Hello, everyone, and welcome to another episode of the lessons sub series of the conversations with coaches podcast. This is where I share something that I’ve either learned directly from or just had my awareness of expanded during these conversations with coaches. As you if you’ve listened to any episodes, you know that either I’ve talked to you, and you know, you’re pretty awesome. Or if at least I told you, or you just know that most of these coaches pretty much all of these coaches are just wellsprings of wisdom, common sense, wisdom, sometimes specialized wisdom, stuff that you might be able to think of on your own. But then once you’re, you know, once it’s revealed to you, you’re like, Oh, of course, that makes total sense. Anyway, I can blow smoke up coaches butts when I have them on. But I like to share some of the collected inspiration that at least I’ve been on the receiving end of with all of you. So what I want to talk about today is this one actually came out of a conversation that I had, it hasn’t posted to the feed yet. This one was pretty recent. I think it was earlier I think was yesterday, time. What is time anyway, this is not an episode about time, this is an episode similar. This is about lines. Now, in life. I mean, I know this could be said just about any point in, you know, recorded human history, but I’m gonna go ahead and speak out about the last couple of years, a lot of lines that used to be or if he’s to feel pretty solid, have gotten what we typically refer to as like blurred a blurred line, where like, you know, you’ve got work life and you’ve got personal life. However, a lot of us most of us either chose longer ago than others some of in some cases, but most of us had to choose or chose very recently, to do a sort of blending of what work means regarding where you do it, where it happens, how it happens, a lot of us work from home. Now, plenty of us still have an office or go to an office from time to time or work a lot with offices and corporate locations. Many of us have a kind of hybrid approach, where it’s a little column a little column B, Column C, D, and E kind of mixing and matching to get the recipe that we like. So we have all these lines. And I know, it can be actually it can be very uncomfortable to have these things that seemed solid or felt solid or appeared solid, or maybe were solid, begin to get blurred, or begin to like kind of sway a little bit. And I was speaking with a coach about this, like I said, and it just occurred to me that a lot of what we are experiencing. And calling a blurring of lines is actually more of a blending of lines. And I think coaches are, there’s a lot of ways which coaches are a great example for this. But here’s a very specific example, in coaching. So a lot of people as people become more and more aware of what exactly a coach is, and in what context that you know that they work in, you know, executive coaches, relationship coaches, career coaches, et cetera, a lot of people will I’m sure many of you have gotten this question. How does a coach differ from a therapist? How is a coach different from a consultant? How is a coach different from mentor? And that was all sorts of different roles that are played. And I do know, and it’s actually a very good, I think I’ve maybe have shared a lesson on this subject earlier regarding the differences between coaching and therapy. And it’s important to make these distinctions, I think, but it’s not because because the lines between them are blurred, I believe there is a strong overlap. That’s another word like to think of to kind of like a Venn diagram, or an overlap like links in a chain, or a mesh that together is stronger and can hold more and accomplish more than any link in the chain and alone. I just I like thinking of it as blended, because really, what a coach does very often has a strong overlap with the kinds of work or the kind of deep work that a like an intimate mentor mentee relationship would bring some of the training and professional distance, but still having deep emotional connection that well trained therapists can bring with their clients or their patients. There’s all sorts of blending here. And sometimes it’s blurred, but I feel I have the feeling that the word blur has maybe too much of a negative connotation. Some lines deserve to be blurred, or at least be unclear because they’re not really aligned at all. There’s just this place where we’re meeting each other and that line is sinless. And we can meet each other in different ways at different times and overlap in different ways and at different times, in ways that make you better make me better, but make us all better raise the tide for all boats. Anyway, this is just a little this is obviously still kind of a concept. I’m still kind of playing with a little bit so I’m talking around in circles a little bit more so than usual. But I like this, this pivot from blurred to blended, because we really are in the business of bringing together not just a lot of people but a lot of different aspects and facets of people and their existence in their lives and folding and braiding them together into something that again, you know, beat another analogy into the ground thinking of About the braiding cords of a rope. You know how once the rope is braided individually, these little bits of twine, they can do some work. But if they’re braided together correctly, all of a sudden you have a rope that you could you could pull the weight of the world if you had a mind to. Anyway, that’s enough rambling on that I think but yeah, I encourage you, as I’m encouraging myself to begin to think of the lines that make up our world, as less always blurred as things begin to change and grow and move into different areas. But also think of the blending and braiding that’s happening. Anyway, that’s my my lesson for the day. I will have another one for you soon.