it’s a TEDx. And it’s, you mean, like for people who may not know what TEDx is?

Kevin Stafford 1:55
Oh, no, I think I think generally people kind of, they kind of underscore they get Ted, most people understand Ted, and I think enough people can like follow it from there. Like TEDx is just basically like, localized heads. Right? Exactly what

Glodean Champion 2:07
it is. That’s exactly what it is. So yeah, I just did my my, well, my second one, this is my second one. I’m so happy to say. It just came out yesterday, what is today, march, march 15. And if the the title is enough, with race already, it’s time for a new social construct. And it’s been really hard to talk to people about it, because I want to give the reveal. Like, it’s just, it’s really, like when you see it, it’s just a silly. It’s so simple. That is kind of silly. But it’s, that’s what makes it so great. Right? When I was actually when I was actually recording the TEDx, when I got to that part, I only have a few slides. But when I got to that slide, I wanted to stop and go when it cool. And then I was like

Kevin Stafford 3:05
oh, it’s funny, you know, you’ve got it. It’s like one of those things where it’s like, you want to like play you want to like big, big neon signs and arrows and be like, Steve is right. It was great. But you also like, you kind of understand that, they’re gonna find it, they’re gonna find it, I’m not even.

Glodean Champion 3:20
They’ll just have their own. That was cool moment. Which, which is interesting, because I was the last speaker to leave the event, the venue, because so many people stopped me to talk to me about how meaningful my talk was, and how I took something as complex as race and boiled it down into something people could digest and, and feel inspired to, to embody. So that was, that was great.

Kevin Stafford 3:50
That’s fantastic. And you were talking we were talking a little bit before he recorded about how, how, how difficult it is to not watch the view count, when you’re when a talk is just posted. And I just love that you had mentioned though, that you’ve gotten so much feedback in the moment that you basically like couldn’t get couldn’t get out of the venue. So many people were coming up to you to chat and I was like, it’s so funny how how, how the hell it comes to you how the response comes to you in different ways. And sometimes they’re tremendously gratifying and you’re like, Oh, this is it. This is I knew it. I knew I felt I knew it felt good. Everyone else felt it too. And that’s what it’s supposed to do as you want but then you’re watching the view count and you’re clicking refresh over and over again and looking at other talks from the same night. It’s like yeah, it’s it’s weird in it

Glodean Champion 4:30
is very weird. And, and I’m glad that I just said that to you about being the last person to leave because just just because your your your folks might not know what we were talking about. But my last TEDx when it went up it immediately like by the time I saw it had been out for 12 hours and I already have like 1500 or 1600 views. This one has been out now for almost Actually, today, right now would make it 24 hours. And it’s only had maybe I think, last look, it was 190 views. And I was I was like spinning out and I was sending messages to the TEDx coordinators, like, why is it so few and other people have like 3007 1000, before the 12 hours before they’ve even gotten to? Well, not that many. But within 24 hours, it was that many. But here’s the thing, and I’m gonna say it again to myself, and you won’t get to benefit from this. I was, I was telling Kevin that when I stepped on the red carpet, like before I went out, I said, a little prayer of gratitude. And I asked for support. And then I stepped on that little red circle. And it was like, I got a download that said, you got this, this is the beginning of the rest of your life. And I knew immediately what that meant, right? Because my goal and objective is to be a keynote speaker. I mean, I like coaching and consulting and doing that work. But I feel like my i the messages that I want to put out in the world, speak to me when I’m on stage in a different way than when I when people like that, and I feel like I can reach more people. But I got that download. And then I nailed it, like, nailed it, except for that, that slide I was telling you about somebody else that slide was up there. But even that, like anybody that speaks or does or has had to present, knows, all it takes is one one thing that might not even be your fault. And then you’re all in your head about oh, I didn’t do it perfectly. But I saw that wasn’t my slide. And I was like, that’s not my slide. That’s not what you’re supposed to see. Fix it. And then continue as if nothing had happened. Like, nothing. So anyway, I’m remembering. And there were high school students there. And they took, they took such levels, like they, they swooped in to take care of me, they wanted to make sure that I there’s this thing called King Cake. And this is in Louisiana. It’s this, it’s not even know how to describe it. It’s like a, it’s like cake. And a doughnut or something. It’s super sweet. But it’s the king cake and, and there’s a baby, there’s like a little toy, baby. And if you get the baby then at the next event you buy the king cake is I think how that tradition goes, what you know, during the recording, the the coordinator was kind of poking fun at me. Because I had said to the audience, I love all of you. And so then that was the thing was I made them laugh. And you know, once you make people laugh, that’s kind of you kind of got you got them. So they came and they made sure I had some of the tasty cake. And then they they just were so loving and nurturing. That is the thing that’s more important right now. And those views because I I did create this crazy making story in my head about what it means, you know why I don’t have as many views and it’s so dumb, it’s so dumb, because people are gonna see it. That’s what I know for a fact.

