Christine Campbell Rapin – On Momentum, and Your Non-Negotiable | Conversations with Coaches | Boxer Media

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Christine Campbell Rapin | Conversations with Coaches | Boxer Media

Christine is even more inspiring and dedicated than I remembered! It was a pleasure to welcome her back onto the podcast.

In today’s episode, we discussed how she didn’t wait until January to get started and took advantage of that “December gap” to really jumpstart not one but TWO new coaching initiatives. This leads us naturally into a conversation about how much more energy it takes to move from 0 to 1 than it takes to keep the momentum going (it’s a law of physics AND a law of human achievement).

We also touch on the importance of knowing what your “non-negotiable” is, and how that shines a powerful light on the gaps you need to bridge and the steps on your success journey.

Christine is a multiple business owner and business success coach who has worked for startups as well as some of the biggest companies on the planet. She is a catalyst who has generated millions of dollars in revenue annually across multiple industries, and who can help you figure out the HOW while supporting you in building a thriving business and your dream life.

To learn more about Christine:

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Kevin Stafford 0:00
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another episode of the conversations with coaches podcast. I am as you can probably tell your delighted host, Kevin, I have been reacquainting myself with Christine Campbell rapid and it is it’s just fantastic. see her again, you probably remember her, you might remember her, you should remember her, her energy, her enthusiasm, her all her ducks in the way they’re in a row and her readiness, it’s just all it’s all still, they’re all still present immediately. I’m energized by having her back in the room with me. So let me reintroduce you real quick. And then we’re just gonna you’re gonna be a part of a great conversation. So Christine, is a multiple business owner and business success coach who has worked for startups as well as some of the biggest companies on the planet. She’s a catalyst who has generated millions of dollars in revenue annually across multiple industries, and who can help you figure out the how, while supporting you in building a thriving business and your dream life? It sounds big, it is big. And it’s very possible. Christine, I am I’m just I’m just tickled to have you back. I’d like I think I’d remembered who you were and how you were in your energy. But part of me must have forgotten because I’m already just like, I’m buoyed beyond my expectation. So thanks for coming.

Christine Campbell Rapin 1:08
Thank you so much for having me. It is it is you know, I get up every day with possibility. And I’m excited to tap into this. Thank you for the invitation. Yeah, you’re

Kevin Stafford 1:16
quite welcome. So we were like, we just got started, like, as soon as we jumped into the room, so I’m gonna go on to, to our conversation backup, we were talking about the beginning of 2023. And how we’re recording this, it’s already, we’re already almost at the halfway point of February, and how much momentum and energy January had for a lot of people. And there might be some people who like we’ve encountered who have kind of sat on the sidelines or who have stalled or procrastinated and didn’t take advantage or have not yet taken advantage of the massive potential and energy momentum that are available to them. And we’re just talking about that in our own lives and our businesses. So let me tee you back up to talk about 2023 So far as it’s been going for you and as it in and maybe should be going for the people that we that we help.

Christine Campbell Rapin 2:01
Yeah, you know, I am loving exactly where I am. And it is about not feeling like I’m starting from zero. Okay, I think we talked this before, but you know, if you’re suffering from overwhelm, or the inability to get started, or impostor syndrome, it all comes down to the fact that you’re sitting on the sidelines. And the only key to this is action, and deciding to get out of your own way. When I had the opportunity to think, you know, forecasting what is 2023 look like I had two big projects on my horizon. And I had that moment, that hesitating moment of I’ll start next year, I’ll start tomorrow. And then I thought Who am I to put it off business happens every day that you show up to create the business every day. And so I got out of my way, I launched two big initiatives, which will be engines for the year. Right when people said there’s no business to be had in December, Christmas and New Year’s. And as a result of that I have a full calendar, I have new clients that are onboarding. And I’m having fun. Because I didn’t stall out and do the hokey pokey in my business, one foot in one foot out. And I think that that is something that is the rallying cry, it’s when I have every month of the year, but you you get you know, the hardest amount of momentum you create is zero to one. So I always say to people get into movement, not all movement is forward. I’m not a unicorn and horror you. But at the end of the day, if I can stay in movement, it’s easier to create momentum. And right now I said I love it and wealth was playing with we’d love where we are. It’s feeling amazing, the energy is great. There’s new things, great fun conversations and a sense of play. That’s the life you want. It wasn’t it. If you don’t have it, you’ve got to do something differently. Or you’ve got to do different things. That’s a choice.

