With featured guest

Janet Rumi Martin

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Janet Rumi Martin | The Remarkable Coach | Boxer Media

Janet Rumi Martin uses vision board groups and 1:1 coaching to help her clients reach and exceed major goals in their lives, land on a healthy work/life balance, and reduce their stress and anxiety.

In this episode of The Remarkable Coach Podcast, Micheal and Janet discuss the real-world benefits and practical how-tos of vision boarding.

Plus, she drops the single best piece of advice for new coaches that we’ve ever heard on this podcast!

A bit about Janet:

Janet R. Martin is an organizational leadership coach, mentor, and “eduvational” speaker. Her focus is on helping individuals and teams manifest personal and professional goals through facilitating workshops such as vision board groups and leadership mastermind style training.

Janet also does one-to-one coaching on goals and becoming a person of influence.

Where you can find Janet:

Website: https://jrmsources.coachesconsole.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aspire2inspirejanetmartin/

Other links:


Keap CRM

Nowsite CRM – https://now.site/

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Micheal Pacheco 0:00
All righty. crack my neck. Man we go all right. Hello, everyone and welcome once again to another episode of the remarkable coach podcast. As always, I’m your host, Michael Pacheco. Today with me. I have Janet Martin. Janet is an organizational leadership coach, mentor. And I hope I pronounced this right educational speaker. I think that’s educational and motivational. Yes. Janet’s focus is helping individuals and teams manifest personal and professional goals through facilitating workshops, such as vision board groups, and leadership mastermind style training. Janet also does one on one coaching on goals and becoming a person of influence. Janet, welcome to the remarkable coach podcast.

Janet Rumi Martin 0:50
Thank you so much. Thank you. I’m glad that we’re finally getting together.

Micheal Pacheco 0:54
Yes. I appreciate you making making time for this. As always, I to open up the podcast by simply inviting our guests to tell us a little bit more about yourself in your own words, and why you got into coaching.

Janet Rumi Martin 1:06
Wow. I always enjoy paying it forward and teaching it forward. And then I found out that you can actually do it and get paid. I didn’t have it didn’t have to necessarily give it away for free all the time. Even though I still do that I just really enjoy anything that I learned. And well, when I love to learn, I love to grow myself and people I love to connect. And that’s got me started in doing the coaching and learning about coaching and mentoring. And I thought it was exciting. And so now here I am

Micheal Pacheco 1:51
with awesome. Tell us about your your clients, who do you who’s who’s your typical client? Who do you work with?

Janet Rumi Martin 1:57
Well, you know, pivoting is a huge is a huge thing in the industry, especially when you’re working in something where you’re like education or you know, anything to that matter. My actual goal was to be a speaker full time and train a lot of people in a smaller amount of time and but I know that you can only reach them and do so much on that level, you know, they can walk away feeling good and have some knowledge and nuggets that they can go back to work or home and utilize, hopefully, hopefully they don’t forget them. And then mentoring was the other thing because I wanted to share my experiences because I know that I’ve grown and learned from other people sharing their experiences, whether it’s in business, or family life, friends, you know, different organizations you can belong to. And I actually wanted to stay away from coaching and of all things because I actually in my personal life, had people constantly coming up to me and expecting me to kind of be their therapist. And I, you know, they didn’t want to go to therapy. And I was like, well, that’s not how this works. Like you just don’t like not go to therapy. And then like utilize me because I’m not a professional in that genre. And so coaching to me felt too much like therapy, right? Too much like, oh my gosh, I gotta sit here and listen to somebody. That’s why I really liked the the mentoring part of it. So I could actually collaborate with people. And maybe I could walk away with a takeaway too, and use that for somebody else or another group. And I really enjoyed doing the vision board group, I held some vision board groups and loved the outcome. But I knew I noticed as they were like packing up to leave, and they had their vision boards with them. And they were all excited. And I had given them the tools in the beginning I thought how am I? How am I going to how am I going to keep up with these people like I really want to know that they succeed and I really want to know that they’re growing and that they’re doing what they want to do and what they’re capable of doing. And, and so then I started researching back to coaching again. And okay, so now is the time for me to start doing this because I can help guide people and just to get their thought process focused, you know, get them in focus not so much that I had to tell them what to do, or necessarily listen to the history of their life of why they are doing things the way they are now but actually just say, what is it that you want to do? What are your goals? Okay, so you have this goal. Now how what ways have you thought of getting to this goal, we know that life has obstacles we know that that you know you may be at a job that you know that takes up too much of your time that maybe is not in your wheelhouse that you really want to be doing. So how are we going to get life to kind of pause and get your focus go Seeing. And that’s where I come in. And that’s where I feel like, there’s a really good, strong point for me because, again, I can give suggestions, but it’s about what you’ve already thought about, and kind of getting you off that hamster wheel right? And you just don’t wanna keep running on this hamster wheel and, and like, Oh, I’ve been wanting to do this for years because I know I’ve gone through it too, too, because I am a coach doesn’t mean that I have a perfect life and that everything is like, Oh, I know everything to do. But life happens. And once I found out that that’s what I could do as far as for coaching. I was in it.

