Clovette Meikle – Giving Back, Going Forward | Conversations with Coaches | Boxer Media

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Conversations with Coaches | Boxer Media

Clovette believes success happens when she finds a better way and shares it with others. She does that by challenging the status quo and thinking differently. After getting fired via voicemail from a software sales job, Clovette made a commitment to help 100K software salespeople secure their future by leveraging their existing IP.

Ultimately, what she brings is a trusting relationship where others can count on her, with a major focus on how she desires to positively influence the communities she chooses to serve.

Clovette’s coaching journey goes all the way back to her childhood. Since then, the beautiful blend of drive, hustle, and dedication to serving others has grown her into an incredible coach. Her approach is both holistic and specific, and she’s got a dynamic approach to coaching that I think you’ll love.

To learn more about Clovette:

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Kevin Stafford 0:02
Hello, everyone, and welcome to yet another episode of the conversations with coaches podcast. I’ve been recording a number of these today. So if I am extra vivacious and bubbly, it’s because I’ve been talking to all these lovely coaches all day. So forgive me and I apologize for nothing. I’m very, very pleased today to be talking to COVID. Meikle at spell in a certain way, Michael is acceptable, but it’s cool Yvette is what you’re going to want to remember. COVID Let’s put simply, in her own words, COVID believes success happens when she finds a better way and shares it with others. What a great summation of coaching. I love that. She does that by challenging the status quo and thinking differently after getting fired via voicemail from a software sales job. Ouch. We’ll talk about that a little bit. I’m sure COVID made a commitment to help 100,000 software salespeople secure their future by leveraging their existing IP. I love so much about that club guy. Thank you so much for being here today. I’m so glad I get to talk to you about your your coaching journey.

Clovette Meikle 1:01
Absolutely. I such a pleasure to be here. Kevin, I first need to cancel all my social temporarily. Social media, right? But yes, I’m so happy to be here. I love your movement. I’m just really grateful to share my experience with other people who have been through similar experiences and looking for that light just like I was.

Kevin Stafford 1:30
I love that looking for the light. to it. Let’s go. Let’s start at your start. Let’s go back to your superhero origin story, as I sometimes like to smackingly recall it, how did you how did you get your star as a coach? Or maybe even how did you discover that you wanted to be a coach? Or maybe you already work coach in practice, if not in name? And how did you go from there into the coaching business you have today?

Clovette Meikle 1:52
That’s a really great question. And it’s something that I myself have to add. Especially like when you’re coming into the coaching industry as a new coach, and you’re trying to find what separates you from another coach, right or another brand. And for me, initially, I became a coach at a so I’m a third degree burn survivor. I became a third degree burn survivor at eight years old. And at the time, my mom was battling alcoholism and depression. And my father was working two full time jobs. So yeah, it was a lot to deal with at eight. And I found myself having to learn how to coach myself through that particular process because my mom was in her process of healing. And my father was working tirelessly to make sure that my hospital bills was taken care of on top of our existing financial responsibilities, like our house and everything that comes with life. So that’s what I really discovered myself as a coach because I was coaching myself. I was coaching my mom, who was finding finding it hard to deal with seeing her baby girl in a hospital bed. I was in a hospital for two, three months. So it was a long journey for us. So that’s when I first discovered, like, Wait a minute. I have something here. There’s a leader within me. There are someone who knows how to command my presence. And not only that, but use the worst of life as fuel to rebrand myself and make everyone around me. Oh, so that’s when I first got an inkling of it. When I first owned it. It was back in 2007. And it almost feels like the same how we hear now today. We’re there murmurings of a financial depression. We’re all kind of holding on some of us are holding on to our pocketbooks. You know, fear you’re scared of what’s next for us, right? Because we really don’t know how that economy is going to recover from two to three years of COVID. On top of everything else that we have ahead of us. I was right there. And oh seven I was a salon owner and we were hearing those murmurings as entrepreneurs. And yeah, I know, you know what I mean. And so, I was like, You know what, I’ve been in the beauty industry for over 15 years because at that time I launched my business when I was 15. And it was purely out of people thought like, oh my gosh, you know, this is such a big thing that you’re doing. But honestly at 15 I was looking for a way to find my voice. I’m a bird survivor. I was burnt out my whole face my head. I lost my hair. And I really just was looking for excuse to change hairstyles every week. Make some money.

Kevin Stafford 4:57
And that might be my favorite story about taking lemons and turn eliminated I’ve ever heard. That’s beautiful.