Kevin Stafford 8:14
And respond to it, too. It’s also like, it’s, there’s so many different ways to look at it, some of them are tremendously positive, others are just will just drag you down, like an anchor around your neck. And then you’ll probably feel them all at any given moment. Because that’s just that’s just kind of the way that works. It’s, it’s silly, but it’s also real, it’s why it’s good to fight, I was so pleased to want to just hit record on our conversation. So I was like, it’s, I think it’s important to talk about this, it’s like you can you can acknowledge those feelings, they’re real, they’re, they’re valid, and they could be silly, and they could be serious. And they could it could be both at the same time. And it’s just important not to not to put too many obstacles in the way of that, you know, just experience it and have a conversation with yourself and maybe eat some pancakes and take a walk. And then as your feelings evolve and change or this growing living thing. And so it’s like it’s, but yeah, like you said, though, it’s there’s so many different little, little, little, little ticks, it’s really, it’s hard not to hit refresh on the view count. Because you just put yourself out there in a really important way. And you got the message that you nailed it. And you did you were there and you’ve got all that feedback. And then you’re like, you know, looking for what should in your mind come next. And it’s hasn’t quite arrived yet. And there’s all sorts of all sorts of self talk that can move into that silence that you know, it’s not always the best kind of self talk. We don’t always treat ourselves all that great sometimes. Yeah, you

Glodean Champion 9:30
know what, though? I am so glad I’ve done I’ve done I can’t say all the work because I just said this to someone the other day. Self Love is a journey. And the destination continues to shift and move. Right? When you get to the destination I’m gonna say least I’m gonna speak for myself. I hope that by the time I arrive at the destination, that the destination means that I’m not here are on this planet anymore. Right? I feel like the journey is driving us toward that, that, and that in place, if you will. But part of part of the journey is honoring your feelings. And I think so many people don’t honor their feelings, they push them down, or they, they give them meaning. And then they get stuck in the story. And the story becomes more important than so i. So that’s why it was so easy for me to tell you kind of where I was because I just looked at the stupid with the views that I just told somebody, she was beating herself up. And I said, Would you stop? Would you stop beating up my friend like that? And she was like, What are you talking about? And I said, you are right now being so hard on yourself over something that’s really not that serious. First of all, just honor how you feel right now. How do you feel? And she said, I’m pissed off? I said, Okay, good. Now, the path that you’re going on right now is going to have you pissed off all day, into the next day and probably into the next week. So why don’t you just recognize what you’re pissed off about? And then honor whether or not you had anything to do with being pissed off, because a lot of times our emotions, you know, we help create those emotions, right? So if you do something that had someone react to you in a certain way that then pissed you off. And then we got to the root cause of it. She had said something to someone that they miss understood, they’re misunderstood. And then they snapped at her. And she didn’t try to clarify what she said, she just let them snap at her. And I was like, okay, so you’re pissed off at you, and have them. So now that we know that, why don’t you go clear it up with that other person first? And then call me back? And she was like, I don’t want to do that. So why don’t you do it? You’ll feel better. She was like, I have I have a few friends that say you’ve been glowed. So she was like, stop trying to glow me. Did it? Yeah. Call me back. And she was like, Oh my God. I called him and explained what I meant that I was clear that he misunderstood what I said. Then she said He told her he was sitting over there pissed off, too. And I said, Look, two people and then it’s it’s like a paying for it. Isn’t it interesting? How we are more likely to pay for it negative energy than positive energy. It moves