Micheal Pacheco 5:39
Nice. I love it. I want to talk a little bit about vision boarding. I have personally had so much success in my life come from Vision boarding. And it’s not always necessarily vision boarding, but just visioning, writing, just writing stuff down becoming clear on what it is I want thinking about it every day. Talk to us a little bit about about vision boarding in in in Janet’s world. What does that look like for you? How do you do that with with your clients?

Janet Rumi Martin 6:16
Well, I I still like to be hands on. So I still like it when people are going through magazines and cutting things out, or that I have things that I’ve printed off already. Whether it’s sayings, like motivational quotes, or things like that to add to, you know, to their vision board, but what I do is I, I actually do a facilitation, I don’t just say, here’s, here’s the magazines, and here’s, here’s a poster board, go for it. And I actually actually say, okay, you know, this is what you’re going to do first, this is what we’re gonna focus on first, you know, and what vision boards are, I do like hands on, I know, you can do it on the computer, I know, you can, you know, there’s Canva and all kinds of ways that you can do it on a computer. But if you don’t print it off, you’re not going to see it every day. And then if I know that I’ve put stuff on my phone, you know, put it on my, my homepage, and things like that, because I want to remind myself of something and then you know, it becomes like just, you kind of just see through it, right. But if you have a vision board, like my vision boards are actually right in front of me on my wall. And I put things on my board like a little sticky Once I’ve completed it, because sometimes the way you think that you’re going to complete it, there’s always a twist. And when you see it in pictures or words, it keeps that momentum going, you know, instead of, you know, great example, going to the grocery store, you know, you make a list, but then you forget at home. And then you’re at the store and you’re like ah, and then you’re trying to remember all this stuff, right? You’re trying remember all the milk and the eggs and the cheese and the fish and the whatever. And then you get home, you look at the list, you’re like, oh, or you know, same thing is our thought process. We forget about it. If we don’t write it down, if we don’t write the words down, I’ve done both I’ve done the vision boards with the pictures and the words. And I’ve done where I’ve written goals from, you know, just say, March to July or something. And I will write down specific, you know, whether it’s like, you know, you could do a honey do list kind of thing, or you know, chores, but pay off such and such bills by such and such date, you know, just seeing those and posting them every day, whether it’s on your bathroom door, your bathroom mirror, your refrigerator, I’ve done stuff on my refrigerator, and it’s been like, you know, where it becomes just part of the refrigerator. And so make sure

Micheal Pacheco 9:00
disappears into the door of the refrigerator.

