Hello again, everyone, and welcome to a special lessons episode of the conversations with coaches podcast. This one is similar to as I’ve so often the case similar to lessons I’ve I’ve recorded before, or observations that have come to me in bits of wisdom. But I felt like this was a good, there’s a good there was a good distinction to be made here. Thinking in terms of addition by subtraction, which is a concept you may well be familiar with, it’s a little bit more it’s, it’s almost like a metaphorical a not like a mathematic analogy. But anyway, addition, by subtraction sometimes when when seeking to grow, or expand your your life, your impact. To continue on your journey, it’s pretty tempting to just think purely in terms of what you’re going to add, you know, what needs to get bigger, what needs to be more in that kind of thinking, it’s, it’s pretty natural to think that way. But I think it’s just as often what you remove, or what you refrain from, that can lead you to your next level. And I did make a distinction with remove and reframe, because sometimes it’s a matter of taking out an obstacle, maybe there’s a something in your life that is, you know, applying the inverse of the 8020 principle is taking up 80% of your time, but only has you know is only having 20% of the impact you want to have, or are having things that are just out of balance in that way that you know what maybe that needs to be removed.
And then there’s also things that you refrain from, you know, words left unsaid roads left and taken and taken, obviously, there’s a when you choose to go through one door, there’s obviously other doors that close along with that, you know, there’s an important acknowledgement there that sometimes you do have to refrain from going down certain paths. In order to stay on the journey you want to stay on or take the next step on the journey that you know you need to be on. It’s just a consideration, a way of looking at things to maybe help inform your decision making process. When you’re thinking about what’s next. It’s not always about addition, sometimes it’s about what you leave out or what you remove, that really allows you to take the next leap forward, not just the next step, and then it’s a leap forward. And something I think about a lot, obviously, I’m always looking to, like add new things. I mean, most of us here are we would self identify as lifelong learners. You know, we’re always looking to add new bits of wisdom, new skills, new techniques, new expertise, expand our repertoire, grow our network, meet new people, make new connections, get new clients, as always, like more and more and more and more. And that’s all important too.
Which is why I think it’s good to shine light on how important it can be to look at things from a perspective of what can I leave out? What can I remove? That will help me get on to that next step. So anyway, addition by subtraction, it’s a concept worth pondering, especially as you’re as you’re moving through life, especially as you are developing your business and developing yourself. So I’ll leave you with that. Thanks so much for listening. And I will talk to you again soon.