Kevin Stafford 3:53
It really is. I love the way you framed that too because it reminds me of something that I was I was quite taken with when I learned this when I was younger and it’s taken me like much longer it’s taken me my whole adult life to kind of realize how much it applied to everything else is there’s this law of physics where it’s like it’s the objects in motion are easier to apply force to than objects at rest is basically like there is a stickiness to objects when they’re not moving. And the energy required to get something moving from zero is more than the the energy required to move something forward once it’s already gotten started. It’s I mean, it’s more eloquently stated by, you know, historical scientists, or whatever. But they might they might have a better grasp of but then then a little podcaster or basically I’m just like yes. But it was always taken by how how cleanly that mirrors my human experience. And my you know, struggles with and challenges with and triumphs over things like procrastination, and just realizing it’s like you know what the real antidote to procrastination is, you’re trying to figure out how to solve it, how to figure it out, you fall into the trap, you get back out. Momentum is the antidote to procrastination. Something that like someone said to me last year, that just like it just it was a it was a smack across the face. It was like a punch in the heart. I was like, that’s it. That is exactly. It’s the thing that I know, said in the shortest sentence possible momentum is the antidote to that procrastination, that whatever decision that you’re making, or not making, which is really its own kind of decision to not begin to not get started, you were deciding and making the choice to stay. How about try a choice to go to move, just to push forward, and you’ll be amazed and delighted by how much easier it is to maintain and continue that journey and to grow. It’s just it’s got it’s so captivating, it’s simple and captivating and enervating and energizing as as as I’m like, the words are pouring out of my mouth, it’s like out of the overflow of my heart. And it sounds like a message. I don’t think we can’t beat that drum loudly enough, in my in my opinion.

Christine Campbell Rapin 5:51
And we forget that we control that like this is this is also the wake up call, which I gave this morning in a webinar and I run it regularly. No one’s coming to save you because you have the capacity to save yourself. Your business is a direct reflection of what actions you have taken or inactions. So the biggest thing we can do is shine the light to do you have a gap, we all have gaps. We all have places we want to travel to which creates the next gap. What are you doing with that knowledge? It’s up to you to do something with it. And I said, movement happens when you get to that level that maybe 100 the time and the sound, maybe the first time we say I have done my own BS, I can’t stay here anymore. There’s a gap I see. And I can’t unsee it now. So I’ve got to move around it. And I always think that that’s the piece I celebrate, because they said I can shine the light. You can’t unsee it. What do you do with this movement is created through the actions, the actions build momentum. And I just think it’s so much easier to stay in movement exactly to the line play to the physics than to constantly create it. And I said I I’m really excited by 2023 There’s so much opportunity that’s created by vibration.

Kevin Stafford 7:14
Excellent point, I love the way you frame it to as like a shining a light. Because those gaps when they’re in the darkness, you’re not sure how deep it is how wide it is. It’s scary. It’s kind of unknown. And by being unknown, it’s automatically just one step bigger than something you think you can handle that story. You’re telling yourself about why I’m not doing something, and then you just come in and you shine a light on it and you look at it, you’re like, oh, I can just I can jump I can just skip right over that. That’s like I can I can take a step actually, I’m not even gonna have to jump but it’s actually really small. What was I scared of? You ask yourself as soon as that light