Janet Rumi Martin 9:04
Yes, so I recommend moving it to like, put it in the fridge, put it in front of the fridge. But then if you start noticing like that you’re really not paying attention and you know, that’s on there, move it someplace else, you know, you know, those ads that you see sometimes when you go into the bathroom stalls in public places, and there’s an advertisement on the on the back of the door and it says, I got your attention like because you’re sitting on the toilet, right? You can’t go anywhere. So you have to look at it. I mean, if you have to put it on your bathroom wall, you know as you sit down on the toilet every day you’re gonna see it, you know, be creative in how you do it. But yeah, so my vision boards right now have words like be unique and have stuff about my music that I am a singer songwriter as well. And I have stuff about my music about setting goals for that about force making more money traveling like meditation, because self care is a huge thing, when when I’m so busy trying to create, you know, running your own business, you’re not working 40 hours a week here, your whole, you know, whether you’re getting ready for bed or you’re getting up in the morning, you know, what’s in your mind? Is your business, what are you going to do today to, to make it go or create something? Or, you know, how are you going to make that money or you know, who you’re going to serve that day. But I have, I have all kinds of things, you know, with my relationship with my husband, you know, improving, improving, you know, exercising, you’re getting getting outdoors and doing more stuff. So I have, I have, I have these all in front of my face every day. So, and I have accomplished a lot of it, and some of it not in the way that I thought I was going to. So it’s then yeah, so it’s then getting those goals in front of you, and then saying, Okay, well, you don’t always have to pay off every bill to be able to go on a vacation, right? You don’t always have to save up, you know, cash to take a trip, you can get points from, you know, a credit card, you know, travel points or, you know, some rewards kind of points, you know, there’s always a way to to make that goal happen. So after doing your vision board, taking the time to sit in front of it, and go okay, so how can I make that happen? You know, I have to go into like a sunny, beachy place on my list. And I ended up going to a national competition for a veteran’s Creative Arts Festival. And they flew me to Florida. Like, goal that, you know, and like, yeah, it happens. You know, like I said, you know, the wasn’t the manifestation you want to manifest, you want to see it, feel it, feel the energy? And it’s not just about like the thing, right? It’s like, how’s it going to make you feel when you accomplish that goal? So,

Micheal Pacheco 12:07
yeah, I think it’s, I couldn’t agree with you more, it’s super important right to focus on to focus on the endgame. Right, what are you trying to achieve? What are you trying to accomplish? What are you trying to bring more into of into your life, and don’t worry about the method or the channel? Or how it gets there? Forget about that, open your mind up to possibilities because crazy shit happens. It could come from over here, it could come from over there. Right? It doesn’t matter how it gets there.

Janet Rumi Martin 12:40
Right? I saw a think it was like a part of a show. And there was a man on there. And he he said, Oh, you know, they, they told us to have goals when we were growing up. And you know, and he he started saying how, like, that’s complete crap. And nobody should be making goals, because it’s just disappointment. And, you know, and all this stuff. And I was I was listening to it. And I was like, he better make a turn somewhere. And I understand where he, I understood where he was going. Because you know, when we’re younger, and even, you know, no matter how old we are, we could be adults, we could be 90 years old, or you know, whatever. But if you set a goal, that doesn’t mean, a lot of people fail at getting to their goal, because they have this vision of, okay, I’m going to do this, and then I’m gonna do this, and then I’m gonna do this, and then this is going to happen. So then when this and this happened, but then the next step doesn’t happen, they go. I guess it’s, you know, and they, and they brush it aside, and they give up. And that’s not the point. When you say, a goal. It’s like, it should be exciting. And it should be like, okay, so how am I gonna get there? You know, what tools do I have? Or what tools can I get? And is it going to be a lot of money? Or can I use resources, you know, is this living outside the box, you know, not just thinking outside the box, but living outside the box, so you can meet these goals. I’ve met some amazing people that have gotten to goals that they never even could imagine themselves doing. And it was all because they started asking questions. And then they found out they had a resource, and that they took that, you know, took the opportunity. And then there was another opportunity, you know, and it’s just amazing. So that’s also what I want to instill in people when I do my vision board groups or workshops, that it’s not just about getting from point A to point B. But it’s the journey on like, how are you going to get there? Is it going to be exciting? Are you just gonna do a straight shot, you’re just gonna pay for it and then just do it and be like, Yeah, I did it. Or you’d be like, Okay, I save up some money, but then I can do this, and I could do that or, you know, or pay off bills. Or, you know, or how am I gonna get that job? How am I gonna get that dream job right? It’s not just about the education, it’s about, again, like reminding yourself of what you’ve actually done in your life to, and then put it on paper and submit it with your, you know, your application or creating your own company, so you can do exactly what you want to do. Nice.