Clovette Meikle 5:03
Yeah, so you know, the beauty industry, one being it for me. But 1015 years of doing that, one of the things that every beauty stylists will tell you is that you become a therapist. So I have people coming in my chair, sharing her life problems with me, on top of the problems and deficiencies that I have with my own family that I didn’t know how to solve. I had no clue how to solve them. Yes, you know, every now and again, you can provide some good advice. But when you don’t, when you’re not a coach, and you don’t have systems is just an opinion. So, you know, I was like most people would opinions. And so in that time, I was like, You know what, I want to be able to leverage my existing experience. And this is one of the principles I teach all of my clients leverage what you already have, versus always trying to go out and find the shiny thing. So that was one of my commitments, like leverage what I already have on you, I have a tremendous amount of business and launch experience, because I launched my business when there, there was internet, but you couldn’t find what we can find now on the internet, and pivot into an industry where I could start answering some of these questions for myself, and for other people. And I had a conversation with a good friend of mine, and she was like, You should go into coaching and I’m like coaching athletes.

Kevin Stafford 6:35
What do you mean, coach?

Clovette Meikle 6:38
That’s all I knew, like 1015 years ago, that’s all anyone knew. Right? You know, Robert as grow the Michael Jordan’s coach, like, that’s what I understood as a coach who’s like, no, like a business coach. Oh, wait, that’s a thing. Yes, awesome. Say no more. Two weeks later, I was working with Gary Hansen from business He’s one of the most veteran coaches we have in our industry. And I was sitting in San Diego and my mentorship. And it came with a considerable financial and time investment. But I didn’t waste any time because I knew that the pivot was happening from an economic standpoint. And I wanted to use the investment that I had, I use some of my 401k and just the savings that I had in order to set myself up to launch myself in a career that I knew I wasn’t passionate about. So that’s how I got started.

Kevin Stafford 7:37
I love that. And I gotta tell you, I love the moment the the moment you had something to call it. You answered the call, like as soon as you knew what they what, what do you mean by coach? Oh, that’s the thing. Five seconds later, you’re like on a plane. And I love that. And it’s just such a beautiful symmetry, so much about what coaching is all about too. It’s bringing someone to that realization, where they have the language, they have the words, they have the understanding emotionally and intellectually, then you would call what the thing is they’re struggling with or what the thing is they’re striving for. And the moment you have those words, you can answer that call. You can go forward and fast. And I just, I love that your story is so perfect. For everything that coaching stands for i just i No question. I am just delighted by that. You. Shoot, let’s talk about where you’ve where you’ve gotten to today. What is your coaching business look like today? Who you coach, primarily? Do you have a specific niche you focus on? How do you coach them? Is it primarily one to one do you have like small group coaching or even like larger group coaching? So yeah, what’s the nuts and bolts of your practice today?

Clovette Meikle 8:43
Yeah, nother great question. I mean, initially, in the beginning, I started solely as a business coach. And what you find out as a business coach, is when you’re working with people, they very rarely lack the ability to execute a plan. When you don’t know how to execute. Give me the 123 I can execute it is usually some internal breakdown that’s preventing us from doing what we know we really want to do like what is called what our heart is calling us to do. So I started adding alternative wellness. So I’m a certified metaphysician. I’m now as you know, I’m getting certified as a yoga trainer. And I’m also a certified in hypnotherapy and NLP. And so I come from a within first approach, because I really believe from my own experience, you know, as a burn survivor, my eyes were impacted. So I have vision for about two to three weeks while they were getting suit off my eyes. And when you go through something like that you really find out for yourself that it’s not about the things you see on the outside. It’s not about any of the external things or reasons we get To while we’re not where we want to be, or why we haven’t resolved a particular aspect of our personality that’s preventing us from being successful. It’s all with it. Right? So that two to three weeks of not being able to see anything visually taught me at eight, that is a within first protocol, right. And I use that same protocol inside of my own business. So for me, I work with software professionals and entrepreneurs. That’s like me, that in the beginning, I chose niches that kind of sounded good or nice, okay, great. But then I’m a Caribbean American, right. And so as a Caribbean woman, you know, if you know anything about Caribbean, we used to have 50 million job. possibilities, right. So wait a minute, let me not just focus on a niche. Let me focus on people who are like me. So me, I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was 15. I’ve worked in software sales. For three years, I’ve made several jobs and was at companies with vanity titles. So some part of my career was solely entrepreneur, other parts of my career was being working in corporate and also managing my business on the side, because I always believe in having an extra set of income coming in. And so that’s who I hope, I hope people who have a job, right, maybe they even passionate about their career, but they understand, especially after everything that we’ve been through that one income is just not going to get it. Gonna do it. I know. That’s right. Yeah, yeah. And you’re ready to leverage what they already have versus chasing another shiny thing, and have that be the forefront of who they want to be in a value they want to put out in the world.