Kevin Stafford 12:34
forward easier. It really does. It’s like what’s actually you know what? I say that out loud. And I’m not sure that’s true. There’s something about it, that makes it more accessible to kick down the road, the negative energy, but I feel like with with like, if you just like embrace the habit of it, and just trying to switch your mindset. It is just as if not more easy to pass the positive down there down the road. I just I just tripped over that, too. I had this little, little little story I was telling myself about how being negative is easier and being positive. But that’s, as I said it out loud as it escaped my lips. I was like, Wait, right? That’s not true. Where to come from? Now. I have a whole like journey of discovery to go on and be like, what is that buried? Where’s that living inside me that just came out so easily? Like that? Yes. Oh, interesting. I love it. I love I love you just got glowed. It’s so great. That’s like, I hear so many things that you did there with with that person that I love. And one of them is I’ve used them. I’ve used it before. And it really is a great pattern interrupt just when I was like, Don’t treat my friend like that. Yeah, when someone someone’s beating themselves up, because that’s like, you get stuck in your own story. And you forget that other people care about you. And you know, there’s all sorts of all sorts of shorthand that we use to describe this, like you’re your own worst critic. And it’s like, you know, the way we beat ourselves up and hold our, you know, yadda yadda yadda. But like just framing it that way. It’s like, don’t treat my friend like that just knocks people right out of their story that’s just running in the background. And you’re, you know, that’s such a good way to get people to start listening. And once you start listening, this is one more step away from action, which you also load them up to take. I’m sorry, I’m just so tickled by how like, obvious and how great that is that your your friends and clients like just use your name as a verb? Yeah.

Glodean Champion 14:17
Oh, man. Oh, that was like what? Yeah, I like it.

Kevin Stafford 14:22
I like it, too. There was one of the things way back like 10 minutes ago in our conversation I like you were talking about getting up on stage and talking about your desire to be a keynote speaker. Because you feel like that’s really the like maybe the best way you said it in your words. But like that, that seems like to you and your experience or the way to have the most impact to deliver your message in the most effective way to the most people with the most depth. And I really liked I liked that because oftentimes, even coaches themselves are looking for the best way to be of service. Right and coaching ends up being a pretty decent way to start that out. And by coaching I’m more I’m kind of you seeing that in the like sort of one on one terminology, where it’s like you are coaching another individual, really that becoming a coach is sort of the beginning of a journey to discovering exactly how you can best do the work you want to do serve the people you want to serve, change the lives you want to change and grow the relationships you want to grow. And discovering that you know what, this is the way, you know, being up on stage and delivering these messages. And then just having those relationships that come from that, like the people that you met afterwards, who kept you who kept you late, who you know, kept you until until they closed the venue down those relationships and that kind of impact. I love that you have been seeking that out and have found that and I love that you knew I keep saying I love that you because I love I love this story. I love this journey here. Because you in that moment, you got that acknowledgement like this is it. This is it, you’re on that stage. And you’ve got that like that support based off of that, that that gratitude, you put the gratitude out there. And you’ve got back that message like this is it and it’s sort of something that you’ve you’ve been knowing for a while, I’m sure because I’m sure you’ve been on a journey of you know, this your second TEDx talk, I’m sure you’ve delivered plenty of other keynote speeches before. And clearly, cheer yourself and speak. What you want to speak on very well. But I just I love I love that sort of milestone, where it’s just like, boom, yep, this is it. Go forward go forth.