Micheal Pacheco 15:20
What sorts of what sort of amazing goals have you seen people achieve?

Janet Rumi Martin 15:28
Well, I mean, I went skydiving a couple about a month ago, and I’ve been wanting to do this for a few years. And I have a daughter that I had adopted years ago through a really thorough marriage and, and I wanted her to come here and visit and that was, you know, and I was her like, I feel like I’m kind of like her bucket list person. What do you want to do? And we were supposed to go to New Orleans. She lives in Texas, but we were supposed to go to New Orleans. And of course, it dumped snow so bad here. And all flights got canceled. And, and I messaged her and I said, Okay, since we can’t do that, what’s next on your list? And she said, I want to go skydiving. And, and I was like, I guess are going skydiving.

Micheal Pacheco 16:21
You know, damn, this is happening. Yeah,

Janet Rumi Martin 16:24
so. So that was a huge thing. And it was the most amazing journey. Just, it was nothing that I expected it to be. I’ve also gone ziplining and like the mountains in Vail, Colorado. And, again, another experience like you, you’re, you know, you let your fear and all this stuff get to you. And then you finally do it. And it’s like, whoa. But I don’t know, I’ve I myself from doing this. I’ve seen, you know, I’ve gotten to open for huge national acts, I’ve recorded several albums worth of music, I’ve I’ve gotten to travel to places that I’ve wanted to travel to I’ve experienced things I’ve you know, just even my whole life, I guess, you know, when we’re in high school, we’re taught like, Oh, you better go to college and figure out what you want to be right. So then you go to college, for whatever it is, and nursing or engineering or whatever. And I’ve seen a lot of people who started off on that path, and then all of a sudden, you know, and they may have graduated with that degree. And then a few years later, they’re doing something completely different. And it’s like, Well, what happened to your engineering, I realistically want to do it, I realized that this was what I wanted to do instead. And I network with a lot of people, I they have businesses, and they’re very successful. I know that takes a lot of hard work, I know it’s it’s a journey. And I’m just blessed to be around these people and to work off their energy and the things that they’ve been able to do in their life. And you know, of course in sharing on social media, their successes, like watching them travel and do things that they want to do. And yeah, so just great.

Micheal Pacheco 18:29
Nice. Nice, where do you where do you find your clients? How do you how do you market yourself

Janet Rumi Martin 18:36
online and through face to face networking, we you know, I go to networking groups around town and stuff, but I also try to get on some online as well, whether they’re from people from all over. And you know, the internet has been a huge wonderful tool because you know, when like my one of my goals is to be able to go and train companies in Dubai just so I can go see the architecture and the zipline across a crest from a skyscraper across the water and and just go see all the awesome stuff they have there. And then really to go there and be able to train people from another country. And yeah, of course make money. But what are the other little things that get me excited?

Micheal Pacheco 19:36
So do you use you sit online do you do you run like advertisements into a sales funnel? Do you are you quite active on social media? Do you use LinkedIn?