Christine Campbell Rapin 7:45
shines? And that’s the question you ask a lot of business owners, what would like those get rid of and the interesting, you know, when I talked about why did I hesitate to do this and why I was like putting it off. And it’s like, who am I to dream that big, was part of the conversation in my own head. And I said, whatever they are, the dreams are not big enough. And I know that intellectually, I know that within the moment is like, you’re right, you’re hesitating over the gap. And I’m like I have done 90% of the work to get here, all I need to do is now show it turn the light on, yet visible that I’ve got something really interesting to say, which is, business is still really elegantly simple. It is about the connection of human beings to human beings. And if you want to scale your business and attract more clients, it is simpler than you think. It’s not effortless. But two things predict revenue. And three things are what drives the needle to movement. So if you want it, we must get the foundations in place. Otherwise, trust me, you cannot scale and the wheels fall off the bus. Everyone hits that plateau. And you’ll wonder what happens your forward don’t get you there to change something up.

Kevin Stafford 8:54
That’s right. And I love one thing I love about about coaches and you in particular as a coach is that you’re you’re there with the questions at the right moments on on both sides of the gap and in the gap. So I’m imagining like you ask somebody early on in a relationship or coaching relationship, as you’re kind of beginning that that bridge building with them that gap discovery, that light shining, like what are you afraid of? And then you work with them and you continue on? There’s a lot, there’s a lot more that happens in between. And then I love how the answer evolves when you ask them on the other side of that gap. What were you so afraid of? And how that answer shifts a little bit maybe or how its represented a little bit differently, like what was I really afraid of could do that. Did I really have a grasp of that fear at the beginning? Or was it something else? Did it change or it wasn’t the same and I did see it differently now. And that’s that’s where I really see some of the greatest power of having a coach and why I feel like a coach is such a necessary addition to, to to achievement to any endeavor you’re really trying to accomplish and have that dream life because they can ask you that question at the right moments on either side and show you what you navigated how you discovered So that in the future, you’ll be able to do that for yourself as well as that the teach someone to fish, give them a fish, teach them to fish that that that old proverb where it’s like I can take, we can give you fish, I can give you a prescription all day. But what I also have is that that guidance that coaching where I’m with you, and what you’re going to be able to fish, you’re gonna figure you’re going to understand what future gaps might look like, you’re gonna be better acquainted with the things that you might get scared of, and the reasons why you might stop or stall or spin out. And you’re going to be able to take care of that yourself. Because we worked together here at this key moment. And I know I sound like I’m kind of like tooting your horn and blowing smoke up your robot, I really feel like you are you are so good at that. And I love that you have chosen these gaps to step into and to fill in these lights to shine and all these places. I think it’s just, I think it’s necessary. And I think it’s, it’s exciting.

Christine Campbell Rapin 10:49
It’s funny, because I always tell people I never set out to Coach. And this is such an important thing. I’m not one of the coaches that said it’s a destination and I’m heading there, I set out to be a great entrepreneur. And because it was a great entrepreneur, people kept asking me what the heck’s the secret? And like, it’s not a secret? Honestly, it’s not I will give all my knowledge away. It’s not a secret knowledge is the easiest gap to fill. The bigger question and yeah, and thank you, I appreciate the compliment is, is really asking the question, my success measure is can I help you think more critically about yourself about your business about what you can do to create value, because without value exchange, you do not have a business, but then really shine the light of what is your non negotiable. And to me, it’s not just the business, you know, I think the business, once you get the foundations can scale to any number you like. And I do believe that it’s actually harder to get started as the momentum piece again. But then it’s like, why is this non negotiable, and your measures of what’s not negotiable shift. But one of the biggest things in the early days of your creation, is that you are in your own way we all are. We all fell into the habits that are not serving us. We love our comfort zone, even though it’s not an elegantly beautiful place all the time. And one of the things we constantly say is, what’s the vision, and when you are in the wobbles. And when you are in the uncertainty as you’re stretching and growing and becoming the next version to serve the next level. Guess what happens? You go. I’m imperfectly human. You are. But if what you want, on the other side worth that experience, because you can’t get there sitting on the sidelines, and you can’t get there thinking about it, you actually have to go do and it is much easier to do in the dark, doing something new with someone who will hold your hand because I always think it’s the greatest gift to sit shotgun in somebody else’s dream. And to hold the vision when they wobble, but to also remind them this was your dream? Is that non negotiable? Then you must take one step, not 100. I’m asking you to climb a mountain yet. I’m asking you to take the first step. And that first step is, I’ve asked the question, I will hold you until you can answer it. Because knowing the question is one thing. A lot of coaches leave it there. I don’t I’m in the deep end all the time. Why? So what is it worth it? How do we dig in? It’s got to be so much more than the surface. But a problem wants to play there. But I do think that’s that’s what makes me great. And it makes it fun. Yeah.