Kevin Stafford 11:51
I love that. That’s i Yeah, you’re me, I’m getting almost nostalgic. For some of them. I have a New Jersey Italian family. So very different, very distinct, but also a lots of like, you know, you make sure your i’s are dotted and your T’s are crossed. You never have your eggs in one basket, you make sure you take care of family, make sure you know where you come from, and you know where you’re going. You know, it’s all that stuff. And that just that that’s that speaks to me. And I imagine that speaks to a lot of people. I love that. Shoot, I wanted to like keep you for hours, but you’ve got stuff to do. I know you do. And we’ve already been chatting for about 20 minutes. So before we go, tell me and we’ll tell everybody else to two part question. Where can people learn more about you best, like maybe a website or something like that? And where where do you where do you like to be met by people? Where do you like to meet people? Do you have a preferred social media that you spend a lot of time on where it’s a good place to get to know you better? Like where can people just get more of you?

Clovette Meikle 12:42
Yeah. So LinkedIn is the best way as you know.

Kevin Stafford 12:50
I love it so much.

Clovette Meikle 12:53
LinkedIn is the best way to contact me. I mean, yes, I’m on Facebook, I’m on Instagram. And I respond to all my messages. But I’m on LinkedIn every single day, as a software as a person and software and as a entrepreneur. That’s just where we are. So it’s really easy to find me my handles call that M. Now I do with a with a group of friends, entrepreneurs, of course, we created an application called No no more nine to five right now. Yeah, with the application, we’re not putting down a nine to five or people that work a job. But we do have an intense focus on like I said, on multiple streams of income. And it is designed for people that at some point may want to walk away from their nine to five and reclaim ownership of their time, their finances and the things that they feel will make them launch and leap out of bed every day. So those are the two places you can catch me at the No More nine to five app is on Android as well as iPhone stop anyone in the world can download the app is a free application. You don’t have to spend a dime in order to come and be with us and see what it’s like to be a sort of a community of entrepreneurs who are truly focused on building multiple streams of income because everybody in our group that is our focus, some of us trade full time trading Forex or cryptocurrency other of us do real estate trucking, I mean we have like 85 Different hustles so the first the first thing everyone does when they come in is choose their two to three hustles and work over a 12 month period on making those hustles actually come alive inside of their life so that you can choose whatever it is that you want to do whether part time or full time. Man

Kevin Stafford 14:39
I love that. I feel like that addresses one of the one of the major hurdles or one of the major struggles of being an entrepreneur is a lot of times your you can feel isolated because you’re just out there doing it and you’re so busy and you have a lot of people in your life but because you have your focus on your on your goals, your hustle on getting where you want to go. It can feel kind of lonely isolating and moving into that specifically like we had there as a community for you. There are a lot of us out here you know it. But you might not know how to find us. Well, here’s how you find us. Here’s how we find you. Here’s how we help each other, raise that tide, raise all boats, and get out there and go. And I just I clear, I hope it’s coming through in the tone of my voice. I love what you’re doing. And I want people to find out more about you and connect with you. So thank you for letting everybody know. I’ll put all the links to everything in the show notes. Make sure that people find the podcast, they can go straight to you. COVID Miko, thank you. Thank you so much for talking with me today. And being on the pod. I’ve thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed this conversation you quite frankly, I hope it comes through in the audio, you are just a delight. Like I was already in a great mood, and I’m somehow even in a better mood just from talking to you. So thank you for being here. And thank you for making my day.

Clovette Meikle 15:51
Oh, absolutely. It’s my pleasure. And I just really want to thank you again, for giving entrepreneurship a voice because you are right. Like Me Myself, before I hired a team of writers and marketers and web designers. I was working so in a silo by myself. And I was used to in a lot of ways I didn’t find comfort in that. But what you find as an entrepreneur is that it doesn’t work for long term growth and scalability. Right. And so anytime I have the opportunity to share my path and what I’m doing to help someone else, I’m always a guest for that. So just thank you so much for showing up for the community. I really appreciate you and who you are being out and

Kevin Stafford 16:34
thank you it’s let’s just keep looking for the light. Right? Yeah, sharing it when we find it like Yeah, well to the audience out there. Just thank you for listening. Find out more you’re gonna love getting to know COVID A little bit better. And we’ll hear talk to you again very soon.

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