Janet Rumi Martin 19:47
I use LinkedIn. I feel like a lot of my audiences there. I do post a lot more. Right now I do post a lot more learning. Whether it’s on connecting Eating or sharing content and but adding, adding to whatever the message is a lot of its own leadership, a lot of fun communication. I do stuff on Facebook as well. I do have my own jrM sources aspire to inspire Facebook group, and it’s open to the public, so anybody can, can get in there. And you know, it’s just about posting just, you know, getting people to engage in the posts. And sometimes it’s hard, they like want to just put like, like smiley face. I’m like, No, I asked the question, like, answer the question. Yeah, and then doing webinars, you know, getting people into doing webinars, Zoom calls, things like that. I do coffee, virtual coffee appointments as well. So anybody can reach out to me, it doesn’t matter where you are in the world. I would love to talk to you.

Micheal Pacheco 21:00
Nice. Yeah. Awesome. What sort of things did you? What sort of things did you struggle with? When you really kind of first started out as a coach? What roadblocks Did you run into? And how did you overcome them?

Janet Rumi Martin 21:15
Alright, this is gonna take the next the next hour. Time rare. I think there’s so many moving parts, when you’re creating a business, whether it’s or coaching or selling a product, any other product, but there’s so many moving parts. And then there’s so many platforms to put it on. And then the CRM programs, finding the right one that is going to work best for me or you are whoever, that is a huge challenge, because you land on what did I what?

Micheal Pacheco 21:54
Which, which, which CRM did you land on?

Janet Rumi Martin 21:57
Well, I I’ve traveled, I started on with now site and they were very brand new. A coach had that I had hired, had put me into their CRM program. And it was okay. But it kept there was a lot of upgrading and updating. And so it was very frustrating for me, because every time I would try to get on there, it was missing something or I couldn’t access something. And and then I went over to keep and keep is they’re getting better now. Because they’ve actually, they have done for you kind of stuff. But I mean, you still have to fill in a lot of the blanks, right? But I was kind of swimming in the ocean with sharks. And it was it, I think it’s great for something else. But like, if you’re selling a product, or if you’re doing, you know, if you’ve got a team to help you, that’s amazing. So then I actually another coach is sort of reaching out to other coaches that I that I knew, because I was just I felt like I was on a hamster wheel, my wheels are just spinning and I couldn’t get my, my stuff done, you know, because you know, there’s like the landing pages. And then you got to social engagement, social media engagement, and things like that are just so many moving parts. And then I started meeting up with coaches again that I you know, in the area, and I said, Well, what are you doing? What are you using, and I got introduced to coaches console. And I went to a three day free workshop and online and I just kept jaw dropping. Like, she is amazing. Her name is Melinda Cohen Cohen, I think is her last name, Melinda Cohen, and she has this coach’s console, and it literally has everything that a coach would need to run a successful business. And plus she is coaching us on things. She’s, it’s when I when I finally got into the program and saw it I just thought, wow, she’s answered every every prayer that I’ve had since starting since really jumping into the coaching thing last year. And yeah, because last year, I had another coach and she just shoved way too much information at me. It was very hard to find any have to go back and find stuff that I had questions on. She also would say, oh, we’ll just go look it up in the video and I’m like, we’re having a live coaching session right now that I’m paying her for. And she was telling me to go back and look at a video that I had to there was there was you had to just dig and I’m like, I don’t have time to dig. You know, because I also had another full time job. I have life. You know, my dad was sick. I was helping My family. And yeah, so it was very frustrating. So it took me a while to kind of undo. And then she kind of pulled the rug out from under me. So that really set me back a lot. Because I thought, wow, like, I don’t want to do this to the people that I serve. But, you know, she really Yeah, she basically had guaranteed me something. That’s the reason why I came into the program and paid her, but I paid her. And then it was like, after that time had passed, I said, Oh, well, you said that you guaranteed and she said, Oh, did you have that in writing? Oh, no, you said it to my face on Zoom. You know, and oh, yeah, it was it was very hurtful. And, you know, yeah, it sent me kind of in this spinning motion until I met up with Melinda and the coaches console. And so now it’s like, okay, let’s do this. You know, everybody needs a coach, I don’t care who you are. Even if you’re a coach, you still need a coach, because you need to be guided. And yeah, so I highly recommend whatever it is that you’re trying to do.