Kevin Stafford 13:27
And genuinely impactful to like you could feel and there’s there there are a few feelings like that moment when you’ve really gone gone deep with someone and you. You see I often find myself describing it as the light donning on someone’s face when you see when you see when it snaps together in a place. And you’re there for there’s there’s there are a few there are a few feelings like that in the world, in my opinion. And it’s just it’s such a it’s such a I mean, it’s such an honor today to be to be able to be a part of it. It really is. It’s humbling to be there for it. It really is. It’s I love it.

Christine Campbell Rapin 13:58
Well, there’s a couple of it’s possible, which is the first big lightbulb and you know, the idea of social proof of seeing someone else’s vision is key. That it’s also well it’s possible for me and the honest around that that’s such a word. Holy Dinah. I’m doing this. And the potential in the lift is just amazing. And I, I always say to people, I don’t I don’t. Whatever vision it is you have whatever goal line it is, What did it cost you to get there? Can you repeat it? Was it worth it? And when I working with business owners, I work in the b2b space. It’s like, what kind of impact did you get out of bed to make today? Like that. Sometimes it’s self impact. It’s like I’m learning. I’ve gotten committed to doing this because I’m learning and I know every major step, these two that I’m launching in 23, or I have launched and they’re fueling my business right now. They were about I must get started to learn Learn to be great unable to serve. So, so in restart, the better off, I’ll be. And I’ve just I ran my fourth session today. And you could just watch that it’s possible. I’ve got a gap. What do I need to bridge? It’s possible for me and to the decision of it’s happening for me. I’m creating it. And I’m like, Yes, you are.

Kevin Stafford 15:25
Awesome. Yes, let’s let’s, let’s talk about a little bit because you mentioned how you got things I loved how you talked about this, as we were do you’ve been saying so many great things that I have all these off ramps for conversational points I wanted to go back to but I love that you didn’t wait until January. And you moved into that gap in December. And it was I was so tickled by that because I was I was making these comments in December myself, because I, I’ve had I’ve experienced something very similar and had very similar success in January, because I didn’t wait until January to get started. I started the work in December. But that time, once you need to about mid December, as I’m sending out emails or whatever, I’m starting to get more and more out of office messages here and there. And fantastic. I love when people are able to take time to be with their family, their friends, their vital relationships. I think it’s fantastic. And I’ve also loved being able to identify that gap there was like, Am I really gonna wait to get started on this thing that I’m excited about? Or why don’t I just get to work started now get things ready now. So that January is the time when things are really exploding. And so and I was so taken in so tickled and so delighted by that because I feel like that’s that’s a slept on opportunity for a lot of people. And I love that you started to