Glodean Champion 16:24
Yeah, yes. Crazy how sorry, I just had another one of those moments. Um, I feel like, I feel like, the closer are the more that I do this work, the more open I am to receive whatever I’m supposed to do next. And I have this change the world project called Let’s Talk about love. And it’s the my intent was for it to go from city to city. So the first one I did was let’s talk about love Monterrey. And then I posted it on social media. And somebody in Houston said, Oh, would you bring it to Houston? And I said, Sure. So let’s talk about love. Houston has happened. Are we in March, February, it happened and I’m struggling. And it didn’t get the attendance that I mean, because first of all, I didn’t know I didn’t know anybody there. So the fact that anyone showed up not knowing who I am, to me, it’s, it’s a blessing in and of itself. But I realized that the, the event itself, is transformational. Because when you can bring community members together to talk about things that matter to them, and the things that they’re struggling with, that aren’t about the community itself, because as you know, our community is only as strong as members within it. And so if you’re broken, you’re not really much help to the people in your community. So creating a space where people can have these conversations, I’m seeing how powerful that is. But I’m also recognizing that it can’t be a couple of hours, like I can’t change the world in two hours. But I can make an impact in a longer amount of time. So I’m trying to figure out how to make that just be a full day, kind of experience that people, you know, pay a nominal fee. I don’t want I don’t I only want to charge so people actually show up because I had over 100 people RSVP for that event. But well, I guess that would be about right. 25 30% showed up. So um, but just to make sure that people are there because I’m seeing how important it is. So it’s kind of like a group coaching. I’m starting to see that. It’s like a group coaching session. Yeah, it’s so powerful. Right? And then the talking, I tell stories, and I share my experiences just to get people comfortable enough to share or just be reflective. So yeah, I’m gonna do it around. I’m gonna stay in California, and travel around California. So looks like the next one is going to be an Oakland because somebody called me yesterday about coming to Oakland with it. So I’m just gonna keep doing it until it feels like I got the right pieces together. Yeah. Because people asking for people. You know, people get coaching for a number of different reasons. In in the business space leaders get coaching usually, because it’s punitive. They’ve done something and now they’re being forced to take coaching so they can become better leaders. But I’d rather people get coaching for personal development or leadership development by choice, right? Which is different than you helping me craft my business. I’ve noticed that when I was working with some business coaches to help me when I first started like social media coaches, I feel like part of that conversation should be that personal development piece as well. Because if you don’t know your message. And someone’s trying to force you to create a message or they’re trying to tell you how social media works. If you’re not clear, and you don’t know how to articulate that you’re not clear, like I was screaming, I don’t know what I’m supposed to be saying right now, because I haven’t figured it out. But I just feel like, we missed so many opportunities by not taking those moments to remind ourselves or remind the people we’re working with, that you’re honest, you’re on a journey. It shouldn’t be your self love Journey. We look at love in such a strange way. But yeah, that self love Journey is not the ego journey, right? You know that. But some people just

Kevin Stafford 20:40
don’t know that. Or they know it, but they don’t understand how it applies to them. Because it can be so it’s such a flip to, like, take the lesson of the put your own mask on first, sort of like, you know, emergency landing on a plane thing where it’s like, no, no, you want to serve, you want to help you want to have impact, you want to be a member of the community you want to contribute. That’s great. Yes, it starts with you. Right, that starts with you know, so does the ego maniacal up your own but part of my friends journey also starts with you it just with you. But that’s a different, that’s a different thing entirely. But the kind of impact you want to have the communities you want to be a part of, and grow and contribute to, it begins with the work on you. It begins with that self love, and that awareness. And then it radiates out from there. And I love that like that group is this, this group coaching then you kind of got going on kind of exemplifies that where it’s like you bring like a campfire up to a group and you’re like you’re doing your thing. And you just invite everyone to come and like, you know, put a little sticker a torch into the fire and take it over and start their own little fires and have their own little campfire chats. And like you can watch like, literally the spark that you’re generating, catch fire here, there and everywhere. And you’re seeing people doing the work and you’re helping to guide it. And that’s, that’s, that’s, I’m kind of slightly getting chills by the idea of just that like that catching on. Because I mean, it’s yeah, it’s a great idea.

Glodean Champion 22:03
Yeah. Yeah, it came to me in a dream.