Micheal Pacheco 26:10
Yeah, every every highly successful coach that I’ve ever spoken with has a coach. Yes. Every single one. Yes. Without without exception. Yeah.

Janet Rumi Martin 26:22
So it’s like, how are you going to coach somebody? If you don’t have one? You know, it’s like, that whole thing like, well, well, you want you want me to? You want me to pay you to coach, but do you have a coach? You know, I was like, oh, no, no, I don’t have a coach. I’m just talking about why would I? You know, it’s just you know, it’s it kind of validates why you’re doing what you do to your clients. And I think that’s not a bad thing at all. Yeah.

Micheal Pacheco 26:49
What? What recommendations would you have for new coaches coming right out of the gate?

Janet Rumi Martin 26:56
Oh, my goodness,

Micheal Pacheco 26:57
something to help them, you know, maybe get to zero to 60. A little faster.

Janet Rumi Martin 27:02
Okay. So first of all, you don’t walk around telling people that you’re a coach? Because then people go, Well, why do you coach and then if you don’t know what you’re actually coaching, then you’re not going to get hired, you’re, you need to figure out what problem you’re solving. Mine is to get track people get traction on their goals. And also on the organization side and company side is to be able to increase your leadership skills across the whole company, not just expect the supervisor to learn some skills and try to do their job plus, teach everybody below them how to be better connectors and communicators. So find your niche. You can tweak it as you go along. It doesn’t have to be perfect. But know what you’re talking about. Sell the solution? Don’t sell your coaching.

Micheal Pacheco 28:05
That’s super legit advice. That is? Yeah,

Janet Rumi Martin 28:10
yeah. Because you know, people, people like it when you want to help them. But if you’re like, Oh, well, I can coach you on that. It’s like, what does that mean? Because that can also make people feel a little, you know, like threatened or insecure? Or are you gonna tell me what to do? You know, it’s not, that’s not how coaching should be. It’s guiding you to things that you already know, the things that you’ve already that you already have in your, in your mind, we just help you pull it out and do something with it.

Micheal Pacheco 28:39
Yeah, that might, I’m going to be honest here that might actually be the best advice that I’ve got, that I’ve received on this podcast for new coaches, is to know the problem that you solve and sell the solution, not your coaching, right, for new coaches. I mean, I honestly, I think that might be the best advice that we’ve ever gotten on this podcast for new coaches. That’s super solid, because at that point, you’re just you’re you’ve got a strong foundation, you know what you’re doing, you know why you’re doing it. And and it gives you it gives you a foothold in the conversation that you won’t have, if you step into that conversation saying I’m a coach, let me coach you. Right.

Janet Rumi Martin 29:24
Yeah. So it gives that person like that. Oh, ah, yeah, I totally like want to talk to you some more. You know, not just be like, Huh, you know, because I know that when I go to a networking meeting, there’s probably like, four or five coaches, but I know what their niches are. And I remember seeing a post on Facebook, it’s in a networking group. And it was the question was So, I or the Find somebody needed somebody and they said, I need somebody who is great and communications. And I had not been to enough networking meetings for them to put my name and the, in the, in the posting. And I saw the people that I saw, I was like, what? Like, wait, why are they having that person do it, that’s, that person doesn’t do this, this person does this specifically, like I already had my one to ones with these people. So I knew what their niches are. And they’re great at what they do. And so that wasn’t the point of like, oh, like, I wasn’t, I wasn’t upset, because I was like, Oh, they don’t know what they’re talking about. But other people were posting, and they didn’t know what that person’s actual forte or, you know, niche was in their, you know, in their job, because one of them was a great speaking coach. And they kept posting him. And I was like, he doesn’t help with communication and teams. So what he does, and then another another one, she’s great at coaching on goals and career goals. So whether it is helping you in the company that you’re in, or getting you and your resume and everything done to get you to the next company, to level up. And so that obviously, that was that was not what this person needs to be there, that was not what they were asking for. And I was like, I need to go do some more networking. You know, I need to get myself out there. Because a lot of people know that I sing because I’ve seen it different, you know, events, ceremonies, the national anthem, and things like that. So it’s like, they’re like, Oh, she’s saying that she’s spammy? Yeah, you know, and it’s like, oh, no, but this is what I do for my business. And so it’s, yeah, so it’s been interesting to get my niche out there, like, Oh, this is what I do.