Christine Campbell Rapin 16:35
do things. Yeah, people talk themselves out of business. But I will tell you business happens every day. And that there’s a tool that you can choose to show up every day, you can also choose not to I was just back from a 10 day vacation, it was awesome. Won’t you be able to step out of your business, but the momentum has to be built before you do that and the plans in place for when you get back. And, you know, people were telling me like nobody will show up to an event. And then I reminded myself a simple universal truth. I don’t show up for a crowd, I show up for one, the one person who really needs me, and the one person who will see the value and want to work together. And so I thought, well, I have to learn this and I have to execute it in real life, not just in my imagination and in my own space for my dog years that I need to do this live. The interesting thing is I ran two sessions on a new webinar, which is the one I ran again this morning, I had 140 people register and I hit 78 Attend over the holidays. My clients actually signed more business in November in December than they do almost any month in the year most of their competition shuts their business down. Not to say that you have to play at Christmas. But I would say be careful the stories you tell yourself because I showed up for one. And I had a remarkably high attendance. And the interesting thing is that when the people that attended those sessions now we’re coming back, so I’m not changing the material. Like the course itself, the delivery, the message is solid because it’s the foundation which I teach the business scale accelerator. They said Yeah, but I, I am in my own way, and I need to hear it. Okay, into the room. What are you doing about it, hearing it, the first awareness piece, it’s not where you stop. Because the clients interesting now that I’ve signed out of this and brought on as new starts, they were also clients I quoted a year ago, or six months ago, and they’re still in the same place. Now. I’ve watched your business move and accelerate. And I realized I had the invitation to join you. And I stole they said, Okay, well, this is a different time and place, different gap. We’ve recognized a bigger gap in many cases. And are you ready to get to work? And the answer is a heck yes. And the second one is just also about play. And it’s about creating the right conversations. Because I think so often. And there’s a lot in our peer group in the world of coaches that you know, can talk a good game, but you walk a good game. I walk my business every day. And that’s thank you to the compliment of you who recognize that you do do this in real life. No, I am. I’m just as real in this moment as I am when you’re with me coaching or my ecosystem read at an event I host the key to me. So I wanted to amplify people who were walking their walk, because we need to be brighter. We need to amplify each other because there’s so many people who are stalled or telling themselves stories and say I want it because if wanting it is not enough, you need to make it a non negotiable and choose your speed about my first business an hour a day. Now, it’s certainly not that speed. But what I chose so if you’re a side hustler right now and you’re building something on the side, just stay in the movement at whatever speed you can. But you’ve got to decide, whatever is on the other side of that goal line. is a non negotiable and I need help. And sometimes it’s to hold the dream it’s also to say so what what’s happening in your world you made an offer When’s the last time you put yourself out there? When’s the last time you took a scary risk? Hopefully the answer is today. Yeah.

Kevin Stafford 20:10
I love it. I love it so much. Um, I can’t believe we’ve already been talking for almost a half an hour. I mean, I can totally believe it. It’s like, it’s I’m constantly amazed by that whenever I look at the Zoom clock, and it tells me the truth and I’m like really

Christine Campbell Rapin 20:23
short. We’re at a time where

Kevin Stafford 20:26
before I let you go, though, I want to make sure that we reiterate and obviously I’ll put links to everything and everywhere in the show notes. But where can people find out more about your I mean, the new initiatives more about what you do and you’ve been doing more about you yourself? Where can people connect with you start a conversation started relationship. Where can people find you and get more of this? Because I think they want it

Christine Campbell Rapin 20:49
come find me under my name. My name is Christine Campbell. Rapping rapping is spelled ra p i This is where you’ll find the whole environment that you can experience. You’ll see upcoming events like the webinar that I mentioned, you will find a way to connect to me on social media, you’ll find the opportunity to find out what it is that I do beyond this. I’d love to have you in the room. And if you need some support, guidance, introductions, hey, I’m all about connecting the dots can be part of the first domino and find me online Christine Campbell

Kevin Stafford 21:24
perfect place to leave it even though I jealously selfishly could keep going I could talk to you all day. Thank you for coming back on the podcast and I mean, I could do this all the time. I will I will almost certainly be sliding into your DMS somewhere probably on LinkedIn whoever wherever you happen to be and just asking you to come back for part three because and just see what what where momentum has taken you come May or June I’m always excited to hear and be encouraged by my friendly it’s it’s just it’s a little I mean, again, I don’t want to get caught blowing smoke up your butt again, but it’s a little inspirational quite frankly I’m feeling like energized just from you know exposure to the light you’re shining. So thank you for being here today and for being you always

Christine Campbell Rapin 22:05
thank you know what we rise to the vibration come play. That’s my invitation. Love to do it.

Kevin Stafford 22:11
And play. I love it. It’s the perfect place to leave it. Thank you for being here. Thank you for listening and we will talk to you again and play again very soon. Sounds great.

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