Kevin Stafford 22:07
And most of the best ones do. Yeah,

Glodean Champion 22:10
I just, I’m part of this group called the association of transformational leaders. And we have a retreat twice a year. And the they usually bring in these amazing speakers and people that are doing what we do out in the world, but they it’s coming, they’re doing it so that we can stay thoughtful, and continue to grow and get something and they had someone this last one talk about dreams and how our spirit guides and our angels are giving us messages, we often through our dreams, because sometimes we don’t hear him any other way. And even though you don’t mean may not remember your dream you’re getting you’re getting messages about what you could or should be doing in the world. And so when she said that, I was like, oh, that’s why I just woke up. I don’t remember anything about the dream. I just remember waking up. And and let’s talk about love Monterrey was what I was like, what does that mean? And then I said it out loud. So I guess that was the acknowledgment of it right? Then Then all the opportunities and the thoughts and whatever started just flow from there. Anyway, I digress.

Kevin Stafford 23:21
I love it. And I was I we digress, I just looked up at the clock because I realized that we might be being a bad host and I hadn’t checked the Zoom clock and we’ve we’ve been recording for like 25 minutes chatting for 35 minutes. And just like Jesus, this is exactly what I remembered and expected for us to be able to like just just talking about the real, some of the real like important stuff. And again, it’s some some of its simple some of its easy some of its obvious, but it doesn’t always assemble for people correctly. And I feel like it’s just it’s just good to shine some extra light channel a little a little bit of extra light from our from our for our little individual campfires on stuff. I I selfishly want to keep you and just keep this conversation going. But I know we both have have plenty to do. gloating. Thank you. I told you I’d say it again. This has been it’s been a really like it’s been a meaty conversation. Like I’m, it’s taking all of my willpower not to want to have like the dream conversation to because that’s like, also near and dear to my heart. But yeah, honestly, I’m gonna save that for a future episode. I’m almost certainly going to have to have you back on like, maybe later in the summer. After they write your TEDx talk, you know, blows up and goes into the five figures. Yeah. Out There. I’m gonna put that out there to the world that were before let you go a reminder. And obviously I’ll put links to everything including this TEDx talk in the show notes. But where can people best find out more about you who you are, what you do, and also what you’re up to? If they want to know like, where you’re going to be at how they can connect with you how they can start a conversation where they could see you so yeah, where can people best find all that out?

Glodean Champion 24:56
The best place to find out about me and what I do Do is on my website gloating. The best way to find out where what I’m up to, and what I’m where I’m gonna be is on either Facebook or Instagram. Excuse me. Yeah, you can also find out about me on LinkedIn as well. But I use I use Facebook, I don’t use Facebook to sell myself, I use Facebook to share kind of my journey. So I share myself love Sundays, or what I’m doing. Or when I’m traveling, or my, my, my culinary skills, whatever part of me that you get to experience on Facebook and Instagram,

Kevin Stafford 25:42
like that, I’ll make sure I make sure they’re a little link. Um, I’m sure the links to all this are on your website, too. But I’ll make sure that they ended up in the show notes as well. All right. All right. Go Treat yourself to something nice. I know. You kind of jokingly said you might go go get some pancakes eat your feelings. But that which is like that’s to me, that’s a Kevin move as well. It was like I’m gonna make myself something something sweet and nice. Right? Yes. And one more time. Thank you. Two part. Thank you. Thank you for being here with me today. Like I really, really enjoyed this conversation. And thank you for doing what you do for the work that you do for the way that you’re evolving and putting yourself out into the world locking in being vulnerable and available and Thanks for Thanks for being willing to, to glow people from time to time.

Glodean Champion 26:30
Thanks for having me, Kevin. It’s always a pleasure to chat with you

Kevin Stafford 26:34
and to the audience out there. I mean, if you’ve been listening all this time you already know you want to get to know glow a little bit better. It’s an absolute delight. So do yourself a favor and click any or all of the links in the show notes of this episode. Do us a favor meet glow. And in the meantime, we will talk to you all again very soon.

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