Micheal Pacheco 32:07
Man, it’s no, it takes practice. It does. A willingness to pay attention, I think, to the responses that you get, as you’re talking about yourself, and adjust and pivot a little bit to, to what, not only what feels good for you, but what is received well by others,

Janet Rumi Martin 32:29
right? Yes. And you know, if you believe in something that you’re coaching on, or that you want to coach on, don’t keep changing it, because you tried for a week, and you didn’t get the response that you thought you’d get. There’s a lot of people, you know, the algorithms, they’re horrible. They’re horrible for helping, you know, and we were talking about what platforms, I don’t do any advertising yet. Facebook has got my stuff all messed up for being able to boost or whatever so. So I’m kind of just sharing post, I’m posting information, useful information. I do some funny stuff. But I will be having a vision board workshop online, it’s going to be short and sweet. Just to get you started on your journey to your meeting your goals and making you know, life happier and more exciting for yourself.

Micheal Pacheco 33:30
Awesome. Awesome. Jan, I want to be conscious of our time here. We’re coming up on on the hour. Where Ken Well, first of all, is there anything that you would like to talk about that we didn’t get a chance to touch upon thus far in the podcast?

Janet Rumi Martin 33:45
Um I guess maybe just to reiterate, I do one to one coaching, of course, with goals, setting goals, reaching goals. And it’s not about lack of knowledge or anything like that. So your self esteem is safe with me. I’m here to bring out the best in you that was already in you the whole time and guide you to that next step. So we can both jump up and down together inside Yeah. And on the corporate side. I feel like especially now that customer service is very down. I feel like a lot of us are virtual online, connecting with coworkers just on simple like one to one things like hey, how’s it going today is very minimal now. And when you do go back to the office, maybe it is like hey everyone, like I haven’t seen your face but it’s just I train on bringing people together on an even keel level two also grow their leadership skills which of course has a lot to do with communication. And I would love to have a one to one with anyone who’d be interested whether it’s a small own business or huge organization.

Micheal Pacheco 35:18
Let’s talk awesome. And Jen if someone wants to connect with you and schedule that one on one where’s the best place for them to connect with you online or on social media?

Janet Rumi Martin 35:28
It would be at J R m sources. Dot and I just changed it so it’s let me make sure I’m not lying to you. It is jrM sources dot coaches console.com And of course I’m on LinkedIn under Janet RR Martin and on Facebook with the same

Micheal Pacheco 35:57
Yeah, for those listening. Can you spell so jrM sources dot coaches consult

Janet Rumi Martin 36:05
on soul like CO n s o l e

Micheal Pacheco 36:09
s o l e cons coaches console? Okay, I gotcha like a like a tool like a console like a conflict your car’s console. Awesome. We will include that link in the show notes as well. Great. Awesome. Jana Martin, thank you so much for making the time to chat with me today. It’s been wonderful.

Janet Rumi Martin 36:29
Well, I’m so glad to be able to do this with you. Yeah,

Micheal Pacheco 36:33
yeah. Great. And thank you to of course our viewers and listeners for joining us as well. And we’ll see you guys all next time. Cheers. Well, how do I stop the recording?

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